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03-11-25 03:45 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Omg, I am in love
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Posts: 6134/11758
Originally posted by White
Portal runs on the smae physics engine as HL2 right? Then it's gotta be awesome.

The most experience I have with this game is the Portal gun mod for Garry's mod.

Yes sir.

Though I'm sure it'll be even a little improved since its newer and everything.
Posts: 2164/2954
Portal runs on the smae physics engine as HL2 right? Then it's gotta be awesome.

The most experience I have with this game is the Portal gun mod for Garry's mod.
Posts: 6114/11758
Originally posted by Nagis
Its also coming out on the PS3 from what I understand from Valve's site.

Honestly, im a sony Geek for life, and I think Protal would be awesome on a console.

Yes, you're correct. I forgot about that.
Posts: 4134/7838
Its also coming out on the PS3 from what I understand from Valve's site.

Honestly, im a sony Geek for life, and I think Protal would be awesome on a console.
Posts: 6112/11758
If your PC is a bit behind, but instead you own a 360, well fear not. They're putting out the Half-Life Orange package (funny name), which will include:
- Half-Life 2
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Team Fortress 2
- Portal

Normally, that probably would've run for about $200 or so. And its going to be priced as a normal game, at a measly $60. That my friends, is better than Starcraft's Battle Chest. That is one of the best packages I have ever seen.

<3 Valve.
Posts: 316/639
Originally posted by Cairoi
XD Yeah, I remember seeing this before, it looks amazing.

I wish my computer wasn't a piece of shit and could actually run this, though. Maybe once I buy myself a new computer, I'll get it. When does it come out, any idea?

It is coming out with Half-Life 2: Episode Two which is supposed to come out in summer 2007.
Posts: 6096/11758
Originally posted by Vulkar
That game looks awesome...

However, I'm not entirely sure that it will end up that great. I mean, how many puzzles can you make with you warping from one place to another? Besides that, I tihkn that after around the first fifteen minute, it could get boring.

Or course, I was wrong about the gravity gun too, I thought it wasn't going to be any good.

I don't know. Look at Lemmings, a 2D puzzle game that was nearly endless and had like a thousand levels.

This is fully 3D and everything, and watching that video there was surely some crazy stuff going on. I'm sure we could see a ton of crazy puzzles here.

I've been waiting for this game pretty much since it first popped up.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 1975/4541
That game looks awesome...

However, I'm not entirely sure that it will end up that great. I mean, how many puzzles can you make with you warping from one place to another? Besides that, I tihkn that after around the first fifteen minute, it could get boring.

Or course, I was wrong about the gravity gun too, I thought it wasn't going to be any good.
Posts: 2067/3807
XD Yeah, I remember seeing this before, it looks amazing.

I wish my computer wasn't a piece of shit and could actually run this, though. Maybe once I buy myself a new computer, I'll get it. When does it come out, any idea?
Kyoku kun
Posts: 429/1329
I want to play the first few missions the rest look confusing as hell.
It looks fun to watch though.
Posts: 4049/7838
Originally posted by WhiteRose
WOW! That look like so much fun! I must have this! I really want to try that out.

Gotta wait 6 months. It comes out this FALL. *DIES CRYING*
Posts: 1129/1461
WOW! That look like so much fun! I must have this! I really want to try that out.
Posts: 82/513
God i know i can't wait for this to come out. the only way to get this is to get the second part of half-life 2.
Posts: 4047/7838
This was a BRILLIANT idea for a game that ive been looking for. But Geez, it looks seriously Godly

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