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12-04-24 09:21 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Series and their Picky Fans
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Posts: 1734/2724
it's more a matter of me losing faith in Square than an issue of specific series counts.
Posts: 6194/11757
Meh. There's two Chrono games (three if that text based Japanese only game counts) ...

And like, 200 FF's?

One more couldn't hurt, I'd hope ...
Posts: 1733/2724
Originally posted by Odin
We need more Chrono.

*Vidar looks at recent FF games.

Does the phrase "stop before you screw it up" ring a bell?
Posts: 6193/11757
A bit unrelated and related at the same time ..

I've always liked Trigger more, but pretty much just because I enjoyed the music more, the storyline, and the setting (the time travel idea was awesome).

Either way it doesn't really matter, artistically I think Chrono Cross is probably one of the most beautiful games ever created (the maps, areas and stuff. Am I looking too deeply into this?) and the music is incomparable. And well it had some cool futuristic stuff in there too. Storyline was a bit harder to follow, but yeah. It was my first PSX RPG that I owned and still one of the best.

We need more Chrono.
Posts: 13/215
I know of people who go on forums for the sole purpose of ripping other people apart
*Genome eyes up large mousetrap with "Something awful" written on it*
And it has happened to me before. You just learn to ignore them or, if you can't handle them, just leave. I personally like Crono cross/trigger, they freakin' rocked my socks off!

Question: Why do people bash things when they shouldn't?
Awnser: Because there total asshats who can't pick out all the great parts of something.
Posts: 2257/3807
I hate fanboys sometimes, jeez.

I was looking on the forum Chrono Compendium, because, as most people know, Chrono Cross is probably my favorite game of all time.

And no one was talking about it. Except for a thread bashing it by the creator.

It's not that I don't like Chrono Trigger. I loved it. BUT, I love Chrono Cross dearly, and I'm tired of it getting shit because Toriyama didn't design the characters and because it didn't directly involve the original characters.

Why do people always do this with these kinds of games? Why do people get so angry about things because they're not just a direct sequel. They always complain and bitch if it's not EXACTLY what they wanted.

Ugh, I dunno. I created this thread to see everyone's reaction on that, and to see if it's happened to you. Don't you just hate it when the fans ruin and try to control games? If you're a fan of a game, wouldn't it make more sense to see what the creators really wanted to see happen with it?

I just don't know. :/
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Series and their Picky Fans

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