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03-12-25 11:28 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Hyperbolic Time Chamber - Real Thread: Sexual positions...
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Posts: 4529/9736
Missionary or doggy. Girl on top is nice and all, but I don't like it as much.
Posts: 1429/1555
Yeah being on top is fun. I think I'm starting to prefer it, but dudes usually have that control problem.
Posts: 4754/7838

No seriously, I like being on top
Posts: 1410/1555
I can't believe I missed this thread. You all know that doggy is the best. I think the position depends on if you're making love, or fucking. Agree?
Posts: 360/368
The Jackhammer. (lol Scrubs ripoff)
True Flight
Posts: 2444/5245
*has been stacked before* using UAC during sex can be fun. =P That's manly what UAC is really a combination of martial arts, good ole sweaty army boys, and the karma sutra.

yeah I'm not a virgin and I don't know what to say about it.
Posts: 4328/7838
Well to be honest, I really dont have a favorite.

Theres my Balls.
Posts: 3274/11918
Heh, sorry to be late then.

Wish I'd checked this forum sooner.
Posts: 14/33
Originally posted by MasterSylar
Too bad I'm a virgin. :O

Yes, that is bad, and makes me very sad. Now I don't feel like living anymore. Libido is a terrible thing to waste.

Is there anyone here that will rise to the challenge and do MasterSylar?

(I'd volunteer, but I fear you are a d00d.)

Get back to us when you have a favorite position
Posts: 6273/11758
Too bad I'm a virgin. :O
Posts: 13/33
Thank you two very much for the responses, but they were too late. The paper was turned in yesterday.
Everyone should try to be as open and honest as you two were. Too bad it was two chicks that showed more balls than anyone else on here.
Posts: 3270/11918
Originally posted by WhiteRose
I don't really have a favorite really. I like to change things, switching every so often since each position can bring different sensations of pleasure to both people.

Yeah, changing up every few minutes is best.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 2211/2641
My favorites... Let's see...
The Chili Dog
The Boston Steamer
The Flying Dutchman!

And last but not least, the
Posts: 1199/1461
I don't really have a favorite really. I like to change things, switching every so often since each position can bring different sensations of pleasure to both people.
Posts: 3262/11918
I think Xeo was serious. You forgot the Rusty Trombone, hon.

OK, I'll be the first to answer it truthfully (that is if you don't want to count that Kama Sutra of a post of Xeo's).

I like an old favorite, it's tried and true and traditional: missionary. And all of it's many variations (legs over shoulders, legs wrapped around waists, etc). If ropes or bondage implements were involved I wouldn't be opposed (though they haven't ).

In answer for Zoso (the person with outie bits in this tango), he prefers the woman-on-top one (of many names), specially when certain motions are applied.

Yeah, we're lame.
Posts: 4321/7838
Originally posted by nuit
So no adults here, I'm assuming.

Cant spell ASSUME without making an ASS out of U and ME
Posts: 2313/3775
Did you really expect a serious response?

Wow, you are new here.
Posts: 12/33
So no adults here, I'm assuming.
Posts: 6260/11758
The Doggie Green Eggs and Ham Submission-ary Chokehold Goomba Pounding Punisher
Posts: 4309/7838
Oh sure, blame it on the psych paper you are doing.

Mine would have to be...

*signs off*
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Xeogaming Forums - Hyperbolic Time Chamber - Real Thread: Sexual positions...

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