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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore)
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Posts: 5756/7838
Originally posted by Shuyin
Doesn't Otacon tell you what to do? That's how I figured it out.

How do you go about transferring data between ps3's?

You need a Thumb Drive. And I know what you are up to.

Make sure you get the correct region.

Doesn't Otacon tell you what to do?

I played it on hard on my first run. I had to use my noggin on that one.

I do understand that on easier difficulties, Otacon tends to give you hints or solutions if you make a mistake.

Also, about the "Encounter" song as mentioned in the other thread, Ill display the spoiler below.

During the final fight with Liquid, the first song you hear is "Encounter", which was a very epic song that I enjoyed. At first glance, I thought it was a remake, but I believe its the Surround Sound that makes it sound so different.

The Smash Brother's remake of that song was made from the person who does the Zelda Music, which by the way, he is a huge fan of the series.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2190/2915
Plug some sort of USB drives on your PS3 (before turning the PS3 on), turn the PS3 on, hit copy.

Basically that's it.
Posts: 1711/1858
Doesn't Otacon tell you what to do? That's how I figured it out.

How do you go about transferring data between ps3's?
Posts: 7378/11757
Originally posted by Nagis
There was too a puzzle!

The fight with Vamp had my head scratching for awhile, and I only look at the guide when I am in Dire need, and this part was the only time I had to look

well now that you mention it, there really wasn't one. But to me it was still satisfying.

Haha, my friends and I were indeed stuck on that part for awhile.
Posts: 5754/7838
There was too a puzzle!

The fight with Vamp had my head scratching for awhile, and I only look at the guide when I am in Dire need, and this part was the only time I had to look

well now that you mention it, there really wasn't one. But to me it was still satisfying.
Posts: 7375/11757
Yeah, I see what you mean. Honestly, and I don't mean to sound like I'm trying to say "this game is just a movie" like a lot of others ... but I still think this one had the least amount of gameplay, and well it did kind of lack those weird puzzling moments the others had. How about the fake death in MGS3? Haha. And MGS2 was just crazy at times.

In the end and even though there seems to be less game here, the story just destroys everything. Plus these games have always had really high replay values if you ask me, then there's MGO, unlockables, etc. I've always thought the MGS games were really fun to go through multiple times.

I'd totally be playing it again if I had a PS3.
Posts: 1710/1858
I beat it the other day. I got the assassin emblem which means:

I got the Altair costume. Wooooot!

This is definitely one of the best games ever made. My only gripe, be it a veeery small one, is that there were no puzzles in the game at all. The previous 3 had cool parts where you had to think outside the box to progress. (the heating and cooling of the card keys come to mind) However, in MGS4 its all out espionage and that's it. The boss battles require thought, as they should, but most of them aren't that fulfilling when you beat.

I kinda felt like I was cheating when I would blast them with the rocket launcher repeatedly.....

This game rocked me hard. The ending was mindblowing.
Posts: 7366/11757
My friends and I beat it last night. On Sold Normal also I believe, took us 20 hours or so though, little more than Nagis (well we all had different skills. Haha... parts my friends were stuck at, I finished once. ). We also got "Eagle".

So yeah, I think most developers out there, should just simply not include storylines of any sort in games anymore. Why? This just blows the competition to Space Ball Pluto or whatever, or out of the water. Unbelievable. There's still room for more games in this whole vast universe Kojima has crafted of course, but the entire Snake story has been completed, utterly flawlessly.

I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY only recommend completing this game if you've at least beaten the original Metal Gear Solid. If not, I can't even begin to describe how much you'll be missing out on. One of my friends just read up about all the previous games, but I seriously doupt the experience was as powerful to him as it were myself and my other friends who played the others. Basically, if you play this without playing the others, it'd be like watching Star Wars VI and skipping IV and V or something.

And since I beat it, gotta talk about stuff:

- Metal Gear Rex vs Metal Gear Ray ... it looked really easy and my friend owned the shit out of Ray, but holy christ that was probably one of the most badass things I've ever seen. I think the purpose of it was for you to kick Liquid's ass there ... man, all the effects and everything, the explosions, etc, fuck DBZ.

- Also the parts before this with Snake crawling for his life to implement the virus ... walking down those long corridors with flashbacks left and right, you literally felt his life flashing before your eyes, I can't believe how powerful these segments were.

- Liquid: "Fox...!!!" ... Snake: "Die." .................... Liquid: "JK lol". lmao.

- Johny ... and Meryl? Wow, WTFlmao. Also Meryl and Campbell ... I have no idea why, maybe because it was the first part of the last few cutscenes, but this scene was insanely touching, when they came together and he walked her down the ramp to Johny. They finally put their resentment to the side.

- Raiden, I can't believe he didn't die. I CAN'T BELIEVE ROSE X CAMPBELL WAS A LIE! Honestly, I don't know about you guys but I don't want anymore games with Raiden ... why? His ending was easily one of the most touching segments of the game (and this is coming from someone who didn't like him that much in MGS2). He had a family, got his lady back, and had a kid. As a child soldier that has lived and breathed nothing but war, he now has a second life and I just really think they should leave him alone. Regardless of him being a complete badass now, he now has a real chance to live.

- The final fight between Snake and Liquid (this was something my friends were stuck on and then I came in beating it on my first try, haha). This was seriously one of the most epic duels I've ever seen, probably since Darth Vader vs Luke when I was like 5 years old. I liked how Liquid didn't fall off the top of that place or anything, instead, he literally had his life beaten out of him ... this whole fight was just mindblowing, both characters were at their limit and probably could've died at any moment. It was powerful when they both stuck each other with the medicine because you knew they just wanted to keep fighting each other. It was cool fighting Liquid in his various forms as well, with the incredible themes.

- I hated Vamp, but his death was powerful and damn, I kind of came to hate Naomi but her death was amazingly powerful as well. FUCK, Otacon has it the worst ... Sniper Wolf dies, Emma dies, and now Naomi, the poor guy just can't get a break!

- Big Boss ... I was spoiled about him being in the game, so I kind of knew it was coming at the end but holy shit, by far one of the greatest moments in a game series ever, one for the history books. Him "putting an end" to Zero was touching and finally himself just left me speechless. It was also amazing hearing Snake has "some" more time, but he could certainly go at any moment. All the Big Boss' words here were powerful, I liked how everyone including him, Solidus, and Liquid, all of those who seeked control and power of sorts were the ones that failed, the one that choose to live in the moment, Solid Snake, was the one to pull through in the end. Mission Accomplished Snake.

- The Physco Mantis scene ... YES! Nostalgia.

Was there anything I didn't really like about the game? Not really, but I honestly was a little disappointed with the "Beast" bosses. They were pretty lame if you ask me, basically ripoffs of some of the previous bosses with pretty much no "character" at all. I guess some of their fights were nostalgic (mainly Crying Wolf and Mantis) but yeah ... oh well, other characters like Vamp and whatnot made up for this.

I didn't really care for Drebin either. Didn't hate him, but meh.

Game of the year? Probably in the top 10 list of videogame history is more like it.
Posts: 5746/7838
I said something earlier about an Ipod track on MGS4 closely relating to the Opening to MGS1.

Ending to Policenauts. Which right now I am getting a fan translation of it. (That and La-Mulana, even though Kojima diddnt direct it, it had a huge Metal Gear influence to it, and even had some in game cartridges that would aid you in your quest)

Love this song.
Posts: 2192/2999
But MGS3 had The Fury, and a guy covered in bees. Instant success.
Posts: 165/215
Originally posted by !
You were disappointed by MGS3?

Only a little, but only because Snake wasn't god yet, and Matthew was being a prick. XD wait, that second part has nothing to do with the game itself...

EDIT: But man was he being a prick... It's not like I hijacked his console in his own home- owait, I did.
Posts: 7364/11757
You were disappointed by MGS3?
Posts: 161/215
Originally posted by !
So I just finished the first game again, man it's crazy how well I remember all the "events"of the game and how it progresses, though I certainly needed a refresher on the storyline. Like I was saying above, it's crazy how well Kojima connected things here and well, when I was going through MGS again there were so many things that almost made my head explode. Again... it's just absolutely insane how everything is perfectly explained.

Going through it again and knowing stuff about MGS4, throughout the entire game it's like I had no idea who the hell to trust. And man does this game never age. Now I love the new ones and how they're a little more polished with the music and all, but the original will always have a real special place in my heart I've gotta say. I just love the atmosphere, it seems much darker, the classic sci-fi soundtrack, Liquid, etc, epic. But this whole series will definitely become a classic in my eyes a few years down the road. I think Kojima pretty much made something comparable to Star Wars in terms of fame and possiblities in the realm of videogames. He created a "world".

Anyways ... I also can't contain myself, it's getting really hard. I watched a few videos on Youtube, like R's ending and stuff. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I need money and a PS3!

Ahh I love the MGS series, and even though 3 was a little bit of a let down, I was already addicted so it didn't matter. Fully agree with the statement, Metal Gear will have a place in the hearts of gamers for generations to come. And as for needing money for a PS3, I'm in the same boat as you. Kojima sure knows how to make a story...
Posts: 7362/11757
So I just finished the first game again, man it's crazy how well I remember all the "events"of the game and how it progresses, though I certainly needed a refresher on the storyline. Like I was saying above, it's crazy how well Kojima connected things here and well, when I was going through MGS again there were so many things that almost made my head explode. Again... it's just absolutely insane how everything is perfectly explained.

Going through it again and knowing stuff about MGS4, throughout the entire game it's like I had no idea who the hell to trust. And man does this game never age. Now I love the new ones and how they're a little more polished with the music and all, but the original will always have a real special place in my heart I've gotta say. I just love the atmosphere, it seems much darker, the classic sci-fi soundtrack, Liquid, etc, epic. But this whole series will definitely become a classic in my eyes a few years down the road. I think Kojima pretty much made something comparable to Star Wars in terms of fame and possiblities in the realm of videogames. He created a "world".

Anyways ... I also can't contain myself, it's getting really hard. I watched a few videos on Youtube, like R's ending and stuff. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I need money and a PS3!
Posts: 5745/7838
Originally posted by Old Snake
Originally posted by Kyoku kun
How many Acts are in the game? I've been wondering that for awhile now..


Also, I just watched the BD from the Limited Edition, and wow: Kojima is awesome.

(i.e: to make things more realistic, part of the staff took some military training)

Tried finding the Ghosts on Shadow Moses Island yet? It was nice that they returned that once again to the game.

But yeah, you can see the stress in Kojima while he was making this game. Its amazing that him and his staff pulled through, and I was cheering when I saw that the Staff and him were having that "Gamer High", smiling, and just continuing their work on the game itself. It baffles me.

@Xeios: Killing people is fun, but CQC is far more enjoyable. (Hint at secret Costume)

@ Cairoi: There there bud. When you get it in your hands, you will cry.

@ Xeo:

Yeah, I kinda figured the DARPA Chief was Sigint for awhile now actually. Why else would Ocelot kill him in the events of MGS1? Only the DARPA Chief would know who he was really working for. But yeah, it was nice to see some clarification to be honest. As each chapter unfolds: It will keep getting better and better. Act 4 should prove to start really bring some tears to your eyes, I Promise.

And not trying to be a Fanboy or anything, but if they were to make this for the XBOX, it would have to make more than just expanded on HD-DVD's, they would have to get rid of the Ipod, Mac Book that Otacon uses, and etc. But if it does come to Xbox, more power to you guys, Im glad you guys will experience this wonderful story. But for now, the best experience is Only on PS3.

I finally beat Big Boss Hard, but I was 14 minutes off the 5 hour limit, but I did get the FOX title, and got a nice little present for my efforts. Now its time to do ALL THAT SHIT AGAIN AND GET PISSED OFF.

Least I know what I need to do now, its a sinch, and Saving is Key to this...*Head Desks*

Edit- And I had to re-visit...someplace, and found a very interesting Ipod track, its the Ending to Policenaunts, that bears a strange resemblance to the opening of MGS1 on the PS1. (You know that little "Do. Do. Do. dododo." part? Yeah, that one, but...better)

Here is how to get it!

When you are on Act 4, in Shadow Moses Island, remember when you have to punch in the Password to unlock the Door to the First Floor? Well, instead of punching in the code Otacon tells you, Punch in "13462" to get Policenaunts, and "78925" for another track that I have yet to Unlock. If you need 100,000 Drebin points, you punch in "14893", you should hear a Monkey scream if you did it correctly.

Also, when it depletes your stamina, hit "X" rapidly to recharge it, I usually hit Triangle and X just to be sure it does, cause sometimes if you slow down, you cant recharge it all the way.

If you guys need help, IM me anytime.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2189/2915
Originally posted by Kyoku kun
How many Acts are in the game? I've been wondering that for awhile now..


Also, I just watched the BD from the Limited Edition, and wow: Kojima is awesome.

(i.e: to make things more realistic, part of the staff took some military training)
Posts: 159/215
You know what's worse then not having Metal Gear Solid: 4? Having two of your friends message you everyday about something to do with how amazing Metal gear Solid: 4 is. T_T It's driving me mad
Kyoku kun
Posts: 858/1329
How many Acts are in the game? I've been wondering that for awhile now..
Posts: 1707/1858
Originally posted by Nagis
Originally posted by !
lol ... it'll depend on where you're planning on buying one probably. Walmart should be easy.

Yeah you can turn back anything at Wally world, does not matter if you have the receipt or not. (Least in my area)

But +1 for Walmart, everywhere else are smarter. /correct grammar

Walmart was out of PS3s so I called Best buy and they said I could bring it back within 30 days, even if its opened.

So...I'm going for the Altair costume. w00ters
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2188/2915
You know what's fun?

Beauties and a camera -> photoshoot.

*Old Snake looks around.

EDIT: also, I hope that those who finished the game know what my title mean =P
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Metal Gear Solid 4 (spoilers galore)

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