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02-16-25 06:40 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - TIME TO PARTY
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Posts: 2298/2954
Schooooooooools OUT FOR EVAR!
Posts: 1769/2724
Originally posted by Leon D. Sagara
School? ............ Whats That?????

((Been out for 5 years))

That prison you were stuck in for about twelve years. At least, if it sucked even as much as mine did, let alone what some people have to suffer through. I've been out for... two years, now, not counting the short time it took to go through a few refresher classes (that I only needed to avoid being considered a dropout, really) to get my GED.
Posts: 1193/1461
Originally posted by Makura
Uhhh..I have like a little over a month left. And I'll cry at least 15 times between now and then. I have mega finals and projects before school's out.

I completely relate to you. I'm always doing papers as it is, so finals is no different. Luckily I only have one paper left and one real final to worry about. Then again, that one final is history of psychology (Note: history of any sort is not my strong point)
Posts: 1312/1555
Uhhh..I have like a little over a month left. And I'll cry at least 15 times between now and then. I have mega finals and projects before school's out.
Posts: 167/185
Originally posted by Leon D. Sagara
School? ............ Whats That?????

((Been out for 5 years))

I kind of feel ya there. It's been 2 for me, at least for civilian school life. Not as long, but it still feels like an eternity

Originally posted by Katana
**hugs** It's okay. When we're going back to school and you aren't, you can point and laugh. Okay?

Lesse...plans for the summer. Gonna get a second job if this one doesn't give me more hours. Gonna study Japanese all summer. I can't take the 201 class next fall because it conflicts with the classes I HAVE to take. So I'll study, take the evaluation thingie and if I pass, I can take 202 in the Spring.

Other than that? No plans. Just gonna bum around and whatever comes up comes up. Teehee.

Thought you were going back to school in 2008? Well if not, then I guess that's better the sooner than later
Leon D. Sagara
Posts: 719/859
School? ............ Whats That?????

((Been out for 5 years))
Posts: 298/577
I got just less than 4 weeks left. I get out on June 8th.
Posts: 2124/3649
Originally posted by The Politician
1+ Months left.



**hugs** It's okay. When we're going back to school and you aren't, you can point and laugh. Okay?

Lesse...plans for the summer. Gonna get a second job if this one doesn't give me more hours. Gonna study Japanese all summer. I can't take the 201 class next fall because it conflicts with the classes I HAVE to take. So I'll study, take the evaluation thingie and if I pass, I can take 202 in the Spring.

Other than that? No plans. Just gonna bum around and whatever comes up comes up. Teehee.
Posts: 1675/2999
1+ Months left.


Posts: 107/684
Originally posted by Nagis

Well, ive been out of school. WORK YAY!

So do I except I don't have work at this moment
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 126/418
LOL! College FTW!

I've been out since the 9th (1 week today). I don't start work till June 16th (1 month away) and I'll get $2000 + unlimited free food + free electricity/water/lodging (no internets) + Tuesday nights through Wednesday nights off + Saturday nights off.

I'm working at a Cub Scout resident Summer Camp. The scouts are there for 3 days, and we get a day off then the next group comes for 3 days and we get the Saturday night off. Free food and power FTW. I'll get wireless on breaks too.
Posts: 4319/7838

Well, ive been out of school. WORK YAY!
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2173/4541
I've still got about two an a half weeks.

But I'll party then!
Posts: 166/185
I miss life going to school No more summer breaks for me
Won't be in college for like 6 years

What are all of you up to this summer eh?
Posts: 1192/1461
two more weeks! Freaking out about finals, but it will feel SO GOOD when it's over!
Posts: 2123/3649
I have two more daysl...Grrr....that last stretch is a bitch!
Kyoku kun
Posts: 473/1329
Lucky! I have like.... 4 more weeks.
Posts: 6268/11758

Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - TIME TO PARTY

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