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03-13-25 12:40 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Fist Fight Challenge
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Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2244/4541
Alex(Who is from now on going to be called Atigg, in order to prevent confusion), quickly threw himself forward to try and avoid John's attack. He threw himself to the floor in a dive, and went sliding in a way so that John missed him.

Atigg quickly pulled himself up, and went after Royin from behind. He quickly sent a punch towards Royin's lower spine, with what would hopefully be bonecrushing force.

"No one wants to try and make a guess?" Atigg asked.
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 133/418
Alex let go of the pool cue in time to not run into the punch, but stepped back out of the punch. He reached into a pocket and grabbed the pool ball just as he noticed Royin flying toward Eric's head and let go of the ball. After a moment's disorientation from the arena transition, decided to make for the store cupboard and try to get some chemicals to hurt his opponents with. He was looking for bleach or ammonia...
Leon D. Sagara
Posts: 739/859
::As Eric was countering the pool cue, Royin took the opportunity to eliminate one of his opponents by coming up from Eric's exposed right side with a double foot drop kick aimed right at his head. Royin hit the ground and quickly bounced back up awaiting any other attacks that might come his way::
Posts: 2388/3775
As the cue swung towards Eric, he quickly grabbed the end with his left hand and pulled, as he swung his right fist forward. If Alex held on he'd recieve a powerful blow to the gut, and if he let go, he'd be caught in close range against a big man with a heavy stick.
Posts: 1007/1748
(ooc: It would appear as though White isn't posting... Although his last activity was a few days ago, let alone his last post... However, I did put it in the rules, and I'm even a day late to enforce it... Sorry White, but you did not send me a PM or contact me.)

Ryan re-activates his microphone. "Well, ladies and gentleman, it appears as though Talea is stuck... Thank you creator! Now we get to watch someone get exploded!" Ryan watches as the warning light turns on. Moments later, Talea collapsed on the floor, most of her body torn apart in a small blast of flame. A distinct smell of burnt flesh, hair and clothing floated through the air briefly, until the arena changed.

Most notably it had gotten smaller and the roof had become very low. Everyone was still in exactly the same position as before however, and any currently held weapon stayed. The arena became a small modern church, roughly four rows of benches that could seat on average around 80 people. The benches are fixed but destructible. Electric speakers are placed near the ceiling, both of them connected by live wires. A store cupboard located at the back contains various cleaning equipment, most notably cleaning fluid, brooms and mops. Other general church stuff, like a large heavy bible, a wooden cross etc. are near the front of the rows of chairs.

The change was so quick the players would still be in their same positions still fighting, although hopefully slightly disorientated.
Posts: 2317/3807
As Alex bent down for the swing, John took a step to the left and acted quickly, bringing his elbow down on Alex's head, who's slouched figure was a prime target for this. He put enough force in it to inflict some major damage, planning on teaching Alex a lesson on attacking him first.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2218/4541
Other Alex quickly moved towards John, attempting to send a lower jab to John's chest, a move which was usually able to get around the standard bexing stance.

"So everyone," Alex said conversationally, despite attempting to punch John, "Who are you all betting on for losing first?
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 132/418
As soon as the bell rung, Alex sprang toward Eric, who was near the bar. He swung one end of the pool cue at Eric's neck as hard as he could, hoping to bring the other end around to smack Eric in the head.
Posts: 999/1748
(ooc: If you notice, the post order is the order I received the character sheets. )

Ryan clears his throat. "I trust you are all ready... Now, I don't want any clean fighting! Dirty, sneaky tactics are allowed! Maakes for a great show... Now... I will stop talking from now until someone is knocked out of the round...

Round 1! BEGIN!" A long, loud bell was struck from somewhere outside the arena so all the fighters could hear it. Loud, very bassy battle music began to play to show the battle has begun.
Leon D. Sagara
Posts: 735/859

::Royin entered the room, his black tank top fit tightly around his shaped body, and his slightly baggy pants marked his steps as he confidently walked in. His black and white shoes made a soft squeaky sound as he moved. He stopped in a spot that made him exactly across from the only other person with no weapons, his fists clinched and his feet made a few awkward moves before firmly planting onto the ground in his traditional fighting stance::

"My own abilities will suffice for this battle, lets play"

Posts: 2343/3775
Eric stepped around the cable and approached the bar. Reaching over the bar, he grabbed a bottle at random, and finished off the contents. Slamming the bottle down, he wiped off his mouth with the back of his hand.
Posts: 2306/2954
Upon entering the hall, Talea noted the others, who were much bigger than her. She is very thin, and appears to have little muscle. She began to pace around the 'tough' guys in the room. She grabbed two billiards balls. The white ball and the 8. Taking both in hand, she clenched them tightly, and attempted to put herself near a wall of some sort, to keep her blind spot in check.
Posts: 2310/3807
John walked into the arena, cracking his knuckles. He wore fitted yet somewhat loose black khakis, no shoes, and no shirt. He was muscular and thin, yet dense muscled and framed.

"I'm not going to bother arming myself. I'll bring you down with my bare hands."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2195/4541
Alex entered the arena, grinning. This should be fun.

His arms were lined with muscles, though any other part of his body was concealed, as he wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He looked over to the other Alex, also known as Richards.

"Hello there," he said. "How you doing?"
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 129/418
Alex Richards stretched while he descended on the platform. Looking at the other fighters, he knew he would have his work cut out for him. After Ryan finished, Alex walked over to the pool table and grabbed a cue and a ball. He stuck the ball in his pocket for later use and held the cue like a quarter staff. He then walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of hard liquor. He kept the bottle sealed and looked for lights which could ignite the alcohol inside. He stood near the bar, bottle of alcohol in his left pocket, pool ball in his right, and pool cue in hand, waiting for the battle to begin, remaining silent.
Posts: 998/1748
Ryan, the announcer for the Fist Fight Challenge opens the arena's doors. He then disappears in a puff of smoke, reappearing infront of the microphone box situated just outside the arena. Hidden cameras are placed everywhere for him and millions of TV viewers to watch the entire FFC.
"Welcome to this year's Fist Fight Challenge! Like always it is grusome, blood-filled and hard to the very core, where a group of people fight to win the grand prize of fifty thousand dollars!!!"
The cameras change positions to show a huge live crowd cheering, clapping and screaming.
"We're sorry for those who had to watch at home, but if you want any hope of viewing this spectacular battle you must book two years in advance! Now, to follow the tradition of the FFC and to inform those new to the game, I'll go through the rules:
1) Players all fight in the same room.
2) Any player can attack any other player.
3) No player starts with any weapons, yet ANYTHING in the arena can be used.
4) If at any point a player is found to have super-human abilities, a bomb inside them will detonate, killing the player. No other players will be harmed in the explosion.
4a) If a player keeps away from battle for more than two posts, the bomb will also detonate.
5) A special weapon is hidden in each room... Which ever player finds it will have a great advantage.
6) There are no exits in any of the rooms. Those rooms most would assume have exits are closed off. The fighters are here until only one remains!
I believe that is all of them... Now..." A large television turns on with a short clip of the first arena.
"Firstly, we have a simple large main hall, stacked chairs along the side, a pool table (Complete with cues and balls) in a small side room, a stage with DJ turntable, corded microphone, speakers and CDs, and a small bar area with beer glasses, wine and spirit bottles and etcetera."
The TV turns off and slides away. A quiet whirring sound could be heard as the room changed into exactly what was shown in the clip. After the room finished self building, six platforms connected by steel ropes lowered slowly into the room from the ceiling, each one holding a combatant. The crowd cheered, various groups holding signs showing support to the fighters.
"This year's fighters are:
Alex Richards (Lord Alexandor)
Alex (Vulkar)
John (Clash)
Talea (White)
Eric (FX)
Royin Bathis (Leon D. Sagara)
This list shall also be the post order. This is required to allow everyone to have a chance. OH! I knew I'd forgotten a rule! If someone takes longer than 3 days to post without letting me know, the bomb detonates. Now, to get the fighters into the swing of it, they get one post to warm up, collect a weapon of need be and taunt their fellow battlers. Then comes the moment we've all been waiting for... This year's FFC!!!" The crowd roared with delight, mexican waves formed, popcorn and burger wrappers flew into the air.
"Now let's make this the best Fist Fight Challenge ever!" Was Ryan's last line before he let the battlers have their warmup.
Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Fist Fight Challenge

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