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03-14-25 05:35 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Stardust
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Posts: 81/204
Glad I saw this movie. Honestly, hadn't heard much about the author (too busy with my head in Paranormal Romance), but I can see why he is loved.

Oh, and Robert him!

I laughed and cried...signs of a good film.
Posts: 3533/11918
I'd forgotten about this, but supposedly Neil based a talking tree part on Tori Amos (who's a long time friend of his) and she sang about it in her song "Horses." The line goes "And if there is a way to find you, I will find you. But will you find me if Neil makes me a tree" :
Posts: 4561/9736

Wait... DEATH movie? I am intrigued. Good Omens would make an awesome movie, but I don't think it could be done without butchering it a little.
Posts: 1327/1461
Got them! Got the advance screening tickets for Stardust! So we get to see it a day before most people (except for Rogue who already saw it ). I'm really quite exited about this. There are so many parts I'm looking forward to, especially just seeing the fair.
Posts: 4844/7838
I saw the commercial for this movie and it looked pretty good. Its a movie I would go see, definitely worth my time from what I have seen.

I know I cant really elaborate much on this post as you guys are, but from what I have read here and from what I have seen, yeah.
Posts: 3521/11918
During the panel he did at Con which was pretty much just him talking and answering questions from the audience, someone asked if American Gods was ever going into the works and he said that there are a few rumors floating about and he wouldn't be surprised if the movie does come up eventually, but it is unfortunately not in the cards as of yet.

He also brought up the idea of a Good Omens movie--according to Neil, it will not be made unless someone gives Terry Pratchett $70 million. While some audience members put up the idea of passing a hat around and each of us dropping in $10, Neil disagreed with the idea since Terry always has trouble with producers and he doesn't want Terry to have to hunt us each down for an argument.

Ideas that are in the works, however, his children's book Coraline (which Tim Burton's already working on), Beowulf (which is about to hit theaters soon in 3D and 2D. Believe me it looks AWESOME) and one he's about to announce: the DEATH movie.

Many have been arguing for some Sandman love in movie form, but Neil has already been saying that he would much rather have no movie made for it than to have a butchered, poor Sandman movie made.
Posts: 1321/1461
Originally posted by Elara
Same here, I loved the Sandman series!

... hmn, imagine if they made American Gods into a movie.

*drools* I would be at the midnight release of it without a second though....probably a few days in advance. Wonder if they will ever do it.
Posts: 4555/9736
Same here, I loved the Sandman series!

... hmn, imagine if they made American Gods into a movie.
Posts: 3520/11918
Originally posted by nuit
I won't get any popularity points for this, but I think Neil Gaiman is way over-rated. Sandman? Snooze...
I can't judge the movie without having seen it yet, I imagine it would be different from his usual stuff.

Considering the fact that I haven't read much of Sandman, I can't really defend him there, but American Gods is among my absolute favorite books. It's an amazing read.

Other works of his are just as imaginative and astounding.

It's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but I'm inclined to disagree.
Posts: 22/33
I won't get any popularity points for this, but I think Neil Gaiman is way over-rated. Sandman? Snooze...
I can't judge the movie without having seen it yet, I imagine it would be different from his usual stuff.
Posts: 3515/11918
Originally posted by Elara
Holy! Wait, who was the other guy? I can't remember his name.

If I'm not mistaken, the guy pressing his lips on Neil was Jonathon Ross (British comedian).
Posts: 4551/9736
Holy! Wait, who was the other guy? I can't remember his name.
Posts: 224/546
I've only seen one commercial of this, but I think it looks great and I can't wait for it to come out in theaters! =D I'm definitely going to go see it.

I've never read the book before though so I'm not sure what to expect. lol
Posts: 3514/11918
It was a Comic-Con exclusive that Gina and I went to. You had to get this special paper, call the number to reserve and be there like 3 or 4 hours early.

Anyway, reading the book beforehand is useful, but not necessary. I could make out a list of the differences, but not only would it ruin the movie for you, it would just be nitpicking a movie that's pretty good on its own.

EDIT: Oh, I should also add that this happened at Comic-Con, but I was at the Spike and Mike gauntlet so I missed it (I don't do the awards shows anyway):
Posts: 4550/9736
... I too shall join in this hunt. But yeah, I am looking forward to the movie as well. I think my decision to not read the book first is turning out to be a good one.
Posts: 1317/1461
*Glares* got to talk to Neil Gaiman.....I'm hunting you down Rogue...I want to cry now ....Anyways, I didn't expect it to be close to the book, so I'm still looking forward to it. Need to re-read it, just so I can p\be picky about it .
Posts: 3502/11918
OK, don't hate me....

I saw it this weekend...

With Neil Gaiman sitting 3 feet away from me...

And I got to ask him a couple questions...

And got a signed poster from him.

*Runs away as fast as her chubby legs can carry her to escape the extreme smiting she's due for*

In regards to the film, it's really good and beautiful and lovely as a movie, though it has many, many differences from the book (which are not bad, but I'm just pointing them out if you have read the book). Namely the ending is COMPLETELY different (No, I will not spoil it).

Captain Shakespeare's part has so much just added to it, but it's all welcome additions. There's no hairy man and Tristran's name (through a clerical error on one of the writer's parts as Neil pointed out) became Tristan.

Neil mentioned that comparing the movie and the book would be like comparing Earth I to Earth II. I adore it.
Posts: 1396/1555
*pouts* I have to wait a whole 3 days to see it because Pockets will be out of town.
Posts: 1288/1461
Wow, that is really cool, now we have to go see it when it opens. Even if we can't see the meteor shower, it will be cool to know that it's going on as we get out of the movie.
Posts: 1384/1555
That is awesome. Pockets will be in Nevada that weekend which now saddens me even more. But hopefully we'll be able to see the shower with all he light pollution.
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Stardust

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