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12-17-24 11:51 PM
0 users currently in General Chat.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - It seem'd like a good idea at the time
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Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2687/4541
Come on, you should have actually done the stair thing!

If you did that, you would have been considered very awesome.

On a side note...why the heck did you actually do all this?
Posts: 1214/1748
Because downloading Quicktime just to watch you would be a waste?
Posts: 1353/1569
Originally posted by Rehash
Figured as much.

BTW... I don't have the codecs required to watch those.

Ashton why dont you download Quicktime...n00b
Posts: 1351/1569
I should point out that all of these are me...
Posts: 1350/1569
Watch me being a fool
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - It seem'd like a good idea at the time

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