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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Dumbledore is a Mo
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Posts: 3804/11918
Originally posted by Super Hiro
Isn't Ian McKellen gay?

That he is.

It's really funny seeing him as Magneto sometimes considering how much lay he got in the comic book. Mystique was putting out for him every chance he got.

And if I remember right, there's a secret gag reel from X2 that have a lot of gay jokes with Ian like when they're sitting around the campfire shortly after he and the X-Men join forces against Stryker he and Rebecca are sharing a hot dog. I got to see the reel once at a convention, it's fucking hilarious.

Anyway, back to the OP.

I don't really get the idea of drawing so much attention to the character's sexuality, although now it's justifies a lot of the slashers out there who go for making characters gay to fit their fantasies and so on. Who knows? Maybe it explains the tension between Dumbledore and Voldemort or Dumbledore and Snape?

I'm pretty sure the magickal world of HP is a lot less homophobic.
Posts: 2749/3775
Originally posted by Rogue
OK, not really, but hey this opens the door for other literary wizards to come out of the closet. Gandalf... the wonderful Wizard of Oz, perchance?

Isn't Ian McKellen gay?
Posts: 2600/3807
Originally posted by King Cairoi

While the information is kinda pointless, she only announced it when she was asked if Dumbledore ever found true love when asked by a fan. She has so much background information on all the characters she said she could write an encyclopedia with all the notes she's written over the years.

She wasn't the one to make a big deal about it, everyone else is.

Posts: 4653/9736
It's funny, I always thought that Dumbledore came across as asexual more than anything. But I have to say I agree with Katana's statment, putting it in the books would have just created unneeded drama. I personally thought she said it just to piss off the bible thumpers, but that is just my thoughts.
Posts: 3783/11918
Pssh, I still need to get past the first pages of Wicked. I started it, never got around to reading more, and for some reason have been feeling discouraged with all the hype surrounding it (since the musical's been playing here for the past few months and there are ads and talk about it at all times).

Yeah, Professor Marvel/Wizard definitely comes up as a blip.

What about Merlin from the Sword in the Stone?
Posts: 1562/1858
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by Evo

OK, not really, but hey this opens the door for other literary wizards to come out of the closet. Gandalf... the wonderful Wizard of Oz, perchance?

Well according to Wicked the Wizard of Oz is straight. And a hustler.....

But he definitely makes the gaydar beep in the movie.
Posts: 3781/11918
Originally posted by Evo
This was accidently double-posted... please delete. <3 *heart*

Sorry, for some reason the "Delete post" feature's been disabled on the board. Even as a mod, I can't do it.

In regards to the original topic, I suppose when you create characters in your head, they become very real for you and have little stories about them that you just don't have a place to include it. With the Harry Potter books, which are geared towards children but have become a bit more mature as the series progressed, details take a backseat to plot development and adding colorful new characters to the storyline.

But I saw it coming in the first book when Dumbledore's standing before the Mirror of Erised which shows you your greatest desires saying that he sees himself holding a new pair of socks.

OK, not really, but hey this opens the door for other literary wizards to come out of the closet. Gandalf... the wonderful Wizard of Oz, perchance?
Posts: 862/871
This was accidently double-posted... please delete. <3 *heart*
Posts: 862/871
"But I am disappointed that she did not make Dumbledore's sexuality explicit in the Harry Potter book. Making it obvious would have sent a much more powerful message of understanding and acceptance."

Agreed with that statement in the article. She knew her books were already controversial... whoever was going to read them was going to read them, and whoever wasn't, well... wasn't.

I don't think she made it up on the spot, but it was more of an afterthought that she probably could have included in the books but didn't think of it until after.

Posts: 2230/3649
I dun think anyone was really bashing her. Shuyin was simply making a point and Danny just didn't like the books.

But, I do agree with Cairoi. I don't think she "made" anything up on the spot. Through the course of the books, she's always been secretive about many things. Or at least teased fans with information until it was presented in the books.

(warning: will speak of homosexuality, and it is objectively speaking, so don't assume I am trying to be for or against something, that is a point for another discussion.)

As far as announcing the whole Dumbledore thing...think about it. That would definitely have effected the way fans viewed the character. Not saying everyone would judge him for the worst, but it would still be something for people to focus on. An unimportant factor of the character at least. It would have brought up unnecessicary controversy. The character is supposed to be a decent man, ya know? I can hear certain arguments now. "He's a good guy...but he's gay." Or "Yeah, he's a good guy and he's gay..." I can see people using the homosexuality either as something the cripples him, or using it in some way to assert gay pride and such. Since homosexuality is such a big deal lately in certain places, some of which her books are extremely popular, she didn't want that taking away from her book and Dumbledore's character.

Posts: 2591/3807
She did a commentary for the first movie stating she had seven books planned. She just banked out pretty damn good here,

While the information is kinda pointless, she only announced it when she was asked if Dumbledore ever found true love when asked by a fan. She has so much background information on all the characters she said she could write an encyclopedia with all the notes she's written over the years.

She wasn't the one to make a big deal about it, everyone else is. So do everybody a favor guys and don't bash someone unless you know the story.
Posts: 1237/1748
Now we should all know the Cat in the Hat is a pedophile!

But on topic, I do not feel that this piece of news is worth anything. This may be fueled by my hatred towards Harry Potter, but I'm guessing it was never mentioned in the books, so what's the point in telling people this little bit of information, AFTER the final book (THANK GOD) came out? It's pointless...

This just adds to my theory that she just got money hungry since the second HP book.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2708/4541
Strange, I could swear it said something about him being put into some big wizard prison...

Also, she would have mentioned it even if it was irrelavent to the plot. Her books usually have about 200+ pages of pure character development that's irrelavent to the story.

So yeah, I think she changed her mind so that she could get more publicity for Harry Potter. She hasn't been a headline for a while, so she decided to make a move for more publicity.
Posts: 2708/3775
Originally posted by Vulkar
Yeah, in my opinion, she decided that AFTER she wrote the books. Otherwise I think she would have actually mentioned it.

Also...what lack of judgement did Dumbledore show with that one guy he was "stricken" with?"

She didn't mention it because it didn't matter that much, and wasn't relevant. And he killed the guy he was stricken with.
Posts: 373/3416
I saw this in the newspaper and I was like, "Holy crap, the bible huggers (No offense to any on the boards) are gonna freak now!"... Then I realized that none of them even read anything ABOUT Harry Potter either. It'll get around to them one of these years. THEN they'll freak.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2705/4541
Yeah, in my opinion, she decided that AFTER she wrote the books. Otherwise I think she would have actually mentioned it.

Also...what lack of judgement did Dumbledore show with that one guy he was "stricken" with?"
Posts: 1550/1858
Rowling's Statement

Are there any other literary characters that are gay in children's books? The Cat in the Hat perhaps?
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