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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - OK Kiddies Let's Talk Sex or Not...
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Posts: 400/3416
If the parents are smart/stupid enough to HAVE children, it shouldn't be too hard to teach about it, no?
Posts: 2291/3649
Originally posted by Elara
The reason I think the schools should be required to do it is because usually if you leave it up to the parents they may not know all the information. There are honestly people that think you can get HIV from shaking hands with someone that has it. They should explain how it works, what does what (c'mon, like the average parent knows what the vas deferense is), and the consequences of having sex.

Of course I think parents should play their role, but that is exactly why I think it should be a combination of parents AND school. Parents can get more personal. They can talk about the experience, but even if they were taught about STDs and other information in school....with research and time, more things are learned and what THEY knew from school simply may NOT be the norm anymore. So, no matter what, both parents and school should be involved.

Posts: 4669/9736
I think teaching it in schools is just fine. I knew what sex was early on, and no one told me anything about it, I just knew (the theory is that my brother watched porn while babysitting me while I was a baby or something). Fourth grade saw the separating and watching where babies come from, and then there was sex-ed in 7th or 8th grade and the high school health class.

The reason I think the schools should be required to do it is because usually if you leave it up to the parents they may not know all the information. There are honestly people that think you can get HIV from shaking hands with someone that has it. They should explain how it works, what does what (c'mon, like the average parent knows what the vas deferense is), and the consequences of having sex.
True Flight
Posts: 3136/5245
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by One Shot One Kill
so you would rather have someone go into the the deep unknown with out the knowledge of what could happen. What if that child gains an STD and didn't know what it was? Then it's too late, how many other people could have this STD?

I think what Logos was implying (and not that I mean to put words into his mouth) is that aspects such as STDs, contraception and all of that should be taught, but parents shouldn't be pulling out the Kama Sutra to go over positions and such. That part is instinctual as he so says.

*shrugs* I like being the devil's advocate though. I just wanted to see if he'd answer clearly.

But anyway this information is very useful guys for my editorial.

Bad news is that we live in a conservatist state, so it probably won't be published. But I know a ton of people in the Ledger.
Posts: 5289/7838
Originally posted by Rogue
Originally posted by One Shot One Kill
so you would rather have someone go into the the deep unknown with out the knowledge of what could happen. What if that child gains an STD and didn't know what it was? Then it's too late, how many other people could have this STD?

I think what Logos was implying (and not that I mean to put words into his mouth) is that aspects such as STDs, contraception and all of that should be taught, but parents shouldn't be pulling out the Kama Sutra to go over positions and such. That part is instinctual as he so says.

Wow, that totally makes sence. I never thought of it that way to be honest.
Posts: 3832/11918
Originally posted by One Shot One Kill
so you would rather have someone go into the the deep unknown with out the knowledge of what could happen. What if that child gains an STD and didn't know what it was? Then it's too late, how many other people could have this STD?

I think what Logos was implying (and not that I mean to put words into his mouth) is that aspects such as STDs, contraception and all of that should be taught, but parents shouldn't be pulling out the Kama Sutra to go over positions and such. That part is instinctual as he so says.
Posts: 325/647
I learned about sex when I went through puberty, which is probably the best time to have learned about it. This is when I was 10 years old. Why lie to a female child about why she's bleeding for 5 days? That'd be pretty retarded. My mom told me the basics, and towards the end of elementary school they separated the girls and boys and showed them each a video explaining everything... my middle school seemed to have skipped the whole thing, and in my freshman year of high school we had health class and everything was said in depth, including STDs, pregnancy, etc.
Posts: 406/546
Parents should talk to their kids about sex and at the same time schools should be teaching their students about sex education. Their teachers should also be open to any questions that kids might have about the subject.

I never learned anything from my parents. Least not that I can remember. I learned it all from sex ed in school and from what I heard in the media and from the public. My parents have tried to keep me closed to the subject but I guess it's understandable since it was probably embarrassing.
Posts: 170/178
i started to get information when my mom was pregnant with my sister, thow i was never truly curius. when i was 10ish there was a sex ed class at my elimentry schhol whitch i can sum up in one phrase, if you have sex you will get hiv and you will die. i was horified for years untill the hormones kicked in. it took 4 years untill i finaly learend the truth at my midle school.
personaly i think the sex information shuldent be sutch a tabbo subject. in the war on HIV knolege is are best weapon to stop the spred of new infection.
True Flight
Posts: 3125/5245
so you would rather have someone go into the the deep unknown with out the knowledge of what could happen. What if that child gains an STD and didn't know what it was? Then it's too late, how many other people could have this STD?
Posts: 625/641
"Threats" fall under consequences and norms, I'd think.
True Flight
Posts: 3119/5245
I actually believe that it's best that when you're a young child that you need to learn good touch and bad touch. but the good touch bad touch program that we had to go through as children is sort of different. >.>

Logos let me get this straight.

You would rather have a kid walk around going by instinct then to figure out the threats of what could happen?
Posts: 624/641
Sex doesn't need to be taught as much as the social norms that surround it and the consequences that follow it. Sex is instinctual.
Posts: -776/-635
Both parents and teachers, I guess.

Dad told me about sex when I was 8-ish and from there I just learned through school I guess. Personally I thought it was so much of a taboo act it just didn't seem right to do until I reached a fair age, 18+ I guess.

I dunno, it just seemed to come naturally to me.
Posts: 5280/7838
Originally posted by One Shot One Kill
Originally posted by Nagis
Its definitely a weird situation for a kid as young as 13 to talk to their parents about sex, I mean,[

Actually I was about 6 when I learned about sex.

I really dont want to point out that your family is unlike any family I have ever experienced. But your comment really diddnt surprise me at all.

And the news article I posted could very well be the tip of the iceburg. Woman and children of all ages are raped every day, it varies on the age, but that was just an example. How do you think they learned that? Why do you think they did it?

Edit- I found out that I never had "The sex talk", but my sister did. Parents showed her videos when she was 13 about sex. I never seen the videos. lol
Kyoku kun
Posts: 731/1329
Yeah, I learned about sex from my parents at a really early age. I learned everything I needed talking to them and I never really felt awkward talking to them about it. I also have taken two sex-ed classes, so I have always been pretty well informed.
True Flight
Posts: 3114/5245
Originally posted by Nagis
Its definitely a weird situation for a kid as young as 13 to talk to their parents about sex, I mean,[

Actually I was about 6 when I learned about sex. My sis finally asked the age old question where do babies come from. When the kid asks the question the parent needs to go into detail then they'll think it's a boring conversation and go back to playing. Nagis your news article does not happen all the time. Infact that's one of the most rare of all cases and we can't really depend on news to tell us the positive side of sex talk.
Posts: 2801/3775
Really, it's a parent's job to tell their kids about sex. It's the responsibility they accepted when they had children.
Posts: 3825/11918
Admittedly, I had to teach myself most of the things that go along with sex. I don't know about anywhere else, but where I live most of the students here that go through sex ed aren't taught anything valuable--it's always "Abstinence is the best policy" without going into contraception, how to deal with STDs and so on. My parents only started asking or trying to talk about it AFTER they figured I was already sexually-active (and this was 2 years into the current relationship I'm in now placing me at 20 or 21).

Personally I think parents should suck it up and not be afraid to talk to their kids about sex and other natural processes. Teach them that while it's good to wait, there are plenty of options open to them. Because if they don't, they're going to learn it from their friends, which is often the worst way to learn it (especially when you have friends who think Coca-Cola's a good spermicide).

When I was 13 and kissed for the first time and the guy kept trying to get his hand under my shirt (which he didn't, so there ), for a couple months after I worried that I was pregnant. Seriously.

And that's just little old, save-it-for-marriage, unexperimenting me. Imagine how it could be for 13-year-olds now. Many who just want to be loved and accepted and who might mistake sex and foreplay as their way to both. Pretty scary thought.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2771/4541
I'm really more in favor of a combination of let them find out by themselves, and let the parents tell them. As I'm homeschooled, I never went though a "sex-ed" course, but I'm fine, and I'm doing well without it.

Also, just by hearing passing comments by random people, I know some about it. I think that parents should explain a bit, and probably about STDs, but they don't have to explain much more.

Also, I'm suprised that most of those students could answer the questions correctly...I think I'd be interested in seeing the other questions you asked them.
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - OK Kiddies Let's Talk Sex or Not...

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