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02-03-25 07:12 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Quiz: Sci-Fi Movie Sounds
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Cyro Xero
Posts: 1251/1779

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 85 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Quiz by SheGoddess: Lose weight quickly

I had to guess on a couple, but when I did I tried to match the tone of the qoute/sound, words used and any background noise with the each title. If the quote sounded evil with futuristic sound and high-tech words, then I chose the title which seemed to have an evil, futuristic feel to it. For the most part it worked.
Posts: 123/215

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 44 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Quiz by SheGoddess: lose weight

Most of the questions I got wrong, were WAY before my time, and I guessed by process of elimination alot too.
Posts: 418/639

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 50 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Quiz by SheGoddess: lose weight

I had to guess on everyone except for the tie fighter one.
Dirk Ralthar
Posts: 327/328
No... no I don't speak klingon.... I do speak wookie though. RWAAARARAAAGHH!

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 56 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Quiz by SheGoddess: Lose weight

Posts: 503/546
I kinda had to guess on most of them lol.

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 56 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Quiz by SheGoddess: Lose weight
Posts: 6943/11757
Huh, I'm kind of surprised I did this good:

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 70 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Quiz by SheGoddess: weight loss
Posts: 15/22
That was actually pretty hard if you haven't seen a lot of classic sci-fi and horror films. Most of those I haven't seen. I guess I got lucky.

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 85 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Quiz by SheGoddess: Lose weight quickly
Posts: 3076/3775
Take the Sci fi sounds quizI received 50 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Quiz by SheGoddess: lose weight quick

I had to quess on a lot of them.
Posts: 4015/11918
This was reasonably easy, but there were still a couple questions that pertained to movies I haven't seen yet.

I still can't believe someone's remaking The Day the Earth Stood Still. Yeesh. Now people are going think that it stole "the words" from Army of Darkness.

Take the Sci fi sounds quiz I received 70 credits on
The Sci Fi Sounds Quiz

How much of a Sci-Fi geek are you?
Quiz by SheGoddess: weight loss
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Quiz: Sci-Fi Movie Sounds

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