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03-11-25 03:45 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Call to Athens
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Posts: 2861/3807
Plato merely focused, and the amazing magics in his sword activated once more. With a quick blast of light, the sword grew three times its original size, the weight effectively balanced the force of Diomedes' counterstrike. He noted the spear with the corner of his eye and with a thrust of his left hand, knocked it back with a blast of kinetic energy. Plato then lightly landed on the ground, before pushing away, landing several feet away. The enormous sword in his hand slithered to its original size in his hand, locking with a click when its metamorphosis had ended.

Plato swung the blade in his arm again, and lifted his left arm. With a growl, red energy lit up the tattoo-like markings on his arm, and suddenly, a cone of energy lept forth. It was like a dense fire, almost magma, yet still ethereal enough to evade that title. However, it's power was imminent as it tore up the tiles on its rampant path towards Diomedes, growing wider and more fierce by every second.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2908/4541
ooc: Sorry for the reply taking so long, been quite busy with real life.

ic: Diomedes waited untilt he last second, then quickly lifted his shield to block the attack. However, just as the shield came in contact with the spear, Diomedes also spun his spear, hopefully slamming it downwards against Plato's long sword.

Due to the amount of leverage that Diomedes had gained, Plato's sword should be thown out of his hands and to the ground, disarming him. It would be nearly impossible to hold ontot he sword, due to Diomedes' supernatural strength, and the face that he had a level in place with his shield and sword.

If Diomedes succesfully disarms Plato, he would try to slam the side of his shield down on top of it. Due to the hardness of Diomedes' shield, and the sheer amount of strength he had, the sword should break.
Posts: 2829/3807
The sword had only fluctuated slightly to accommodate the range of the spear, but it was enough.

"I am not great. I am only what I am."

Plato dashed forward, his speed amazing for that of a Grecian man. In two seconds he was within slashing range. He brought his gleaming sword overhead, swinging it down and forward with a wide, quick slash.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2873/4541
Diomedes quickly recovered his balance, and watched Plato's sword. "A larger sword isn't always a better sword," he said. "Beware, for I am renown with the spear, and the size of your sword will do nothing to counter that."

Diomedes held his shield forward, and stood at a ready. "I have attack and struck," he said. "Now cease you in your cowardice, and show me how the great Plato shows his strength."
Posts: 2823/3807
Plato lifted his sealed arm and launched a telekinetic wave of force to block the spear and throw it off balance. The energy flew from his palm quickly, and it hit the spear like a thrust of a massive shield, emblazoned with hardy steel would. During this time, Plato's sword began to expand in his other hand, the reflection of the sun trailing it's growing edge.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2870/4541
Diomedes stretched his spear forward, its tip glimmering in the light, "then so be it. Let us fight like even the immortals have never seen. I, the one who has fought Zeus himself, now stand at ready."

Diomedes suddenly charged, his shield raised high, and thrust his spear towards Plato's chest. The spear was ten feet long, and Diomedes held it perfectly, allowing himself the maximum length of the spear he could, while still maintaining a good grip on its handle.

This attackw ould be easily blocked, but Diomedes hardly cared. It was an opening move, something with no more purpose than to initiate the conflict.
Posts: 2821/3807
"Powerful Diomedes, I place no stock in my own talents. I am here at the heed of my father. Obviously, the gods have some need of our blood."

With a flash of glimmering reflection, Plato drew Daedalus, the sun beaming off its gleaming edges. As he lowered the sword, the markings upon his flesh began to glow.

"I shall do my best to show you that even I, the cursed one, can hold my own against the strength of gods."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2869/4541
Diomedes sat on his throne. Athena had made known to him that a cursed man would try to fight him. A man who was the son of Athena's brother, Apollo.

He held his spear in hand, shield in the other. He had been gifted by Athena, for he was the strongest of almost all Greeks, and lord of of one of the greatest Archaen cities.

His armor was grand, he wore a centurion's helmet, and blazing armor...armor that had once belonged to the great Hector of Troy. His shield and his spear would be unmatched against this son of Apollo.

He listened, and heard footsteps. So it was time...

"Come to me, Plato. I have speared even Great Ares, God of war and battle. I have fought against Zeus, son of Kronus, and I has forced beautifal Aphrodite to retreat from battle. What makes you think you can destroy me?"

Diomedes felt himself gain strength, felt Athena's gifts of strength and magic pour out onto him. He would grow to be nearly as strong as his uncle Heracles, and would surely be mighty enough to kill this arrogant man.
Posts: 2806/3807
Plato versus Diomedes

The world around Plato seemed to slowly blur, much to his disdain. His sealed left arm burned with blue energy as he was slowly faded out of the 20th century by forces beyond his control. He'd begun to get used to the uncontrollable sifting through time and space, and he learned not to live by much obligation due to it.

He could feel the warmth of his fathers' presence as he touched down on solid ground once more. The gods had use of him in Ancient Athens, and so he must obey. His black clothing was starkly different from that of the cloths and armors of the day, but his name and face were known throughout Greece. Plato the Cursed, Plato the Tempus, Plato of the Sacred Blood, son of Apollo.

He recognized the sunbathed hall in which he stood. This was the entrance to the throne room of Diomedes. Strangely, he felt himself drawn to the window above the doors, and through the light, he heard his fathers' call.

"Speak to Diomedes. Gain strength and wisdom from him, for in the coming months, you will need to stand against evil."
Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Call to Athens

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