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02-05-25 03:28 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Hyperbolic Time Chamber - Sexy animu wallpapers
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Kard Ayals
Posts: 2202/2915
Well the thing is: 1) the anime stops at a really crappy point (well, it stops, so that sucks), 2) first part of the manga isn't going easy on fanservice (can be good or bad), but when the story picks up it can be good.

I'd say read the manga if you can. It's not bad, but does has a good amount of fanservice.
Posts: 7422/11758
lmao. Is it worth watching? It looks really really wtfweird, but the chicks are hot.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2201/2915
Talking about Air Gear, I've just seen one of the most legendary lines ever, by Agito: "Hey... the dragon god in my pants also feels like making a legend on your transparent panties!!!"

Posts: 7402/11758
EPIC. I've been looking everywhere for some of Ringo...
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2195/2915
Mosha (NSFW, seriously) did Ringo a few times. It's more hentai than 'sexy', tho.

(but damn I love this artist)
Posts: 7401/11758
This is my current favorite.

Ringo Noyamano from Air Gear apparently, though I am devastated there's hardly anything out there of her.
Xeogaming Forums - Hyperbolic Time Chamber - Sexy animu wallpapers

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