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12-04-24 09:29 PM
0 users currently in Muses' Sanctuary.
Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Heroes Spinoff
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Posts: 540/684
I like to see more of that.

Awesome comic.
True Flight
Posts: 3543/5245
I like this... Continue on
Cyro Xero
Posts: 1454/1779
Wouldn't that be a surprise if Mr. Muggles ended up having the gene that creates super abilites. I can imagine him having some sort of hyper-sonic bark.
Posts: 4756/11918
Mr. Muggles is the destroyer of worlds.

Heh, Jackie was buried in her cheerleading uniform. Figures. Seems to be the only thing she cared about outside of judging people.
Posts: 3170/3807
SPOILER: Mr. Muggles knew a LOT more than you'd think he does.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 1450/1779
OMG. The dog knew to go to her grave and spit the blood on it. Weird. Cool, but weird.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2259/2915
This is seriously awesome.
Posts: 7676/11757
Haha, wow.

I have to say this is pretty top notch, your friend is quite the artist.
Posts: 3169/3807
Episode Two is done! This time, Anthony went above and beyond with the artwork! I hope you enjoy. Just click it to enlarge it.

Gan Ning
Posts: 261/278
XD Hahaha. Jackie got burned.

Great artwork btw
Posts: 3101/3807
Me and my buddy Anthony (he's posted here before) are both huge fans of Heroes, and lately we came up with an idea for a comic series about Heroes' forgotten heroes. He did the art, and we're collaborating on the writing, layout, and what the pictures actually are. (I draw rough drafts).

Here's the first episode:

Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Heroes Spinoff

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