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02-18-25 05:58 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Apple Genius
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Posts: 1504/1567
Originally posted by FX
That's because it connects to the iTunes database and whatnots. Besides, who uses iTunes without having a store account?

I use iTunes on a daily basis but I still dont have a store account. I have never had the need for it. I have friends and cd's for the music I want.


but you never know I could get one in the future

Posts: 1596/1748
Well I do have one, but I can't sign in because I can't be arsed to reset my password.
Posts: 3465/3775
That's because it connects to the iTunes database and whatnots. Besides, who uses iTunes without having a store account?
Posts: 1584/1748
It's alright but I have to make an account for the feature? Fucking bullshit...
Posts: 3453/3775
This is really nice on the iPod Touch, cause it has the button right there, and it segues into the playlist for that song without faltering, so I'll make a playlist for a song, and halfway through the list I'll switch to a playlist for a song in the first one. If that makes any sense...
Posts: 1735/1858
Yeah, this is a pretty cool feature. I made a couple playlists and it works great. Especially if you have tons of songs.
Posts: 3448/3775
So this is the new feature with iTunes 8, and the newest updates for all current iPods. Basically, you choose a song and the software creates a playlist based on that song, similar to Pandora; except it only uses songs you own.

It's pretty cool. I've been using it when I get a song stuck in my head, then I just create a playlist for it. They work pretty well.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Apple Genius

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