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03-11-25 03:24 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Currently playing?
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Posts: 5/15
I'd like to get Axiom Verge 2; I've played through and 100%'d the first one (not without "cheating" using a map though ) and found it quite enjoyable. I've heard decent things about the second one, so I'm sure it'd probably be pretty good as well
Posts: 11746/11758
I still need to check out No Man's Sky.
Posts: 2785/2785
Since I'm regularly streaming to Twitch, I have a rotation:

* Marbles on Stream
* Stanley Parable: Deluxe (the new one)
* Cities: Skylines
* Chefsquad
* All the Jackbox Party Packs
* No Man's Sky
Posts: 11740/11758
Originally posted by Rogue
I haven't really been playing anything other than Backgammon lately, but I've been watching A LOT of videos of people streaming playing games. The latest would, of course, be "Resident Evil: Village." Funny, how ALL the streamers are super horny for Lady Dimitrescu. ;P

Also been watching Markiplier and Jacksepticeye play "Little Nightmares" and "Little Nightmares II," but this ALLLLLL started with watching Markiplier play all the "Five Nights at Freddie's" games and scream his head off.

Also been watching people play "Among Us," since it's actually amazing watching some of these sociopaths just get away with murdering everyone.

You ever watch AnEternalEnigma? He's always pretty fun.
Posts: 11882/11918
I haven't really been playing anything other than Backgammon lately, but I've been watching A LOT of videos of people streaming playing games. The latest would, of course, be "Resident Evil: Village." Funny, how ALL the streamers are super horny for Lady Dimitrescu. ;P

Also been watching Markiplier and Jacksepticeye play "Little Nightmares" and "Little Nightmares II," but this ALLLLLL started with watching Markiplier play all the "Five Nights at Freddie's" games and scream his head off.

Also been watching people play "Among Us," since it's actually amazing watching some of these sociopaths just get away with murdering everyone.
Posts: 11738/11758
Originally posted by Elara
So I was splitting my time between Assassin's Creed Valhalla (first ever AC game that I have played) and Animal Crossing New Horizons... and then... well.... Mass Effect Legendary Edition came out. So that has now taken up all of my gaming time.

A worthy excuse.
Posts: 9708/9736
So I was splitting my time between Assassin's Creed Valhalla (first ever AC game that I have played) and Animal Crossing New Horizons... and then... well.... Mass Effect Legendary Edition came out. So that has now taken up all of my gaming time.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 2639/2641
Getting back into Deep Rock Galactic. If you haven't played it, you should. Mining ore, killing bugs, and getting loot. Think Borderlands mixed with Warframe, but more of a focus on exploration and resource gathering than just finding weapons and pure combat.
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 415/418
Just updated my GPU to an ASUS Strix OC Edition RTX 3090. I made enough from my 3 years hodling some crypto that I could afford to just pick one up at MicroCenter. They had 3 of the ASUS and 2 MSI 3090s. I just installed it about 20 minutes ago and the drivers finished installing while I was making this post. Gonna get Minecraft RTX and also play Cyberpunk at Ultra. XD
Posts: 11731/11758
Very cool LA. I actually just built two new PC's... replaced my old Win7 one from 2013 in my room. Went a little cheaper on that one but it's still future proof too. And I had a GTX 1060 for that which is still pretty dang solid. I couldn't score an RTX 3080 like I wanted, but I think the 2060 should still be good for awhile.

PC2 - very expensive since I got a big new monitor, a desk, everything for next gen gaming in my living room.

PC3 - many same parts just kind of cheaper older variants, so I built this thing way faster since it was super similar heh. I have an Asus VG248QE for this one, along with an old 4:3 Dell and my HDTV for triple monitors.

It was kind of crazy on my Win7 PC with the 2060 early last year, I was able to play Doom Eternal on high settings at 1080p. But yeah, the CPU was starting to hold things back and I was getting some freezes if I was doing too much. It was an i5-3470 I think, something around that. Annnnnd yeah, was finally time to move on from Win7 I guess.

Funny enough, I haven't really pushed PC2 to any limits at all though. Of all things, I just got back to playing the Halo collection on PC, lol. But I did pickup Metro Exodus during the Steam winter sale, so I think that'll be the first game that can really showcase what my rig can do I hope.

But yeah, instantly burned my stimulus... and then some. But I got over 7 years out of my first build, so I expect another long run with these!

I even ordered a SecretLab Omega chair too. So this has been the year of investments...
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 413/418
Originally posted by Xeoman
I played Act 1 myself on the PS4 (Pro)... and then got the refund.

I built a new gaming rig recently, 3800X, 32GB 3600 DDR4, RTX 2060... etc so I think I should be able to run it decently enough on that! I'll have to buy it again on PC sometime this year, but I'm still kind of waiting for a few more patches I think. Even though yeah it sounds 10x better than the console versions.

Your machine is better than mine, lol. I added my PC specs to my bio, but here they are:

PC Specs:
PC Part Picker list
-AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
-32 GB RAM (2933MHz, 2x dual-channel)
-ASUS Prime X-470 Pro
-Samsung 970 EVO 1TB NVME + 4TB HDD
-ASUS GTX 970 Turbo
-Corsair AIO 2x120mm
-Samsung 31.5\" 4K60Hz (main screen)
-ASUS 24\" FHD60Hz (right side)
-Acer 21.5\" FHD60Hz (left side)
-Logitech G933 Artemis Spectrum Snow wireless headset
-Logitech G600 MMO mouse
-Razer BlackWidow keyboard (Green Switches, not tenkeyless)

I have to run at 1080p and close all other running programs (even Discord!) to play on "Medium" graphics. It's not ugly, but it's not as pretty as I'd like either.
Posts: 11729/11758
I played Act 1 myself on the PS4 (Pro)... and then got the refund.

I built a new gaming rig recently, 3800X, 32GB 3600 DDR4, RTX 2060... etc so I think I should be able to run it decently enough on that! I'll have to buy it again on PC sometime this year, but I'm still kind of waiting for a few more patches I think. Even though yeah it sounds 10x better than the console versions.
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 411/418
I've been playing Cyberpunk 2077 on PC. It's been pretty cool! I'm enjoying the game (on easy because I just want the story and have fun) and haven't had many game impacting glitches (only 2 in 20 hours). Some funny visual bugs, but no T-posing or anything ridiculous.

I bought the physical copy in a store just so I could get the physical goodies, especially the map. I also managed to snag some of the pre-order bonus swag just because the store had extras. Overall, I think the game could have more to it, but the missions are fun and the story is interesting. Night City seems to be "alive" but you can't really do much with it - only certain vendors/stores let you do anything and the people just walk around or sit somewhere... I wish there were more random events to see or overhear.

I can't wait to finish the game, but its tough to play when my two young kids love to watch me play anything on my PC. I can only play for an hour or two here and there unless I have a long weekend.
Posts: 24/26
Well, that’s a lot of suggestions from a single post! And sadly not but I will absolutely have to check those out now you mention them

I have never listened to a podcast before... but looks like I’ll be having something new to listen to and explore now, I really appreciate the links X
Posts: 11720/11758
Have you heard the Green Lantern or Waterworld OST's? Those are really impressive sounding for the SNES. I think a lot of Ocean related games back then were really able to tap into that soundchip and provide excellent samples. Super Turrican for sure.

I know what you mean though. I've grown to appreciate FM / Genesis/MD music more than ever in recent years, since I've been a fan of a few podcasts for awhile now. In the hands of a competent composer and or programmer with their own awesome sound drivers, the Genesis could do some insane stuff. I think Earthworm Jim is a case where I vastly prefer the Genesis OST over the SNES.

If you're into this stuff as much as I am, and it sounds like it, the VGM podcasts I recommend...

I listened to podcasts all day at work so I got pretty into these haha.
Posts: 18/26
Originally posted by Xeoman
That's definitely strange. The newer versions on PS3/Steam here in the US at least give you the option of picking the soundtrack now, so I think it's cool they finally got both. I grew up on the US one (even owned it) but I fond of the E/J OST too. I love both honestly. Then you have a bunch of games that were on both Genesis or Sega CD, or across the SNES and other platforms... I liked how back then OST's could be radically different depending on the hardware, or just straight up re-composed.

They do here - it just selected the US soundtrack by default instead of what it was originally when played on a European system. I wonder if it's alluding to the fact only the original release had the Japanese soundtrack over here, and all subsequent rereleases up to the 2011 remake had the selection option.

Interestingly, the PAL version on the PS2 doesn't actually delete the JP songs or replace them: it simply doesn't change the BGM_US marker in the ISO binary. The GC version on the other hand used the US soundtrack in all regions, probably to save space due to the miniDisc size limit, heh.

And yeah, absolutely. Arcade soundtracks and other more 'FM-reliant', 'noise/rocky' tunes tended to sound better on the Mega Drive, take a look at SF2 SCE's soundtrack. Given the CPS1 chip is a YM2413 or something, and the MD's is a YM2612, it made a pretty swift conversion (though there was an earlier prototype that sounded even closer albeit they had to rewrite the audio driver due to voices cutting off).

Zero Wing also crops up IMO as one of the best sounding third party games on the entire MD - and overlooked for that fact too due to the memes. I actually own a physical copy of the PAL version and a PAL Model 1 Mega Drive btw (hooked up via RF, though I'll get an RGB SCART cable soon), lol. It's honestly surprising no one has ever bothered to write up guitar tabs for that game's OST, but yeah, go listen to its soundtrack whenever you can

SNES was pretty much sample based and therefore it really depended on the quality and efficiency of how sampling was arranged. Games like DKC really showed it IMO, check out the remastered soundtracks of those games by that one guy (Sam Miller) who reconstructed the OST using the game data and original samples sourced from the instruments themselves. Forest Interlude, Life In The Mines and Cave Dweller Concert... on a good pair of headphones, holy fuck. Immense isn't a word to describe the feeling <3
Posts: 11719/11758
That's definitely strange. The newer versions on PS3/Steam here in the US at least give you the option of picking the soundtrack now, so I think it's cool they finally got both. I grew up on the US one (even owned it) but I fond of the E/J OST too. I love both honestly. Then you have a bunch of games that were on both Genesis or Sega CD, or across the SNES and other platforms... I liked how back then OST's could be radically different depending on the hardware, or just straight up re-composed.
Posts: 17/26
Last post said it, Sonic CD. Been playing the PS2 version which uses the US soundtrack - they never fixed the localisation for PAL versions. Given this was the case on the Windows 95 port, which the PS2 version is based on; I would genuinely not be surprised if CD was actually meant to use the US OST in the original European release, but due to some kind of miscommunication on SOA's part (something rather common in those days wasn't it!) they ended up releasing it here anyway.

It would also match up with why the 2011 version actually defaults to the US soundtrack when you're starting the game from a European device (PS3/iOS tested).

I have to wonder if there was a marketing reason for this, and I heard some countries (particularly those in SECAM-L regions such as France and the former USSR) had the US soundtrack instead on later prints of the game, so...
Posts: 11694/11758
More of a Triss fan? Heh.
Posts: 9690/9736
Working my way through Witcher 3 finally. Nice music, very impressive graphics for its age... but damn if Gwent isn't annoying as hell.

Also, I do not like Yen that much... she's too condescending.
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Currently playing?

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