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02-24-25 05:05 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Legend of the Seeker
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Posts: 600/3416
I personally liked it. I really hate when a show is EXACTLY like a book and is so predictable because of it. I like the series for what it is and the books for what they are.
Posts: 1523/1567
So I got the first two episodes on Torrent last night, Started watching the first one when I got home from work.

I got maaaayyyybbbbeeee half way through it and shut it off. I knew ABC would fuck things up somehow. The thing that pisses me off the most is the change of the story line. It's changed so much that I cant even stand it

Posts: 1515/1567

Tv series produced by ABC about the book series by "Terry Goodkind" by the name of "The Sword of Truth"

From what I hear it's supposedly coming out in November of 2008. Anybody have any thoughts about this? I just hope they dont botch the series by doing this, but you never know
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Legend of the Seeker

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