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Kyoku kun Posts: 1052/1329 |
I gotta say, Tieria is hot.
And I'm not a fan of Yaoi, but gosh.. "and as for Tieria, I would say that him thinking of Lockon all the time and then dressing up as a girl means something, but I’ll leave that to the fanfic writers and fan artists. " I put that in quotes because i've been reading an anime blog. Complete helps me become less confused at times. |
Xeoman Posts: 7803/11758 |
... or should I say, The Immortal Colasour!! ![]() |
Xeoman Posts: 7802/11758 |
I wish my 00 torrents weren't epicly slow. Usually takes a day, unlike other releases. ![]() |
Kard Ayals Posts: 2279/2915 |
Episode 8 was amazing.
Tieria finally found his reason for fighting. And the plot is getting GREAT. |
Xeoman Posts: 7801/11758 |
Wow, most hate Nena. ![]() |
Kard Ayals Posts: 2278/2915 |
Originally posted by Kyoku kun Yes, she needs more Downloading episode 8 right now. |
Kyoku kun Posts: 1049/1329 |
My thoughts exactly =D!
Wang Liu Mei seems to have a extreme disgust with the world, and has stated that if the world cannot be changed then it should be destroyed. In my opinion she thinks (and as she states) change only comes through conflict and so she is playing somewhat of a triple agent, helping Ribbons, the A-LAWS and CB. I love Nena too, I'm looking forward to hearing more about her and how she now has the ability to use quantum brain waves, (which is a ability only Super Soldiers could use..). =) |
Xeoman Posts: 7799/11758 |
Yeah, Marie didn't really come off as a fighter at all. Well, anyways it'll be interesting to see her potentially team up with CB.
Now I'd really like to see more about Nena and the Chinese chick (can't think of her name), still have no idea what their intentions are. |
Kyoku kun Posts: 1047/1329 |
That's a really good question, but seeing as how Marie shares all of her memories (at this point) with Soma and vise versa, I think Marie would know everything and be able to use and have the same skills as Soma.
The problem lies is that she probably wouldn't want to kill ANYONE. |
Xeoman Posts: 7798/11758 |
Regardless I'd say Soma seemed like more of a good character anyways. But I guess I have no idea what to expect if she comes back... the thing I'm curious about now, can Marie fight? Will she have all the skills Soma had piloting MS's? That'll be interesting. I guess if their situation is comparable to Hallelujah/Allelujah then she might still have all those skills and whatnot. |
Kyoku kun Posts: 1046/1329 |
Originally posted by Xeu I have no problem with this at all, I love having an actual pairing in Gundam 00. I was just curious about how Soma feels about all of this. |
天国JOE Posts: 2396/2999 |
I just started to actually watch this series. I'm on the episode where Bushido fights Setsuna. |
Kard Ayals Posts: 2277/2915 |
Originally posted by Shinsen-Subs.com Describes this episode very well. |
Xeoman Posts: 7797/11758 |
Lots of people were flipping out about that, her being out of character and whatnot ... meh, doesn't bother me! I think it's an interesting pairing, though I felt bad for Sirmov (sp? no idea).
But yeah, I imagine she might switch back... kind of like Allelujah in the first season. |
Kyoku kun Posts: 1045/1329 |
This weeks episode is definitely worth talking about in my opinion.
The second kiss of the season, woo! I'm really curious to see if Marie's personality will ever switch back to Soma, and whatnot. But woo! Next episode.. Tiera crossdressing! |
Xeoman Posts: 7778/11758 |
Yeah, I can't say I've ever really liked him so far. The first fight between him and Setsuna was epic, but yeah... guess they just want him to have some kind of rival right now. That and the mask thing is a little cliche' for Gundam.
I think if he was a totally new character, he'd be fine ... but he's "supposed" to be the awesomeness that was Graham, so yeah. ![]() |
Kyoku kun Posts: 1042/1329 |
I never really liked "Mr. Bushido" to begin with, but yeah I know entirely what you mean.
and Congrats on 7777! |
Xeoman Posts: 7777/11758 |
I have one problem and it's kind of a big one: Mr. Bushido sucks ass. What happened to hot-blooded, normal looking Graham that actually talked and had character? Hopefully he gets more development or something because frankly, they're ruining his character ... he's just a drone that seems pointless right now.
I brought this up on /m/, seems like a lot agree. People say don't even compare them, because Graham's "dead". It's also turning out to be like Zeta 3.0 (2.0 being Seed Destiny)... but meh. I'm enjoying, but yeah. That is my only major complaint so far. ![]() Also, lucky 7,777's! |
Kyoku kun Posts: 1041/1329 |
Well this is amazing, not really any problems in my opinion so far. This last episode kept making me squeal. Marie and Allelujah's relationship is amazing.
I'm confused pretty much of only one thing, what happened to Louise's insanity? |
Xeoman Posts: 7725/11758 |
Arios kicks ass, I hope it has a Jet form like Allalejuh's first Gundam. |
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