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03-13-25 12:40 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - The Happy Thread
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Posts: 9726/9736
Happy that whatever nightmare cold that kept freaking me out thinking it might be covid but kept testing negative for covid is finally clearing out (it takes forever for the congestion to clear out when I get stuff like this).

Happy that I'm getting married in just over two weeks (holy shit, hi anxiety spike)

Happy that I have AC. It hit 106 at the beaches in SoCal yesterday... I would have melted.
Posts: 9702/9736
Happy that I got a sorta promotion at work... they moved me to the Major Accounts service team (so, you know, literally dealing with companies like Walmart, Verizon, Uber, etc). No raise, but I am no longer so swamped that I have to work 13 hour days just to stay remotely caught up.... I do miss that OT pay, though.

Happy that I can afford the vet bills to even try to give my kitty a fighting chance, even if it is killing the savings I built up working those 13 hour days.

Happy that I have the most supportive partner I could ask for, who has helped keep me sane, cooked nearly all our meals while I was working all damn day, and helped force some normalcy into my life so I wasn't swallowed by work. And he even fought through his anxiety to propose, so that is extra happiness there.

Happy I made pumpkin and apple pies from scratch without fucking them up

Happy that no one close to me has died of this horrible virus. I know many friends who are not so lucky, and I grieve for them
Posts: 11856/11918
I'm grateful that I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, new clothes that fit, and my family, even as much as we argue and piss each other off.
Posts: 11807/11918
So last month was pretty shitty (particularly health-wise,) but the last couple weeks have really made up for it.

Happy I got to take my parents to see John Williams conduct at the Hollywood Bowl.

Happy we were able to do a day-trip to Solvang on Labor Day.

Happy Bran and I saw Kyle Kinane do new stand-up a couple days later.

Happy we got to see more Shakespeare in the park before the season was totally over.

Happy we got to do a short trip to the Bay Area to see Metallica shoot "S&M2" with the San Francisco Symphony.

Happy that the SFPD were able to get our stuff back when our car was broken into. So very grateful to the man who called them in time.

Happy we saw whales feeding off the coast, so near the cliffs while on the drive up.

Happy we got to visit a bunch of different places and eat lots of amazing food.
Posts: 9678/9736
Happy that the leftover payout for my car being totalled was enough for me to get a new desktop. It arrived today and is... well... gigantic.
Posts: 9676/9736
Originally posted by Rogue
I don't remember if I've said it before up there, but I'm happy Elara moved back to California. It's been great hanging out with her and Kaleb.

We need to do this more often when you guys are free.

Happy that I have a job that gives me enough PTO and sick time that I can call off when I need to for medical reasons and it isn't an issue.
Posts: 11601/11758
I got promoted to a Tech III position recently for learning some new stuff a few weeks ago. Nice raise!

Health/wellness seems better than average again, I think from being back on the yoga for about a month and a half now. I'm still doing DDP's program and the old DVD's, love them. So I'm glad to be back on it and will keep at it... I just have to be careful with my left shoulder.

Still sleeping like crap though...
Posts: 11708/11918
I don't remember if I've said it before up there, but I'm happy Elara moved back to California. It's been great hanging out with her and Kaleb.

Posts: 11598/11758
Happy for cooler weather, October, a foggy morning, and played Silent Hill games all day.
Posts: 9629/9736
Huzzah for flea free! Now you can join me in the land of paranoia and combing them every time they scratch.

Happy for rain and a three day weekend. And rain. Did I mention the rain?
Posts: 11665/11918
And seriously, what kills me are the people who go, "If you can't afford going to the vet, don't get a pet!" If only people who have disposable income can have cats and dogs, there'd be so much more euthanizing going on. Every single cat I've ever had has sort of been foisted on me in some way or another.

I'm just happy Miko's finally flea-free. Jesus Christ, it's about time. Since she was so light before, we tried to medicate her with Advantage for kittens, but it didn't work.

Nothing much else to report.
Posts: 11555/11758
That's great Rogue. Hope she keeps improving! I'd love to get a cat or two eventually but yeah the vet bills really freak me out... maybe not a good idea in my dinky apartments too. Love cats though and I miss the two my family and I had growing up.
Posts: 9622/9736
Yay!! I am happy to hear that she is doing better!

I am happy that my credential has finally be transferred, even if it is late for this school year hiring season. Also happy that Kaleb is getting a new shift bid soon and we might finally have a day off together.
Posts: 11664/11918
I'd been spending the last month worried that my cat was getting ready to die. She was just so weak and when I would lay down with her, she could barely left her legs or head. She would eat really well. I mean, she was getting wet food twice a day, with kibble always available. Still it got so bad she was practically a skeleton.

We're way too broke to take her to the vet. Anyway, ended up ordering a lot of things online and hitting up Petco. I didn't know there's de-worming pills you can just order now, as opposed to going to the vet and getting a shot. She's responding very well to treatment and has even put on enough weight that we can finally order her the good flea medication.

She's able to jump onto the bed again without a struggle and she looks so much healthier.

I'm just happy right now.
Posts: 11659/11918
I've got a few things.

I'm happy the wedding went over well.

Happy that Dread Crew of Oddwood played it.

Happy that we got to go on a honeymoon, taking three weeks to drive around the United States.

Happy to FINALLY get to see a lot of places - my favorite being New Orleans, as I knew it would be.

Happy to have gotten to go to Georgia Renaissance Faire. *Sigh* <3

Happy to have had season passes for Koroneburg, so we went a few times. Boggards and Oddwood played that faire this year. Outstanding shows, even compared with Pleasure Faire.

Happy to get to see a few friends' bands lately.

Happy it's SHAKESPEARE SEASON!!! God, I love this time of year.
Posts: 11629/11918
And we'll be happy to see you guys when you get here.

There's so many things I should be thankful for, but it's been difficult lately.

Happy that my weekends have been pretty full, I guess.
Posts: 9606/9736
One more week before I am free of work... at least for a bit.
Posts: 11601/11918
I had a very good day at work yesterday.

My three new coworkers (people who literally started over the past month) surprised me by giving me a "Last Jedi" Kylo Ren shirt and since they had worn Star Wars shirts that day, they wanted me to put it on so we could all match.

Not kidding how incredibly happy this made me.
Posts: 51/56
I got hammered last night.

Girlfriend wasn't too pleased, but it was one of my best friend's birthday party, and we had lots of fun drinking games to play and only so much time to do it all.

I love the rage cage.
Posts: 9576/9736
Came home to yummy soup on a rainy day.
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - The Happy Thread

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