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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Wolverine (Weapon X movie)
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Posts: 3630/3775
Originally posted by Rogue
I guess to refresh the topic, what are your thoughts of him playing both Deadpool (Marvel) and Green Lantern (DC)?

He isn't. He was given an ultimatum by one or both of the production companies, and he chose Green Lantern.
Posts: 5553/11918
BUMP for being sort of relevant ...

First look at Deadpool in his spin-off movie: Here's a cool picture someone did of Deadpool:

Yep, comic blogs aren't always right. Should have figured when the url came up as "manip." So there's a few blogs out there saying this is Ryan Reynolds.

But I guess to refresh the topic, what are your thoughts of him playing both Deadpool (Marvel) and Green Lantern (DC)?
Posts: 1797/1858
Originally posted by Valhalla
Oh yeah, the game did what the film most likely wanted to, it's like Punisher meets Wolverine. Get the demo on Xbox Live, you'll probably like it.

The demo is amazing. It's gory as hell. It feels like Wolverine Gaiden.
Posts: 5212/9736
Originally posted by Rogue

So I'm hearing there was no difference between the shots in the bootleg and those in the final cut, other than that they "finished" the special effects.

From what I saw, you are correct. My folks have the bootlegged version... it is kinda funny to watch his claws pop in and out of existence.
Posts: 7972/11758
I think I prefer Batman Begins over the Dark Knight myself honestly.
Posts: 5272/11918
Originally posted by Xeu
Go check out Punisher Warzone for something like that.

Confession time: I thought the Dark Knight was thoroughly overrated, and that Punisher: Warzone should have gotten all of its glory.

So I'm hearing there was no difference between the shots in the bootleg and those in the final cut, other than that they "finished" the special effects.

The upcoming Wolverine 2 is going to address Wolverine/Logan/James' time in Japan next.
Posts: 779/3416
Oh yeah, the game did what the film most likely wanted to, it's like Punisher meets Wolverine. Get the demo on Xbox Live, you'll probably like it.
Posts: 7969/11758
Yeah there was like no blood in the movie, lol. At least like that. Go check out Punisher Warzone for something like that.

But yeah, the game HAS to be rated M I'd imagine.
Posts: 2504/2999
Wow, is the movie that gory?

That game actually looks half decent. Surprising...
Posts: 7964/11758
Yeah I've constantly heard great things about the game ... both gameplay wise and storywise, so I think I'll definitely have to check it out, even if I'm no Wolverine buff. It looks awesome.
Posts: 778/3416
Holy crap, they weren't kidding when they said that the game was supposed to blow the film out of the water! I actually enjoyed the movie, I just kept to Marvel's famous "What If...?" mind frame and it was all peachy.
Posts: 5248/11918
Originally posted by Xeu
Punisher Warzone, haha. Bad movie but awesomely bad, with hilariously over the top violence).

Are you kidding? That was the GREATEST movie of last year. I mean, people didn't get punched--their faces explode into pulp leaving nothing but a hollow skull. It's the definition of AWESOME SAUCE.

EDIT: I'm intrigued by the ending they put on the 360 game:
Posts: 7956/11758
Originally posted by Rogue
EDIT: I mentioned in a previous post that the definitive on-screen Deadpool is the animated one in the Hulk vs Wolverine movie.

I really need to see that, Hulk vs Thor, and the newer Hulk movie. Not a Hulk fan per se', but I've always heard pretty good things about the newer one (also Marvel Studios) and the animated movies look pretty epic from the previews I saw recently (while watching Punisher Warzone, haha. Bad movie but awesomely bad, with hilariously over the top violence).
Posts: 5247/11918
Ah, I see.

Well, Yuriko's father created the adamantium-bonding process (which Weapon X used on Wolverine), but she actually was the one who killed him.

She's after Wolverine's skeleton because she wanted her own to be adamantium-bonded and needed to see how his was done. I can't remember how or when, but she does have adamantium now.

And yeah, she was in X2 (by far the best X-Men movie), but I guess if they took the time to explain her it may have slowed the pacing. I mean, her back story of why she killed her father is a bit extensive. It'd be its own movie.
Posts: 5198/9736
Oh, I know it was Silver Fox. But wasn't the original story that Death Strike's father is the one that gave him the adamantine skeleton and he killed him, so she decided to go after him and get revenge? Where was that in the movie. I remembe when they showed Death Strike in one of other movies... I think it was X2... but none of that was brought up, none!
Posts: 5246/11918
Originally posted by Katana
As far as the X-Men series goes, some of my friends don't particularly care for it. They say there's too many characters to follow and whatnot.

That was a major problem with X3. They added so many more characters than they were able to introduce or use. And then to make things more confusing they switched around and changed people's powers for the sake of convenience.

And the Marvelverse is EXPANSIVE. I mean, there are a ton of people to know in the DC-world, but the X-Men, the Brotherhood, and other villains, the Hellfire Club, the touches on Alpha Flight, ALL of it on its own could practically swallow it up like Galactus.

Originally posted by Katana
as opposed to my X-Men friends, who know nearly all there is to know about X-Men, but not so much everything else.

That's a VERY common occurrence in the comic book world. There's actually a Geek Hierarchy floating around out there. When it branches off for people who read comics, it goes that people who read comics are above those who only read superhero comics. And those people are above those who only read X-Men spin-offs.

It's extremely typical to run into people at conventions or ever just out on the street who say the love comics and only want to talk about X-Men because that's all they know.

I know people were pissed when Marvel did Civil War because the mutants pretty much chose to be neutral and were almost entirely left out of this "epic" Marvel event.
Posts: 2683/3649
So, went to the midnight showing of this movie...and...the only thing that got to me, REALLY, was the CG on the claws. Like others have pointed out, they not only could have, but they HAVE done better.

As far as the X-Men series goes, some of my friends don't particularly care for it. They say there's too many characters to follow and whatnot. And I have noticed that the people I know who don't particularly care for X-Men, are far more interested in the other Marvel stories and know way more about them, as opposed to my X-Men friends, who know nearly all there is to know about X-Men, but not so much everything else.

My point being, you have to admit, there is A LOT that X-Men emcompasses. The X-Men series could stand alone, as far as I'm concerned. So, making X-men movies is no easy task, I'm sure. The biggest fans seem like they'd be the most difficult to please, which makes sense, because there's so much going on in X-Men. It's difficult to tell what is the most popular because so many aspects have a lot of support.

And that's just a general disclaimer toward X-Men. This, while yes, I agree with the criticism of Gambit and Deadpool, is a Wolverine movie. I took it as such, so the other details didn't bother me so much. I just adjusted myself to focus on Wolverine and considerd everything else support of his story. I'll be more critical of Deadpool when his movie is made, just as I would of Gambit, should they make a movie featuring his character.

Anywho...just to wrap this up before it becomes too long...I enjoyed the movie.
Posts: 5243/11918
Originally posted by Elara
And what about Yuriko? The Lady Death Strike story arc is what I started out with when I first got into X-Men! They killed it!

I'm fairly certain that was Silver Fox, although I've been waiting for the Mariko storyline for a while.

I thought Silver Samurai was going to be the main villain, but then again that would have muddled things up. Like he's fighting Weapon X and then suddenly he's in Japan battling alongside Sunfire.

They're already playing Musical Chairs with so many powers as it is.
Posts: 5195/9736
The whole Deadpool thing was a bit short to be honest. I was not happy with it.

Overall, I liked the movie but I had to set all of what I knew aside. I did notice that Gambit tried to have the accent, but ultimately failed. I also notice that the claws looked... well... silly. And what about Yuriko? The Lady Death Strike story arc is what I started out with when I first got into X-Men! They killed it!

I know that Wolverine is the most popular X-Men character, and he does have the most interesting background because of how old he is... but you would think that for that reason alone they would have done a much better job of it.

Oh... as for the extra scene at the end, I got the one at the bar.

Posts: 5240/11918
No, he does not.

When the Weapon X team (Agent Zero, Kestrel, Blob, etc) are revealed they do show Wade wearing red clothes, but that's as close as it gets.

EDIT: I mentioned in a previous post that the definitive on-screen Deadpool is the animated one in the Hulk vs Wolverine movie. Well here's a bit about it:

EDIT 2: It's been confirmed that Ryan Reynolds is going to be playing Deadpool in his own spin-off movie.
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Wolverine (Weapon X movie)

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