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01-15-25 06:05 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - War of the Shards 2
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Posts: 2738/3649
Holly giggled. "Familiar? Who here doesn't know this old bastard?" She says. "He's been all over the news and magazine articles since we came back and everything started merging from the faction system." She added with a shrug.

"Now, dear sir..." She says, looking back up at Alden, her expression changing from that of lightheartedness to total seriousness.

"Update me. Please."
True Flight
Posts: 3885/5245
Tysha bowed and looked at Alden. "My pleasure Sir." Tysha blinked as she looked at Alden then looked towards Holly. "He seems a bit familiar..."

What am I doing?... My head hurts... Tysha thought as she put a hand on her head.
Posts: 2729/3649
Holly took Alden's hand and grinned. She couldn't help but compare the man to her father, even though he wasn't nearly as old as him. She snuck one more glance to see if Seifer was among for group of people she caught standing outside of a room at the far end of the hallway. To her dismay, she could not get a good look.

Finally, she looked up at Alden.

"I'm not sure if the pair of you had met...Don, this is Tysha." She says, tilting her head in the direction of her companion.

"Tysha, this is Don Alden."

Without waiting for the pair to acknowledge the introduction, Holly continued.

"So...what's going on...I've been kept entirely in the dark Alden...I need answers..."

She looked up at him with her pure blue eyes. She was hardly exaggerating about her last statement. Between being busy taking care of her father, hanging out with Tysha, and her not frequent enough time with her husband, she was really beginning to suspect she was purposely being kept from the case.
Posts: 3627/3775
He pats the guard on the shoulder.

"That's it exactly, now if you'll just excuse me," he pushes the soldier to the side slightly, and holds a hand out to Holly, as if offering to help her cross some unseen gap, "the lady and I have some important business to attend to."
Posts: 2728/3649
Holly's eyes lit up as she watched Alden step up behind the man trying to stop her from waiting for Alden and Seifer to return.

Slowly, the guard turned and faced Alden. "Sir...I....uh..." he studdered.

"What he means, dear sir, is that he was about to head back to his post and allow me to wait here for you and..." Holly's voice tapered off, and so did her smile as she stood on her toes to peer around Alden to look for her husband.
Posts: 3625/3775
Alden walks up behind the guard, his eyebrows raised in bemusement.

"Is there a problem here?"
Posts: 2727/3649
Natalie finally breathed a sigh of relief as Alden left the room, only to replace the relief with a grimace. She looked over at the blonde girl and rolled her eyes, only to turn her attention back on to Jack.

" we were..." She said...


"What the HELL!!!" A voice exclaimed from the hallway.

"I'm sorry, but I can not let you pass, ma'am." came a male voice.

"I'm not ASKING to pass through." returned the now shrill female voice.

"But ma'am." Now the male's voice was bordering on shaking. He was botching his efforts to remain calm and collected.

"I came to meet Alden and my husband here, and that's exactly what I'll do...I'm not trying to pass--"

"But ma'am...I shouldn't be allowing you to stay--"

"Argrgh!!!" Holly's aggrivated outburst could be heard throughout the entire dome practically.
Posts: 3624/3775
Alden glared at the pair, trying to conjure a reason to stay. After a few moments he turned and left the room. He was usually a much more rational and level-headed, but matters regarding the Josiah incident always struck a nerve.
Posts: 2720/3649
Holly smiled. "When was the last time you paid a visit to the Dome?" She asked. With that, she picked up the empty tea cups and put them in her sink. She quickly went into her bedroom and picked out her brush and combed through her long, straight black hair. As she brushed, she couldn't help but giggle to her reflection. She still looked like a child. Her skin was still soft and pale, and her eyes still pure blue.

How will ANYone ever take me seriously? she thought, nearly letting out a giggle to herself.

Finally she emerged from her bedroom, took Tysha gently by the arm and tugged her along.

"Let's wait outside for Seifer. I'm sick of waiting so far away and least this time let's be closer to the action." She mused.


(Let's give FX a tick and see if he posts...if not, then...fine. )

Natalie looked at Jack approvingly, but mentally willed him to say no more until Alden left.

She then glanced over at Alden, waiting for him to heed their warning.

Kit, however, yawned impatiently.

Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3338/4541
"Alright, that's enough." Said Jack finally, impatient. "The court has only sanctioned a limited amount of time between us, and I am frankly sick of this." He looked at Alden. "As a prisoner, I have limited security. However, I still have the right to refused visitors without a government sanctioned reason of being here. So, if you do not leave immediately, or you do not show written documentation of your right to be here, I will be forced to call on the security this prison has to offer."

The gears were already spinning in Jack's head. If Alden didn't have government sanctioned proof, they could use his actions here as an act of intimidation and bias, and hopefully damage his testimony when the time comes.

ooc: So, seeing as how FX isn't really posting, can one of us just take control of Alden?
True Flight
Posts: 3878/5245
Tysha nodded to Holly and looked straight forward. "What are you planning to do... I know you're plotting something Holly."
Posts: 2717/3649
Kit smirked as she found her way to the seat offered to her. She sat back, crossing her legs, the hem of her dress slowly riding up an inch or so, displaying more of her thigh than before.

"So uh...don't they usually set some coffee and doughnuts on the table for these kinds of things?" Kit asked obnoxiously.

Natalie flinched. She turned to Alden and shot him a look that would terrify any man.

"I'll get you for this..." she mouthed very slowly...very deliberately to him. She then turned her attention back toward Kit.

Clearing her throat, she said, exercising as much patience as she could muster. "Coffee and doughnuts are not standard, and are irrelevant to the task at hand. All you have to do is sit there, quietly, and observe what passes between Jack and I."

Natalie turned to Alden, straightening her posture, showing her triumph over her own demons of impatience.

From behind Natalie's back, Kit just stuck out her tongue and crossed her arms.

Holly looked over at Tysha, a sad expression upon her face. The usual comment would have been "I'm sorry." but Holly always thought it was a pathetic thing to say.

"I'm sure you'll figure all of this out eventually." She announced. "Until then...just relax and enjoy yourself. You have friends here and people who care very deeply about you. Everything will be alright."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3236/4541
ooc: As soon as you all do something related to Jack, since you told me to keep quiet.
Posts: 2624/3649
**wonders if anyone other than True and I will ever post.** :p
True Flight
Posts: 3655/5245
Tysha looked at Holly. "Wake up..." she said aloud. "It's just a dream. You're dreaming..." She said and sighed. "Reassuring words that go through my mind," Tysha took a sip from her mug blowing the steam off. She never drank her tea with any sugar or honey. Tysha liked the bitter taste so much more than sweetened. "It sounds like someone else is telling me them," Tysha kept the same look and sighed. "As if I'm living a nightmare," Tysha gave a small smile. "After all, I am living one if I can't remember anything."
Posts: 2616/3649
Holly kept glancing at Tysha out of the corner of her eye as she led them toward her apartment. Something was wrong, that was evident, but asking personal questions in public places was something she attempted to avoid as much as possible.

As they reached her doorway, Holly fished around her pocket until she found her keys. With a triumphant "A-ha." She unlocked her door.

Stepping inside, she held her door open for Tysha. Tysha was always a welcomed guest, so the need to request for her guest to make herself comfortable was long gone.

Fishing through her cabinets, she gathered what she needed to make the tea and began to boil the water.

"What's on your mind?" she asked, her back turned to Tysha as she poured the water into two cups, once it had finished boiling.
True Flight
Posts: 3653/5245
Tysha looked at Holly and nodded. "I would like a cup of hot tea more than anything right now." The pain came back, this time a bit more harsh. Tysha gripped her bangs a bit. Hot tea always cured her head aches and had her thinking clearly. What ever flavor it was, she drank it with Holly.

You're dreaming... you're dreaming... you're dreaming... Flew through her mind. Wake up.... up... up....
Posts: 2615/3649
Holly smiled. "I haven't gotten in trouble in a long time." She said, sighing. "Them days are over anyway. Getting in to a mess when you don't know how to get out of it without the constant care of other people is only cute when you're a kid." She adds with a wink.

"But, if you aren't busy, I'll make us both something to eat, how does that sound?" She asks, placing a hand gentle on Tysha's shoulder.

Kit angrily stormed through the halls, showing her ID at the various check points.

They must be expecting me... she thought, slightly disturbed at the readiness to allow her through she observed of the guards.

"This must be it." She whispered to herself. A door was open a crack, on account of three people about to enter the room at the end of the hall. From inside the room, she could hear a woman's angry voice.

With a sigh, she continued her way down the hall, finally reaching the door. "Look out. On a mission." Was all Kit said, as she gracefully made her way through the trio, making it into the room before them.

The man sitting at the table, she assumed was the man being tried, and the angry woman she had expected to see. However, the man spotted through the corner of her eye nearly made her jump. Upon turning her head, Kit recognized the man, but vaguely.

Ehh. I've never met him... she thought to herself, still too irritated over the notion of being there to care.

"I was told to give this to you." Kit announced, handing Natalie a slip of paper her uncle had given her.

Natalie snatched the paper from Kit's fingers and examined it carefully.

"It seems the court decided to appease us both, Mr. Alden." Natalie said. "You got your witness, but it won't be you, or anyone you or I, for the matter, suggest."

She pointed toward an empty seat. "Miss Ranger? Have a seat please." Natalie offers, eyeing Alden, awaiting his departure.
True Flight
Posts: 3652/5245
Tysha's eyes where the only thing that glimmered with entertainment, though you couldn't really tell. "I would leave you if you didn't get in trouble all the time ma'am," she said in the same tone. "But that's what a guardian does...." The word tickled her brain again and then a head ache. She put a hand on her head and sighed showing no pain.
Posts: 2614/3649
"Which is why I've been a good little girl." Holly replies playfully.

"I've been looking around." She adds with a sigh. "But there's nothing we can do as long as things are going smoothly. As long as everyone pays attention to their own jobs for the moment, then I'm sure any threat may be detectable." She shrugs.

"Otherwise...what is there you and I can do? I'm stuck outside the trial until it's my turn to testify, and you're always stuck with me."

The moment Holly's words left her lips, she regretted them. She didn't mean to come off so helpless and uncaring...
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - War of the Shards 2

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