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Elara Posts: 4953/9736 |
The new image is pulling them from the fryer halfway cooked and then tossing them in the dumpster.
Oh... and doughnut holes are apparently stem cells. |
Cteno Posts: 651/3416 |
Originally posted by Elara When in Faerun... |
Rogue Posts: 4989/11918 |
Originally posted by Elara I suddenly pictured them removing raspberry jelly-filled ones. Stabbing them through the heart and spurting red all over for extra symbolism. |
Elara Posts: 4951/9736 |
So, I told my gaming group about this, which sparked a long sidetrack conversation of hilarity... the best being my friend little Tom's comment about removing the doughnuts from the conveyor belt with coat hangers. I don't think anyone stopped laughing for a minute straight. |
Elara Posts: 4949/9736 |
... Honestly, people and groups like that make me hate humanity. Strip her of her authority, take away her group, and shoot her in the head. It will be better for everyone. I mean, seriously... abortion doughnuts? What the fuck is wrong with people? |
Rogue Posts: 4981/11918 |
I guess either way, no matter how stupid any of these people can act they could never top the Westboro Baptist Church. |
Ryan Posts: 1638/1748 |
They're 'anti-' people, just humour them. Many groups that try to get something banned use over-exaggerated facts to get their message across, and do stupid things in order to get into the press so their name becomes known, more people look into their organisation and hopefully say "I'm never having an abortion" or whatever the organisation is trying to do.
It's one of the major reasons organisations like this do stupid shit like that: Exposure. They get their name in all the headlines, now everyone knows about them and perhaps will even look into what they do. The papers always say what the group does to describe it, and that little sentence or two helps persuade people into joining the fad. These people just make me want to grab an aborted fetus and absorb its energy, making me the strongest thing in existence. |
Rogue Posts: 4980/11918 |
Move over, PETA. Someone's out to dethrone you as king of the idiotic special interest groups.
First of all, Krispy Kreme is indeed giving away free donuts tomorrow in honor of Inauguration Day. But the hot piece of WTFery today is the anti-abortion group American Life League taking Krispy Kreme's press release saying you can have one free "doughnut of choice" and twisting it to mean something abortion-related (instead of the freedom to choose whom you vote for). ... Here's an article on it: http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2009/01/pro-life_group_up_in_arms_over.php This isn't an argument over whether or not abortion is moral, this is a matter of someone being dumb enough to read between lines that aren't there. Oh jeez. ![]() |