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03-12-25 11:42 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - District 9
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Posts: 5400/9736
I agree completely with you on that. For the most part filmmakers make me quite angry with all this crap.
Posts: 2751/3649
Dually noted. I didn't even think about them actually, until you mentioned them. S'why I had to counter it. **shrugs** Playing devil's advocate just evokes more thought.

I'm still sticking with the screaming part if they make a sequel called "District 10" thought. I may also beat someone up as well. If only I could get into contact with more filmmakers... I'll make 'em make/keep good movies.

That's another thing that kinda sucks...I mean, I haven't read anything on it or anything. It's just that...the ending was very open ended. They made Christopher seem honorable, so I could see them making another solely on the basis that Christopher has a promise to keep...

...but anyway...good movies like this seem to be destroyed in their It's not like a sequel CAN'T be good..."The Godfather" anyone?
Posts: 5398/9736
I've said repeatedly that I really liked the movie, I just think that those things are interesting to think about afterward.
Posts: 2734/3649
Originally posted by Elara
The biggest one is how did they smuggle the weapons and stuff down into District 9, I highly doubt that they were able to easily hide them and not have the humans notice... especially that suit.

Also, how is it that only the one prawn (Christopher) and his son knew how to work anything? Entire race of beings, only two with any brains.

Why did Wikus not turn on the shield? He knew it was there, he figured out how to work everything else. Why?

Like I said, I really like the movie, but after seeing it those things just kept nagging at me.

Maybe a part of Wikus didn't believe he was ever going to be normal again, and perhaps he didn't want to survive?

As far as there only being two prawns who knew how to work anything, out of a race of beings...maybe more than one of them knew. Only one (or two) was brave enough to try.

The giant suit was probably built inside the district. I know that doesn't answer the smuggling answer...but...that's the thing...if we look into it that much, just think of how, in real life, all of this money goes into the intelligence agencies of the world...yet crime still gets through somehow. Be it under the noses of the "good guys" or a payoff.


I may be talking out my ass here though. I saw the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. Although, if they make a sequel and title it "District 10" I think I'm going to scream. Haha.
Posts: 5367/9736
The biggest one is how did they smuggle the weapons and stuff down into District 9, I highly doubt that they were able to easily hide them and not have the humans notice... especially that suit.

Also, how is it that only the one prawn (Christopher) and his son knew how to work anything? Entire race of beings, only two with any brains.

Why did Wikus not turn on the shield? He knew it was there, he figured out how to work everything else. Why?

Like I said, I really like the movie, but after seeing it those things just kept nagging at me.
Posts: 1695/1748
What were the plot holes?

Holy shit I loved this film. It's got a place somewhere in my constantly changing top ten films of all time list.

And I loved the fact even my town's cinema, which is total crap normally, had the "HUMANS ONLY" posters on its doors. None seen anywhere else though.
Posts: 5331/9736
I really liked it as well. There were some large plot holes, but overall I really thought it was a great movie.
Posts: 8072/11758
It was incredible.
Posts: 5325/9736
I've heard it is worth seeing at least once. Maybe I will see it on Saturday.
Posts: 5421/11918
There was soooo much hype for it at Comic-Con. Probably because Peter Jackson was there and doing several Q&As.

Here in L.A., it was almost like the new Cloverfield. You saw posters and ads for it EVERYWHERE. You'd see the HUMANS ONLY posters in shop windows, mall kiosks, bus shelters, etc. Banners on the sides of Long Beach and L.A. buses insisted THIS BUS IS FOR HUMANS ONLY.

It was subconsciously getting ingrained in our little metropolis, but no one knew what it was about until maybe a month ago.

I may see it.
Posts: 886/3416
Really? It's been advertised all over the damned place in Oregon, at least here in Medford. I still haven't seen it yet but I really want to!
Posts: 8066/11758
I'm hearing some great things about it. Anyone see it yet?

Also ... came out of nowhere? lol, had no idea it was even coming out this year.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - District 9

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