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03-12-25 12:06 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - So I got caught up in a possible gang fight....
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Posts: 2744/3649
Dude, that's fucked up.

I really don't understand why Paganism is attacked the way it is. I have an understanding and acceptance of it's practices (at least I try to understand it, I hear so many different and conflicting aspects, it confuses me sometimes)....and I'm not even Pagan! Grant it, I don't know what I am anymore, but still...

And for the record, I wholeheartedly believe in that's religion, not hocus pocus...I have some very good friends who are Pagan...and there are plenty of times they've helped me cope with shit with their beliefs. It's a very peaceful and beautiful thing and your co-workers need to get beat up.

I really wish your job wouldn't be at stake....would be nice to mess with people.
Posts: 5383/9736
Yeah, but if word got to my boss that might cost my my job or something. Besides, while they were being joking at the time there was a hint of condescension in their tone. Also, what really pissed me off, is that those two also just found out I'm Pagan. The first thing they said after that: "So how come your witchcraft didn't protect you?" First off, I was unhurt even when I was pelted with broken glass, and secondly I had never placed a protective ward around anyplace at work because of how easily disturbed it could be... there are three booths I go between on top of the entire area of the facility and I just don't have the time and energy to go about the entire place.
Posts: 2739/3649
I saw you go with it. Fuck with 'em a bit. Start twitching randomly. Get nervous and exclaim random things every once in a while.
Posts: 5377/9736
My coworkers are now making jokes that I'm going to develop PTSD, which I think is going a bit too far really. Yes, it was stressful, but it wasn't bad enough to cause that level of damage.
Posts: 2725/3649
I'm pretty sure it'll fade after a while. If you're still feeling nervous as time passes, I think you should talk to someone, be it a boss or whatever. Keep voicing how you feel about the situation, or at least don't be in denial of the effects the events have on you.

If you think it was a gang issue...then I definitely advise you keep your eye on the situation, keep informed on the efforts going to ensure the situation doesn't repeat itself, keep your eyes open, and follow your instincts.
Posts: 5375/9736
Yeah. The day off helped, but I am still noticing that I am jumpier than normal. I figure that will either be a good thing or fade after awhile.
Posts: 2724/3649
Holy shiza!!!

i mean, I don't really know what else to say. I'm glad you're alright, and I'm glad they took measures to make sure the security camera is working properly now. I know that doesn't help with the situation that already occurred, but it will be there to help if any of this comes back. If you can, keep checking with the place you work. Make sure they're continuously making sure all of their usual security measures are working properly.

Are you feeling any better now?
Posts: 5374/9736
I will do this by rough time frame.

Sunday, September 27, 2009.

9:45pm - Guy (under 18 but close) comes running up to the front booths yelling for help and asking us to call the cops because he and his friends were being jumped (i.e. getting the shit beat out of them). I go into my booth to make the call, kid follows me in and shuts the door for protection. Door does not want to lock, so he holds it closed in a non-obvious way. His two friends run into the other booth and lock themselves in. Coworker stands outside the booth, watching and ready to run. Group of four guys and one girl approach the booth.

9:46pm - I give up trying to use the booth phone to dial 911 (it's set up weird) and use my cell phone. I give the information while the four guys are punching at the booths trying to get at the guys. Coworker is ignored, I am not looked at. 911 does not tell me to stay on the line and ends call after letting me know cops on the way. Guys still attacking booth, kid in booth with me still yelling "call the cops, they're trying to kill us" and insisting they have a gun. I see no gun, so I keep cool. minute has passed.

9:47pm - I call the Port Police, since they respond faster than LAPD does in San Pedro. Dispatch tells me to stay on the line and keep her updated. One guy outside is now kicking at the windows of the booth I am in... jump kicking. No effect. Kid with me still freaking out but now yelling that the cops are coming. Girl with the attackers yelling at her friends to just get out of there.

9:48pm - Still on line with dispatch, giving more information. Guy outside grabs one of the flat bricks we use to hold down our signs with hours and begins using it to hit the window. Two hits and the window shatters inward, glass goes everywhere. Attackers flee the scene back into the darkness of the beach.

9:49pm - No sign of return. First Port Police vehicle spotted at the top of the hill at entrance. Open door to booth and step out. More units arrive, I thank the dispatcher and end the call. Total of about twelve units respond.

9:50pm - I call my boyfriend to let him know what happened and that I will be late getting home.

9:51pm - 11:30pm - They take our reports, the three kids' stories... the big one in the booth with me had his arm cut up by the glass, so paramedics were called in to treat it. No idea what caused the fight to start. Coworker spelled booze on the attackers, and big boy with me was also drunk but still no reason. His story gets bigger and bigger until he starts calming down, then more like ours and the other two kids. Cops get a good chuckle out of him claiming to crawl under the chair and my legs to hide (he was half again my size, easy). Report finished, all but one cop depart. Remaining cop stays to make sure the kids get picked up by their folks and also waiting for hazmat clean-up to arrive (blood on ground requires special clean-up it seems). Commiseration over stupidity of San Pedro residents between us and the officer, as well as debates over best 24 hour diners. One of our leads shows up at 10:15pm because we can't set the alarms on the booths with the window broken, so the boss sent him to stand guard all night.

11:30pm - Hazmat guys arrive, I leave to go home. Get 1/4 of the way and have to return because I left my school stuff in the booth.

Midnight - After driving and spending way too long finding a parking spot, I walk in the front door. Shock has worn off at this point. I have a migraine headache the size of Texas. Boyfriend gives me a hug, I sob for a bit, and he offers me a beer. I take the beer.

Next day, boss calls to confirm my report and check up on me. Offers me the option of taking a vacation day, I agree. When my boss offers you the day off, you take it.

What really sucks is that the security camera outside the booth that would have had the best view of what happened was obstructed by ivy growing around it. The ivy has since been trimmed and everything made nice and shiny... doesn't do us any good now though.

But yeah... that's my story.
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - So I got caught up in a possible gang fight....

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