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03-12-25 11:42 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - I like books. Alot.
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Posts: 5581/9736
You read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Try reading Kidnapped, also by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Also, American Gods by Neil Gaiman. The Diskworld novels. Anything by Lovecraft, and also perhaps the unofficially named 'Pendergast novels" by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (starting with Relic).

Do you read high fantasy style fiction? You know, stuff like the Wheel of Time?
Posts: 9/9
Yeah, I read Sandman until the fourth volume then it got weird. I have never heard of the other one. I also most LOVE douglas adams.
Posts: 3401/3807
Neil Gaiman, Vonnegut, Chabon, good taste, sir.

Read the Sandman series if you haven't already, pick up Fables (another graphic novel series), One Hundred Years of Solitude, any Ray Bradbury, Death with Interruptions... Give me a little bit longer.
Posts: 21/201
Apparently, Vonnegut wrote a ridiculously funny autobiography. Check it out. If you can't find it, I'll ask my dad what it's called tomorrow.
Posts: 7/9
No, but I want to read the Bio Neil Geiman Did on Douglas Adams. I just dont know what its called
Posts: 19/201
I figured. Did you read the autobiography that Vonnegut wrote?
Posts: 5/9
Read it.
Posts: 18/201
You should probably read Breakfast of Champions.
Posts: 4/9
I am a huge book work. So here is a list of books that I have read and liked and I was wondering if someone could give me some suggestions.

The Yiddish Policemen Union
The Picture Of Dorian Grey
Fight Club
Invisible Monsters
The Looking Glass
Fragile Things
Good Omens
Smoke and Mirrors
Sherlock Holmes
The adventures of kavalier and clay
The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Scott Pilgrim
The Walking Dead
Slaughter House Five

Thats just some. i decided that I dont want to write them all...but suggestions would be awesome.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - I like books. Alot.

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