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03-13-25 12:40 PM
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Posts: 374/2746
Originally posted by Cairoi
Being staff isn't that big of a deal. The only glory to be had by being on staff is for Xeu and Darkslaya (as Emperor and God of Code, respectively). The rest of us are little more than watchmen and custodians. The old days where drama and mediation were nessecary have pretty much faded into memory. From what I can tell, we've got a bloated staff list as is.

Well, if we keep up this activity, we may just need that mediation again. So many old posters are coming back from the dead (like you for example. Lol. No offense.). It's likely that this activity boost will be enough to draw in new members. If not, then hey, we still have ourselve a nice little community here. But theres always the chance.
Posts: 3424/3807
Being staff isn't that big of a deal. The only glory to be had by being on staff is for Xeu and Darkslaya (as Emperor and God of Code, respectively). The rest of us are little more than watchmen and custodians. The old days where drama and mediation were nessecary have pretty much faded into memory. From what I can tell, we've got a bloated staff list as is.
Posts: 365/2746
Maybe. But i'll do my best for now to be awesome without being staff. Because i'm cool.
Posts: 1203/3416
Maybe someday, but now is definitely too soon. Give it a year and a good attitude and activity from other users and there's definitely a possibility.
Posts: 355/2746
Originally posted by Valhalla
I was like, "Xeo, make me staff or I'll erase all of the boobies off of the internet!"
and he was all "m'kay."

Lmao! Only you... And congrats on the rank up. Its on because of me that it happened so soon XD

And guys should totally want me to be one.
Posts: 2695/2999
I applied to be a Local back in the day. I was made a Full after defeating many foes and proving my ability as a capable fighter. Then I was made a Lord after further proof of my great power.

Nowadays you're made one if we want you one.
Posts: 2929/3649
Yeah, I applied when they had official applications....while ago. I think at this point it really doesn't matter. I ranted in an "announcement" a while ago when things were getting dramatastic, so I'd rather not re-rant.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2396/2915
Originally posted by Kyoku kun
In all seriousness. How do you apply to be a staff? Is it usually offered to you? Or do you message xeo and be like "Hey... need any help?"

In my case it was more like:
- Xeo messages me on Acmlm's Board "hey I need help"
- magic
- Being the one who hosts the board helps too.
Posts: 1197/3416
I was like, "Xeo, make me staff or I'll erase all of the boobies off of the internet!"
and he was all "m'kay."
Kyoku kun
Posts: 1186/1329
In all seriousness. How do you apply to be a staff? Is it usually offered to you? Or do you message xeo and be like "Hey... need any help?"
Posts: 2925/3649
No drama since like 2008. That's the way we like it. That was our point. XD
Posts: 123/513
Never, no tacos for you.
Posts: 339/2746
Hahaha. I appreciate it

Maybe i'll apply (do you apply here?) for staff after more time being here though. That way I'm not jut some new kid that randomly got on staff. There are a few people currently on staff that are inactive, so maybe. That would all be up to Xeo if I ever do apply.

Plus, I'd get the free taco buffet XD
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3458/4541
For the record, we staff haven't had any real drama since, like, 2008. We had a small thing like, nine months ago, but it seriously lasted about three posts before being resolved.

But you know, its there in case DrowningPhoenix ever goes rogue, xD.
True Flight
Posts: 4020/5245
You know Kat, that's why I'm still here. This is the only board that doesn't go too far with the staff =P Plus it's a true democracy. I know we all grew up on this board. I remember when I still had my angsty moments.
Posts: 249/2746
Lol. Of course you dont have to be staff to have or have awesome ides. Or outrank Xeo in posts...
Im the most active here right now, and although I desperately want to be staff to destroy the taco buffet, Im having alot of fun just posting, too

But I still want a red name. That is my goal.
Posts: 2915/3649
Yeah, the staff forums. And the drama that went with it.

Although, this board, and the newer members, are MUCH more mature. There must be something evolved in those angsty teenage hormones. They're just not as "angsty" as they used to be. XD

I forget why I'm not on staff anymore, too. I think it was cuz of inactivity as well, I forget. All I know is, I don't really want to be on staff again. It seemed like ALL the active members were staff only at the time, and there was just soooo much drama. That way I can be like "You know what? You bastards, I'm not staff, and I have plenty of fun here." Besides, you don't have to be staff to have fun, help out, or come up with ideas, and Ima prove it, you bastards. XD XD XD I remember being SOOO excited to be on it though, but I mainly liked the light pink that came with being a local moderator. Seriously. And like, I never climbed higher than a local, and even now, not being on staff, all I gotta do is PM Xeo an idea and he's all ears. Only difference between now and then is it's a PM, so my post count isn't going up by just posting it in the staff forum.

PS: The whole "All I gotta do is PM Xeo."'s not because I'm me. Xeo listens to everyone.

I know I'm going all over here, but this thread is just making me think back on the board. I always loved posting, obviously, or I wouldn't still be here, but...I really WAS immature then. Oiy.
Posts: 248/2746
Lmao. Darn you, people. I will be there one day..
True Flight
Posts: 4009/5245
Yeah that was true.

Being on staff was fun at times it was like being in the Drama Club and getting to know all the inside jokes. =P
Posts: 253/274
Anytime anyone is ever close to their post count, all they have to do is post a few threads in the staff forum so that non-staff members can't reply and therefore maintain dominance.
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Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - (restricted forum)

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