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02-03-25 03:17 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3
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Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 569/569
Yeah, that partnership with Coca-Cola was a tad strange... If I remeber correctly they did it to put some of the PS Move things on their bottles? Funny that they choose a fattening soft drink to place their product on .

As to the new franchises not appearing from Nintendo I must agree with Seijika. I think of the 3 Nintendo has the most and the longest running franchises (since they have been in the game for so long). Sony and Microsoft get to make their mark because they are establishing the franchises that will carry their systems long into the future. The only difference is Nintendo made their franchises open ended so they can do whatever they want to what they have and not destroy the original feel of the game (glares at Sega who loves to slaughter their franchises)

On that note of Sega, I am excited for the return to a more retro 2D style Sonic. Bout dang time they stopped making those fail adventure/rpg games. Only one franchise can make good RPG spin offs and thats Mario (icanhassupermariorpg2plox?)
Posts: 2706/2999
Originally posted by Vulkar
And Nintendo usually seems to appeal either to the casual gamers, or the retro gamers. I haven't seen a great NEW franchise from them in a very long time.
Just because the franchise has been around for a while doesn't mean it appeals to just Retro Gamers. Maybe if they were still making 8/16-bit games over and over for each new installment of a series or something. It's appealing cuz they're fun. Straight up. They're fun, established, and tickle the imagination.

If anything, 360 appeals to casual gamers. Shootersshootersshootersshooters sportsportsports lightRPGlightRPG.

At the end of the day though, the bottom line is: most games are fun times.
Posts: 467/639
Nintendo will probably won't make a new franchise for long time because they already have established franchises that they know are good and people will recognize the characters and buy the game. Microsoft press conference was terrible. They showed of more of the EyeToy 2.0 and showed some Gears of War 3 and Fable 3. Sony's press conference was really boring so I didn't watch all of it. They talked about Move forever, showed off Killzone 3, brought out Kevin Butler(which was hilarious), then they announced a partnership with Coca-Cola that made no sense.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3479/4541
Eh, the way I see it, Nintendo almost always does great at E3 (Though I don't quite remember how they did last year), Sony always does alright, and Microsoft is usually pretty mediocre.

The reason Microsoft gets by is because they do make a lot of good games, but only a couple great games a year. Sony has a few great games a year, but that's it. And Nintendo usually seems to appeal either to the casual gamers, or the retro gamers. I haven't seen a great NEW franchise from them in a very long time.
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 568/569
Well Sony as in a position now as the main player in the console wars so they dont have to prove anything or show off like the others do. Nintendo without a doubt had alot to prove since lets face it: The Wii has maybe 5 good titles for it that are worth playing over and over, and the rest are let downs. They had to show that they still were listening to their fans and not just cashing in on the Wii's infinite usability as a system for family based play and bring back the old series that made all the nintendo systems a must own back in the day. I did not see all of Microsofts conference but I have read off several sites that it was the worst of the 3 of them. Also its hard to get excited about the 360's (microsofts) as they have almost no exclusive titles to get hyped about. Its not like Sony waving around a new Uncharted game or Nintendo showing all our old favs coming back, Microsoft hasnt brought anything to the table that makes me interested. There is Halo Reach, but if it is anything like the beta it will be terrible; and wtf is with them remaking a 360 with internal wifi? That ship has come and gone with Nintendo and Sony already jumping onboard at launch. I mean, the thing looks hawt and all but it isnt going to get me to buy another 360, but for new consumers it is a great product.... Just my two cents.
Posts: 8415/11757
I'm glad the PSN Premium service is optional. That's how XBL should be if you ask me, it's a bit absurd to have to pay for internet access on that console on top of an internet bill itself and when you can play on other systems online for free.

But yeah, Nintendo easily took the cake here, no competition. 360's show was a joke and as usual it feels like Sony doesn't seem to care much, so yeaaaaah.
Posts: 2934/3649
PS3 has some nice exclusive content. I don't know how into the DeadSpace series anyone is, but DeadSpace 2 is going to have DS:Extraction with it as well. Extraction was for the wii exclusively, but I'm glad they decided to let it out for the other systems. Extraction is a good story piece to the game, imo, even if you're not one for rail shooters.

And they announced that you can pay for the PSN now. PSN Premium, or Plus, its going to be called? Not a bad idea in my opinion. It's like I always told customers, PSN was free, and for what you got for free, not bad, I sure as hell wouldn't PAY for what the PSN is now, that's for sure. And 360, while I'm not a fan, I'm honest about the system, and even though you have to pay for it, you get what you pay for. But the PSN, they're unleashing a new network, same as 360 in price, but it's optional. That's what I like. Because since it's optional, I may just buy the smallest amount at a time, just so I can get free demos and games, and for the 20 bucks it'll cost me for three months of it, it doesn't seem too bad. We'll have to see how this pans out.

I still think Nintendo stole the show this year though. Big time.
Posts: 8412/11757
Sadly that's all the new Goldeneye looks like to me, a total complete cash in. It's under Activision and more specifically I've heard it's being developed by the team that did the other N64 Bond games like The World is Not Enough... and those were, eggghhhh.

That and FPS's on the Wii just don't excite me, lol. For some reason I feel like it won't sell very well even with such a name, because of the Wii's market, but who knows.

Plus, Goldeneye is Bronson. NOT DANIAL CRAIG!!!
Posts: 464/639
I heard somewhere that the MGS for 3DS is a remake of Snake Eater with 3D, but I didn't know if that was true. The new Goldeneye isn't really Goldeneye since Rare isn't making it. It's just using the name to get people excited.
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 566/569
Thats alright, because I am very very excite for new Dance game of Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtreme. I dont know how I missed Konami's confrence... Dang it!
Posts: 2703/2999
Didn't mention it cuz I'm not as thrilled about it as the others *shrug*

Also Star Fox, Street Fighter IV, and MGS game planned for 3DS yumyum
Jedi Master Desroth
Posts: 564/569
I can not believe... I really can't believe you mention all those other games and forgot about the game that defined what a multiplayer fps can and should be.... GOLDENEYE! I cant wait to get back in to the action and pwn some people in Aztec or Catacombs again!!!!

Other games/systems that have me excited:

Twisted Metal (Ahhhh yeah, this and Goldeneye were my go to games in the N64/PS generation)
Kid Icarus
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Goldeneye (of course!)

So many games... So little money!!!
Posts: 8410/11757
The beginning of Konami's conference was all about drugs, in case you guys missed it:

Sorry I can't give you those 10 minutes back.
Posts: 2931/3649
Considering I have to go in like 5 seconds, I'll keep this short.

E3 this year...I'm finally buying a Wii. Fuck 360. Sony has impressed me...but not as much as Nintendo has this time around.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3464/4541
All I really cared about here was Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. We get decapitations again, people!
Posts: 8401/11757
New Zelda AND Zelda OoT remake for the 3DS.

My brain is melting. The 3DS looks way too good.
Posts: 2691/2999

My face when I heard Playstation Move will be cheaper than the Kinect. THE TABLES HAVE TURNED EH MICROSOFT but both are lame.

Nintendo got their motion/casual gimmicks outta the way right from the start, and gobbled up huge sales. Now it's time to pump out the honey~
Posts: 8398/11757
Microsoft's sucked ass. I hate motion gaming and hope Kinect blows chunks. Kinect Sports, Kinectimals, etc? Obviously trying very hard to cater to the casual gamers.

Nintendo on the other hand, apparently decided it's finally time to get serious? Pretty impressive stuff from them.
Posts: 2690/2999
Originally posted by Rogue
They're seriously bringing back Kid Icarus? Whoa.
From the gameplay trailer it was looking like it was a mix of action-adventure and rail shooter. Sin and Punishment, Starring Pit
Posts: 5740/11918
They're seriously bringing back Kid Icarus? Whoa.
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3

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