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03-12-25 11:31 AM
0 users currently in Help & Suggestions.
Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Log-in problems
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Posts: 5687/9736
Ah, I see. Bastards.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2466/2915
I kinda do. It's mostly how this board requires certain options in PHP to run.

And DreamHost apparently deciding I'm not getting that =P
Posts: 5686/9736
Do we have any idea what caused the breakdown?
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2465/2915
No problem. Luckily the fix is pretty easy to do, just takes forever.
Posts: 5684/9736
DS, you are my savior, thank you.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2464/2915
And this thread breaking is the generic "post footer somehow got deleted". It was Phoenix's first post, added his footer in, everything is fine now.
Posts: 582/2746
Oh, wow. How did that happen?
Kard Ayals
Posts: 2463/2915
To give you of idea of exactly what was broken:
- Everything that takes user input.

That's right.
Posts: 578/2746
I have no idea, but around three this morning everything was a LOT worse. Also, I left a comment in General. That might help you log in, but I'll just post it here, too. *Shrugs*

Try opening another tab alongside this one and logging in. I do that when it won't let me log in or out and it works. It might for you, too.
Posts: 5678/9736
Then obviously he did not fix everything... what the hell is going on with this board? It's like the Twilight zone.
Posts: 576/2746
I don't know. DarkSlaya fixed everything, but I don't think he can make our old comments show up. On a side note, it looks like our comments are inside of one another.
Posts: 5676/9736
I have always used .org. I am using .org right now and I am still not able to log in. Geeogree's last post showed up, but the other two are not showing still.
Posts: 227/246
I was using both .org and .net and could log in but posts wouldn't show up...

that was very strange.
Posts: 567/2746
Yeah, make sure you guys are using .org and not .net.

But Cairoi also posted in a the thread Stitch posted in general, and nothing showed there may be other problems.

Posts: 5675/9736
Geeo, your posts are not showing up to me. Nor are Alexanyways. I was on the board earlier, so I have no idea what is going on.
Posts: 5674/9736
much like alexanyways, I also seem incapable of logging on to the board. help!
Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Log-in problems

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?2000-2013 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper, DarkSlaya*, Lord Alexandor*
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