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03-13-25 12:40 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Ever Got Caught Doing Something Embarrassing? Pass on the stories!
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Posts: 206/513
That or the strangest dreams. Ok so this one time me and an Ex from high school where in the park sittin on a set of bleachers. She thought it would be hot to do on the bleachers in a public park. Well we start doin it and a bunch of little kids started there soccer practice right in front of us. I must say that is the most embarrassing thing ever. You know i don't think that the parents that sat in front of us noticed.
Posts: 3570/3807
Oh, Seijika, you modern art kids are so innovative. We classical artists sing Britney Spears when we paint with our balls.
Posts: 679/2746
Originally posted by Seijika
One time I was painting on a huge canvas with my testicles while singing a Jpop song. I thought I was alone in my house, but it turns out I was in front of the entire school in the gym during an assembly that my grandparents and a priest was also attending!


Seijika. I am at a loss for words.

You always have the best stories. xD
Posts: 5813/11918
Did you at least shave you gnads beforehand? Nothing more embarrassing than unkempt tendrils of paint from tangled, paint-covered pubes.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3538/4541

Let's hope he wasn't a catholic priest!
Posts: 2742/2999
One time I was painting on a huge canvas with my testicles while singing a Jpop song. I thought I was alone in my house, but it turns out I was in front of the entire school in the gym during an assembly that my grandparents and a priest was also attending!

Posts: 656/2746
I've never done Karaoke, so no problems there.

I got caught making out with my girlfriend by her younger brother once. That was really awkward. Haha.

Hmm....I don't think that many embarrassing things have happened to me, but I'll let you know if I remember.
Posts: 5702/9736
Singing in my algebra class in high school. Never really made fun of, but lots of odd looks.

Tripping over a bench in front of half the school in tenth grade

Various tripping incidents since then.

You won't catch me near a karaoke machine. I know better than to sing in public now.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3524/4541
I've had two youtube videos of me singing in Rock Band.

I still haven't lived it down after abou a year and a half of being a really good singer.
True Flight
Posts: 4133/5245
So I run Karaoke Nights on Saturday nights. When we were closing out everyone was wanting to make me sing Closer by NIN. Which I did not know two well other than the chorus. What ever. So I sang it. It was kinda funny. A chick singing a guy's song about sex. ANYWAY my boss had just got through with recalibrating the radio board. In order to come home you have to walk by our karaoke spot. So I wound up singing it infront of them. I didn't notice until they walked up. GOD I can't live anything down because of that song.

I'm sitting there setting up a press conference and in order to test out the translator box you have to talk to the person on stage through an IFB, an ear piece. So I sat there waiting for the voice to go yes or no and heard this:

I wanna fuck you like an animal... I wanna feel you from the inside...

As high pitched as you could do it. >.< I walk to smoke and my boss makes fun of me like that.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Ever Got Caught Doing Something Embarrassing? Pass on the stories!

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