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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fallout: New Vegas
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Posts: 6941/7838
Has anyone tried out Dead Money yet? I need to pick up the expansion but I need to wait until I finish more with the NCR.
Posts: 9038/11758
Skimmed over your spoilers, I haven't beat it so I'll skip that stuff.
(to do spoiler tags though use [*spoiler*] text here [*/spoiler*], just take out the *'s).

Yeah I really need to get back to it and finish it. Sounded like most of my friends liked the endings they got though, but I guess I can't really say much about that. Honestly though yeah, compared to some of Obsidian's other stuff... I guess I can say NV was a little lower tier for them.

I think what mostly killed the game for me eventually was the environments. The whole main playing field just got plain dull and boring. I mean it's a dessert, but yeah. On the other hand a lot of the interior sections were impressive, I loved all the vaults and whatnot. It's just a shame the art didn't really shine through on the outside and the engine showed its age.
Posts: 194/201
Dunno if anyone mentioned this, but New Vegas is only four years after Fallout 3.

As for the game itself, I wasn't impressed. I mean, it was fun and all, but I was expecting better from Obsidian. I loved Fallout 3, and to me, this wasn't much of an improvement. Considering it came from the original makers, I thought it'd blow me away. The story was much better than Fallout a way.

I dunno how to do that spoiler thing, so...if you don't want spoilers, stop reading here.

I was annoyed at the endings. I played through it and sided with House, NCR, and the independent New Vegas thing, and every ending just kinda left me with an empty "man, I fucked up" feeling. There wasn't really a positive ending to the game, I'd say. In general, that's very realistic, and kudos to Obsidian for making it as such. But I mean, come on...this isn't real life. It's a video game. You want the sense that, you know, you actually won. Not "okay, I did that, and now New Vegas is screwed..." regardless of what you choose. I dunno. I don't regret buying it, but I just feel like the endings could've been better.
Posts: 8905/11758
Haha, admittedly I was in the Strip at level 29. I took out the White Gloves (?) entirely since they just pissed me off!
Posts: 6778/7838
Originally posted by Xeus
I did it pretty easily, lol. Convinced him to take me to his suite upstairs, along with losing all his guards. So we went there and talked a lot, then I killed him.

Oh I forgot about that! Yeah I never did pass those speech challenges on my playthroughs. I tried to kill him while he was in the casino floor. That was never fun.
Posts: 8904/11758
I did it pretty easily, lol. Convinced him to take me to his suite upstairs, along with losing all his guards. So we went there and talked a lot, then I killed him.
Posts: 6777/7838
Has anyone been ever to kill Benny at the Tops casino?

I havnt. But I soooooo want to.

I know if you head straight over to the Legion you can do all sorts of things to him! If I side with the legion I want to just let him go. See what he does.
Posts: 8902/11758
I honestly didn't realize you could do anything with campfires until 30-40 hours in. Haha.

Hey, that beats my friend not knowing you could hotkey items/weapons.
Posts: 2255/2724
I've neglected Medicine and can never find RadAway when I actually want it.

Really should've put one more point into Strength.

As for Survival... the boosted health recovery from food is theoretically nice, but I've never really gotten a lot of use out of it. And campfires aren't nearly common enough in my experience. At least the other crafting locations are in places you're practically guaranteed to be. Repair, Sneak, and your ranged weapon of choice seem far more useful to me.

I'll have to play around with it more on another character to really decide.
Posts: 6772/7838
Astrophel, would you agree that Survival is a waste of skill points?

Well, to me it's not something you should spend more than 50 points on. I already have my skills at 65, not to mention I have plenty of survival magazines in which if I really need the extra 20 points (Perk. I forgot which one. I think comprehension?) then I can just use that and cook up something. But to me 50 is enough. I should have spent that extra 15 in Medicine.

Which also reminds me. Drinking Dirty water does not really add that much to your radiation. Sure it all adds up. But having a high medicine skill and buying Rad-away can easily solve that problem. But then again, there are certain quests that build up your radiation like it's nothing. Like a timed mission. Eventually you will get major radiation.

Plus it really does not help that Rad-away is seriously rare. Best way to rid your radiation is to high tail it to a doctor if you don't want to waste your Radaways.
Posts: 2252/2724
Originally posted by Bitmap

PS- Hardcore mode isn't THAT bad. You just gotta know what you are doing and be a little more careful. The food, sleep, and water isn't a problem. It's the stimpack that's the problem.

Water's a bit of an annoyance, in my experience, but I've never liked buying dirty water, and Purified is still pretty uncommon - not as rare as in Fallout 3 though.

Sleep, though, is hilarious. You can go entire weeks without sleeping, as long as you use Atomic Cocktails or similar to keep yourself going.

But stimpacks... ugh. Murder on my current build in the battle at the Hoover Damn.

Note that I haven't played in a longass time though.
Posts: 8896/11758
I have to wonder what a Legion run would be like... if you help them out and go against the NCR, do the Legion pop up more often? It just feels like there's literally like 10x as much NCR around the area compared to Legion, so it makes it seem like doing a Legion run might be a little more boring (was thinking of doing one myself in the future). Then again, you'll be fighting a hell of a lot more with all those NCR camps around.

But maybe there's more to it than I think!
Posts: 6769/7838
Originally posted by Xeus
Jury Rigging is amazing.

Same with that one perk that halves every item with a weight of 2 or less, makes a huge difference!

Pack Rat? To me I never used that. In hardcore mode it's a must. Normal mode it's not so bad. Not to mention if you hire companions you can put all your junk on them and not have to worry about it. So it's all personal opinion. I will say that if you are hardcore in survival then you will absolutely need it.

On my next run (With the legion) I will not even bother with INT. Silly, I know! High STR and PER with max companions will literally be easy mode. As long as I can raise my Unarmed, Medicine, and -Lockpick / Science- then I am gonna be good. It's gonna be funny reading the dialog for a low INT build.
Posts: 8894/11758
Jury Rigging is amazing.

Same with that one perk that halves every item with a weight of 2 or less, makes a huge difference!
Posts: 6766/7838
If you want to have a little fun. Poke around a bit at Casers legion and just straight up murder everyone. Wait a few days (A week at the most) and guess what? More target practice!

Plus their chainsaws go for a pretty cap. Head on over to a casino and trade their currency with caps and there you go. Money for you!

I remember when I got my hands on the YCS/182 and poked around there. One shot? One Kill! I even killed the head honcho there and of course the game did not recognize it as a kill. I got his fists though...before my PS3 died *Cries*

Now I am rolling with the NCR. Boone with me on Hardcore mode, strict Guns, Survival, and Medicine.

When I roll with Casear I will be Unarmed, Speech, and Lockpick.

Once I max those out I will go Barter, Medicine, and Sneak. With Jury rigging to repair my unarmed weapons. (Duct Tape can be found everywhere)
Posts: 8893/11758
That's just not fun to me man, I want to be the one doing the killing... not my companions. , I've been playing with Rex and Cass lately and they're just fine for me, dealing some "helpful" damage here and there rather than turning the game into "Pull out your guns only to see Boone kill everything". Haha.

About 45 hours in myself still on the first run. My friend hates me for barely even touching the Strip, even now... hey man I'm exploring the wastelands! But my quests are diminishing so I guess I should finally head up there.

Also since I'm at level 30 now and got a level cap mod that puts it to 100, I put it up to Hard recently since the game has been so easy... it definitely helps. I got completely owned by super mutants around Tabitha's tower or whatever (still haven't completed that mission) and also some super Deathclaw or something killed me in one hit somehow. I killed all the Van Grauf's on Hard though, that was nuts.

Think I might kill the Kahn's for fun. Getting a little bored of being friendly with everyone, although I'm a "Smiling Troublemaker" with the NCR now, haha.
Posts: 6760/7838
Yeah I am playing with Boone on Hardcore mode and he is holding his own quite well. Doing the quest "Come Fly With Me" and he is seriously a HUGE help. Just point a gun at a super mutant and without leather armor he can still hold his own.

I dunno if I want Lily or Cass in this run. Boone is a serious help.

It takes Boone two hits with his rifle to kill a super mutant. At the most five. Christ.

Also, you Xbox folk get the first DLC pack that comes in December 21st. You guys gotta tell me how it is! (Increased Level cap to 35, more perks, and 10 hour storyline)

PS- Hardcore mode isn't THAT bad. You just gotta know what you are doing and be a little more careful. The food, sleep, and water isn't a problem. It's the stimpack that's the problem.

I would also say that your companions dying can be a problem but if you save often then it's not a problem.
Posts: 2248/2724
Originally posted by Bitmap
Bring him to Deathclaws. See how long that will last. Hahahaha

He lived.

Longer than me, anyway.
Posts: 6736/7838
Bring him to Deathclaws. See how long that will last. Hahahaha
Posts: 2247/2724
Originally posted by Xeus
See it's just not very fun when Boone's owning everything in sight, lol. Maybe later on if the game gets tougher but yeah.

I was like that at first.

But since I'm not in as much of a direct combat build, I grew to appreciate his asskicking pretty quickly. That and it was hilarious. 95% of the gunshots I heard were Boone killing shit. Most enemies didn't have a chance to even shoot at me.
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fallout: New Vegas

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