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03-11-25 12:58 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Time.
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Posts: 1606/3416
Originally posted by Bitmap
I wish I was born in the 60s so I could do acid during a Pink Floyd live show.

Hell I never done Acid before but think of the fucking shit I would have seen!

I did that thing where you cut off your sense of sight and listen to white noise for an hour and you start to trip balls... I was on an upside-down flying pirate ship riding a rainbow slowly into the White House.

It all exploded into those little toy snakes that fly out of the can.

It was awesome.
Posts: 6450/7838
I wish I was born in the 60s so I could do acid during a Pink Floyd live show.

Hell I never done Acid before but think of the fucking shit I would have seen!
Posts: 1589/3416
Originally posted by Bitmap
Prepare for reverse time! Pink Floyd owns

I wouldn't be caught dead without my Pink Floyd hoodie.
Posts: 6439/7838
Eat shit and die

Prepare for reverse time! Pink Floyd owns
Posts: 252/513
Well thats what you get for changing your name. Again for what the 3rd time in like 2 months
Posts: 2182/2746
Yeah..! I mean, what a loser, right?! Heh. Psh. Wh-who needs that g-guy..!

Posts: 250/513
Phoenix no one likes that guy any more.
Posts: 2178/2746
Oh Phoenix...!

Posts: 1587/3416
Originally posted by Bitmap
Originally posted by Gunmetal Badass
Time, what is time?

Oh you.

Oh me!
Posts: 6434/7838
Originally posted by Gunmetal Badass
Time, what is time?

Oh you.

Posts: 539/639

Pink Floyd and ELO own time.
Posts: 2176/2746
Squire Vince
Posts: 1415/1586
CINNAMONY SWIRLS! But, can you tell me when CaptainCrunch got his boat license?
Posts: 1585/3416
Originally posted by Lord Vulkymort
You don't mess with a professional nerd. I had Ares as a simbattle character, and know more about mythology than anyone outside of a university, xD.

But can you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 4207/4541
You don't mess with a professional nerd. I had Ares as a simbattle character, and know more about mythology than anyone outside of a university, xD.
Posts: 2175/2746

I swore he did. I can't find a solid source of information. It's half and half. I concluded that he did after I read Percy Jackson, considering I thought the author would know a bit more than I did.

I still say I have power over time. You can't stop me.

Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 4206/4541

Kronos had no power over time.

Chronos was someone different, xD.
Posts: 2173/2746
A) Cleavers don't stab.
B) That never happened, because I killed you as an infant.
C) An instance or single occasion for one event. However, that event is endless to me, along with all of its possible outcomes. I live in every reality.

...and I was going with the Titan. Except now I am back from Tartarus and will reap my revenge! Do not mock me, mortal!
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 4205/4541
Are we talking Kronos as in the Gyros restaurant, or Kronos as in the Titan who castrated his father and then ate his children until his stomach was cut open and he was imprisoned?

Chronos was also partially in charge of time, but his name is spelled differently, xD.
Posts: 1584/3416
Time, what is time?
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Time.

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