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02-03-25 07:13 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - MP3 player ideas
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True Flight
Posts: 4524/5245
I have a nano for running it's got the clip on it. But If you're real worried about it get a cheap mp3 player that is light and put your favorite songs on it that you like to run to. Get yourself a good holder for it. Should add up to about 50.00. I use my touch because I got the iRun app on it. Special nike shoes too.
Posts: 36/49
Gamestop has been selling them used for $100 not bad for 16GB.
Posts: 577/639
PSP Go wouldn't be too bad of an option since they've been slashing the price a lot lately. Only problem would be making sure it doesn't break.
Posts: 34/49
What about a PSP Go?
Posts: 6343/9736
Yeah, that would not be a good one, the smallest two are made to withstand shock better from what I can tell.
Posts: 31/49
I have the original 160GB iPod Classic that has a dual platter Hard Drive. I would use that but I am worried about it getting shock damaged.
Posts: 6341/9736
The only one that I have ever had experience with has been the iPod, for running I would say a nano or the next large size... I can never remember the name but it has a screen. I don't know if zune makes a exercise-friendly size, I have only ever seen the large one.
Posts: 30/49
Anyone know any good mp3 players that I can use when I start running and exercising.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - MP3 player ideas

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