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02-05-25 04:41 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - To Maryland I go
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Posts: 6427/9736
Free healthcare is always fun. I want free healthcare.

But yeah, it seems more and more than on the job training doesn't matter for shit. You could have done a job for over a decade, been amazing at it and had perfect references, and they will still hire a grad fresh out of school over you because they have a degree.

On the flip side, a lot of other jobs seem to expect you to have both... and how do you get the experience if no one will hire you because you don't have experience?
True Flight
Posts: 4531/5245
yeah it's kinda funny they have said that several times oh you'll have OJT! OJT! I'm like... yeah on the job training. that would be nice. So I get to be WAAAAY ahead of my game and get 7 months free healthcare and food and living space and money.
Posts: 6410/9736
Sounds like fun... though I do think it is stupid that they let a test score govern your job when you have already proven you can do it.
Posts: 9052/11758
Congrats. You deserve it!
True Flight
Posts: 4529/5245
So it's official the army now says that I am mentally smart enough to do the job I have been doing since the past year. Why did they say I wasn't able to do it? Well because my ASVAB test scores were too low by about 20 points. So I retook the test and got my scores up a maximum of 30 points. Yes that's right I am able to go to Ft. Meade Maryland and party my socks off for 7 months straight. =P
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - To Maryland I go

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