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01-29-25 05:06 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Happiness... or Realism?
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Posts: 614/647
Well, it's not America, they want the people living here to be able to afford cost of living expenses. $15k includes tuition and that cost of living minimum for the semester. I'm getting a letter that should include more in depth reasons. My grandmother is very much convinced it's her fault; that she filled something out incorrectly. We shall see. Who knows, by the end of this weekend I could be staying after all. It sucks that the only people I could consider asking to cosign are previous students that are trying to pay off their own student loans, and thus would be denied. :/ I am at an impasse. I hate this feeling.

I feel like my heart has been torn from my chest. My siblings think I'm being stupid, petty and irresponsible while they sit there in California working at a gift shop while the other does part time security. I finally told my mom that I have known my current boyfriend for ten years online before meeting him. Never have I heard my mother so shocked, yet happy for me. She seems convinced that if we had known each other this long, it's not going to end if I have to move back to the States for awhile.

Edit: I accidentally a word.
Posts: 7910/9736
So they don't want any poor Americans in their country? Asshats. I would press the issue and ask what is wrong with the cosigner so that you know what to avoid.
Posts: 613/647
It'll be about a seven month setback. I have to keep faith that I'll be back then. It didn't give specifics, just told me to try and apply with a -different- credit-worthy cosigner. The person who cosigned is the most "credit-worthy" person I know. The only other way is to have about US$15k cash. Then I could stay.
Posts: 7908/9736
Temporary setback. Did they say why you were declined?
Posts: 9913/11757
Bring the man with? lol...

But seriously Belial, I'm sorry to hear. But maybe, somehow, something else even better can work out of all of this with this turn of events.
Posts: 612/647
I didn't get it. I'll be home mid-July.
Posts: 2765/3416
Positive energy here. Hope my pep talk last night helped.
Posts: 7907/9736
Positive energy coming your way, Belial. I really hope that you get it, since if anyone deserves it, you do.
Posts: 611/647
Sorry to bump my own thread. But I'm glad this has become a reality. But tomorrow I find out if I am staying longer than one semester. I didn't get into the vet programme, but I'm okay with that. I feel as if this adventure has brought me down another path, one that is less intense and a third the cost. Hopefully will be moving to Wellington next week, to attend Victoria University of Wellington, to achieve a bachelor's degree in marine biology, ecology and biodiversity. I want to teach afterwards... preferably at university level for awhile. Since professors are paid so well, I'll be able to pay off my debt fairly quickly.

Like I said though. Tomorrow I find out if I can get the student loan to stay. If the loan application is denied, I will be home before the end of summer. The thought of leaving here, leaving the most amazing person I've ever met has brought me to tears, every time I think about it. Since my application was denied once, it may be denied again. I'm hoping that it was denied simply because I filled something out wrong (that's what I -think- happened). Since the first got denied, I've been unable to eat, focus... all I can think about is that I might have to leave.

I know many of you aren't the praying type... but any positive energy, prayers.. It would all mean so much to me. I'm not ready to go home yet. There is so much more here for me. So many ways for me to grow as an individual, finally graduate in a field I am absolutely loving. I haven't cried so hard since my father passed away, and I'm really, really terrified that I won't ever see my boyfriend again.

This seems kind of like a teenager "OMG I am moving away from my boyfriend of a few months!" but it's not. I have known him for about ten years online, we met in February in person for the first time... by the end of that week we were in bed cuddling. Things have never felt so right with another person. I didn't think that the love you see in books, films, etc is real, since everything that happened with my ex-husband... But I truly feel that with him. I don't know what I would do if I had to leave him. Be like Buttercup in The Princess Bride as Westley is leaving: "I will never love again."
Posts: 540/647
Thanks again, guys. ^-^
Posts: 7465/11918
How about these?

Or these?

Good luck, Belial!

Posts: 539/647
Yeah, I've tried Fastweb and the Neither of which offer help for students wanting to study abroad. The only scholarships I have found were for minority students and if your degree is of a language or cultural nature.. *shrugs*
Posts: 6857/9736
Yeah, there has to be. My mind just went to the Fullbright because it's the biggest one. Have you looked at sites like Fastweb at all? They might be able to find things like that for you.
Posts: 538/647
That'd be amazing.. if I fit the qualifications. Have to be a graduating college senior or more. =/ bah! I must keep looking.. There's gotta be -something- out there...
Posts: 6854/9736
Also, look to see if your course of study is eligible for the Fullbright Scholarship. It's open to grad and undergrad students and is specifically for people who wish to study abroad. If you can get it, it might help quite a bit with expenses.
Posts: 537/647
Originally posted by Elara
I love Rogue's wording.

even though you will get financial aid for the undergrad part of you schooling here, there isn't much for grad school so in the end you will be paying about the same and maybe less by going to Massey.

I loved Rogue's wording as well. hehe

And this is what I needed to hear. I didn't know that! The more I learn about America's education system, the less I like it.

Thank you all so much for your encouragement. You have no idea how much it means to me. My family thinks I'm nuts for being willing to spend so much on school... but it feels like the "right" thing to do.
Posts: 6848/9736
I love Rogue's wording.

Honestly, it's a great program so you know you have a good chance of getting hired where ever you choose to go. Plus is that it's an English-speaking country so you don't have to learn a new language to study there. From what I hear people are super nice there (my cousin is on a trip there right now and they talk about it a lot) so I am sure you can find a way of getting work while you are there and maybe help with cheaper housing and whatnot. You are not going to get a better education for less money, and it will be saving you time because even though you will get financial aid for the undergrad part of you schooling here, there isn't much for grad school so in the end you will be paying about the same and maybe less by going to Massey. Plus, you will be done in half the time and get to say you spend about five years in New Zealand. I would jump at that chance.
Posts: 3131/3649
I'm having a similar dilema with the prospect of going to lawschool. I'll keep this short, so as not to make this about me.

The realistic idea is...there is debt and hardship everywhere...but people still manage to be happy. A quick perspective...between my mother and I, we brought in less than 25k last year. That's REALLY poor here where I'm from (although things here aren't AS inflated as they are out west it seems.) Bills are ALWAYS piled high. We don't have much, nor do we have the best of the little we all do have. BUT, I am still VERY happy. I get pissed off and have lots of frustrations, but overall...have nothing at this moment that can get me out of this bit of a slum, and yet I still love life.

Point is...if money is what you're worried about, realistically, "money problems" are inevitable, at some point in life. Those privileged to not have any worry like that are SOOOO few. As long as you make sure to the best of your ability that this won't be a waste, then this is a realistic decision, as well as one that will hopefully make you as happy as I know you freaking deserve to be. Go balls deep. If this is what you want, take the plunge.

There are probably going to be times that suck. When you first get out there may be a pretty damn hefty struggle. But you already forsee this possibility. If you want a "realistic" outlook, then change the idea of the struggle from being a possibility. Know that it's a definite, unavoidable part of this decision, and most likely, life in general. Understanding this first will be a BIG help. It'll help you keep your head in the game and held high. Do your damndest while you're doing the schooling, no matter where you go, to minimize the length of extreme financial struggle. Do everything and anything you can to research and accomplish what it is that will maximize your chances at getting the job asap.

It takes money and risk to make money. But one can still be realistic and happy at the same time.

Edit: I took too long typing this. Didn't see others posted before me. but I agree with them wholeheartedly.
Posts: 2154/3416
Agreed 100% with Rogue, as I said in Skype!
Posts: 7459/11918
I really feel you should go for it, especially getting to go to school there.

Yes, the money is intimidating, but really I feel it's a small price to pay for something you really want to do and become. If I were in your place, I would snatch this opportunity by the testicles and skip to the airport.
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Happiness... or Realism?

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