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02-03-25 06:49 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Did any of you guys see the new South Park episode?
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Posts: 7516/11918
I saw this, I think, a month or so ago because Stitch was just as confused and concerned for the show as the rest of you seem to be, and he wanted my input.

I mean, I don't know. Matt and Trey started this all out of a Christmas short they did in college (before dropping out) with construction paper. They've made all sorts of movies and now a Broadway hit, maybe they want to indicate that they've grown up and are getting ready to move on and the characters are too.

Or maybe they're tricking us into drawing that conclusion, and are just completely pulling your leg.

I guess it couldn't be all of them together forever, could it? When you're a kid, you're always changing who you hang out with and consider your best friend.
Posts: 2170/3416
Especially since the rest of the episode was nothing but poop jokes and Randy acting like an idiot again. XD
Posts: 7393/7838
^ It was one of those episodes where it didn't hurt me physically or mentally. But emotionally it was something that had me leave my room and just kinda sit back and reflect on the episode.

Not saying it was bad or anything. But it was something that did take jabs at you and the ending was just totally unexpected. Came out of nowhere.
Posts: 2169/3416
That episode made me cock my head to the side... and I just sat there, feeling very odd.
Posts: 605/639
I'm eager to see what they do with the 2nd half of the season. I don't think season 15 will be the last since there doesn't seem to be any indication. Just that there is going to be some big changes in the future.
Posts: 6911/9736
Oh I was able to watch it, though that is really helpful to get directly to the episode. But yeah, I'm really curious to see what they are going to do the next time they have the boys in the show... is this the last season or something?
Posts: 7389/7838
Originally posted by Elara
City Sushi is listed as the latest episode, so I guess it wasn't... but yeah that is a really interesting episode. I laughed my ass off when I saw the movie they went to see, given the circumstances.

Try this
Posts: 6908/9736
City Sushi is listed as the latest episode, so I guess it wasn't... but yeah that is a really interesting episode. I laughed my ass off when I saw the movie they went to see, given the circumstances.
Posts: 7386/7838
This is more of a question than an actual thread. Because let's face it. Everyone and their saint mothers know about this show. Cartman is fat, kyle is a jew, stan is just stan, and oh my God they killed Kenny. What more don't you know?

Anyways, the latest episode of south park. it really the final episode?

Watch here: Episode, You're getting old

According to the website. It isn't. But from the episode. It sure as hell LOOKS like it.

I mean, I am not going to spoil anything. Because if there is an episode of South Park that needs to be watched. This is it. It's -kinda- funny I suppose? I mean, it got me a chuckle here and there. But as the episode ends. There is some MAJOR changes to every character that really flipped my wig.

I just...I dunno it will make you think after watching it. it's disturbing in a way.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Did any of you guys see the new South Park episode?

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