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02-03-25 07:03 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy Birthday VGFreak877
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Posts: 9266/11757
Happy belated VGF and glad to hear you're safe.
Posts: 262/274
Yeah, you know, I can consider myself VERY lucky considering everything that went on yesterday. Other than the power going out for a few seconds in the morning, I had power pretty much all day. There was a period where the wind was consistently blowing 30~40mph and that's when I thought we were going to lose power, but amazingly that didn't happen. My aunt, who lives about 30 minutes from me, did lose power though.
Posts: 604/639
Happy belated birthday VG. It's good to hear you're okay from the tropical storm and you could get on here and post.
Posts: 2168/3416
Birthday tidings, good sir! And yes, every two years feels like one to me right now... I definitely know the feeling! T_T
Posts: 7510/11918
Originally posted by VGFreak877
I'm finding that the older you get, the faster time goes by. There's so many things I still want to do and not enough time to do them. But I press on.

Ain't that the truth? I was a teenager yesterday, wasn't I?

Glad to hear you're safe from the tropical storm.
Posts: 261/274
Thanks guys for the thread. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go anywhere due to the hurricane/tropical storm, but I'll probably do something next weekend. Fortunately not much happened in my area (just a lot of wind and rain), but there's a lot of damage in other places.

I'm finding that the older you get, the faster time goes by. There's so many things I still want to do and not enough time to do them. But I press on.
Posts: 7509/11918
Jesus f-ing Christ. I remember you being in your 20s when you first arrived here.

Not calling you old or anything. *Stares at the ground, hands in her pockets, while gently kicking a dirt clod with her foot* Just.. you know... we've been around a while.

Happy birthday!!
Posts: 3175/3649
<333 Happy Birthday!!!!
Posts: 6907/9736
Like it says, happy birthday to one of our favorite lurkers! Hope you have a fun day planned!
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy Birthday VGFreak877

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