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03-13-25 12:40 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Fuck It.. I'll Do the Interviews. SIGN UP!
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Posts: 9312/11918
Stitch is flying me up to San Francisco this weekend for an impromptu trip, so I apologize if I'm not prompt with interviews during that time.

Since the only interview that's scheduled past Friday is Vulkar, his interview can go longer than a week. Thex's interview will be wrapped Friday morning, and DS' may go into next week, but c'est la vie.

Posts: 9291/11918
If anyone's wondering why I haven't ended and closed DS' interview yet it's because I've been practicing cutting them off after a week or 10 questions answered, whichever comes latter.

So if you've been asked more than 10 questions, it's because you answered more than that in a week.
Posts: 9265/11918
Great. The schedule is now...

Xeo .................................. August 31
Elara ............................... September 7
Katana ............................ September 14
Lord Alexandor ................ September 21
Cteno ............................. September 28
Belial ............................. October 5
True ............................... October 12
DS ................................. October 19
Thex .............................. October 26
Vulkar!! .......................... November 2
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 4272/4541
The great Lord Vulkas Mormonus would be glad to be interviewed...

Kind of ironic, I used to run these way back when. But then, I've been gone on an adventure for two years, so there's a ton of material for you to ask about. I could honestly write a thousand pages on just the past two years alone.
Posts: 9252/11918

If he's up for it.
Posts: 2956/3416
I hereby volunteer Vulkar for an interview.
Posts: 8147/9736
I wasn't expecting that honestly... but okay. And nice choice.

Um... let me see. This was my first day of 11th grade, and that was the room that the Science Club met in (read: the gaming club disguised as the science club because the school was stupid). I was a few months shy of my 16th birthday.

Present me would think that Junior me was in the best condition of her life and that she should work to keep it that way. Also that she is rather naive and tended to coast through school instead of really challenging herself by taking the AP and honors classes. Honestly, I am both envious and annoyed by Junior me because she was just so emo with little reason, yet had so much potential to be truly awesome that hadn't really matured yet.

Junior me would probably look at Present me and wonder what the fuck happened health-wise. She would probably still enjoy talking to me and hearing about life in college and how living in another state is like. She'd probably be surprised with my choice of history over biology, but understand my reasons since she'd only just be getting into Algebra 2 at the time and would be terrified by the thought of calculus. Given my emo-girl mind at the time, however, I think that she would be most interested in my dating history and saddened that Stitch and I didn't work out (at this point, we had just started dating) but interested in how I had grown as a person.
Posts: 9224/11918

What's going on in this picture? How old were you? What would present you and the you in the picture think of each other?
Posts: 8146/9736
Looking at the other interview threads... I just noticed I am one of the few with no picture question.
Posts: 9196/11918
True! Your thread starts tomorrow!
Posts: 2940/3416
That was fun! Maybe in a few years, I could be interviewed again and reflect upon these days, eh?
Posts: 9170/11918
Wrapping up Cteno today, and it's Belial's turn!
Posts: 9113/11918
Cteno, your interview starts tomorrow.
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 353/418
Originally posted by Rogue
Lord Alexandor, get ready!

To quote a yellow sponge that lives in a fruit at the bottom of the ocean: "I'M READY!"
Posts: 9070/11918
Lord Alexandor, get ready!
Posts: 9006/11918
Katana, you're on deck!
Posts: 8977/11918
Elara, I know you're probably busy, but your interview starts tomorrow.
Posts: 8957/11918
Yaaaaay! One of us! One of us!

Xeo .................................. August 31
Elara ............................... September 7
Katana ............................ September 14
Lord Alexandor ................ September 21
Cteno ............................. September 28
Belial ............................. October 5
True ............................... October 12
DS ................................. October 19
Thex .............................. October 26
Posts: 2531/2724

Yeah, okay, I'm in.
True Flight
Posts: 4958/5245
Why is it when you post things like I'm back Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again" can be heard in my head.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Fuck It.. I'll Do the Interviews. SIGN UP!

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