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12-27-24 05:40 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Talk like a pirate day
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Posts: 2897/3416
On a side note, TL2 had just enough room for the name that I chose. That makes me smile.

Gotta say, though... there's no pirate quite like an airship pirate!

Posts: 3451/3649
Haha! The Captain's Wife's Lament. Great shit.

My boss, of all people, reminded me about it. By annoying the shit outta me with it, because apparently he doesn't work anymore.
Posts: 2894/3416
I completely missed Talk Like a Pirate Day, but I still plan on naming my first Torchlight 2 character "Captain Nelrith".
True Flight
Posts: 4993/5245
Fun stuff. Ran around talking like a pirate today and like 2 people caught on at the Wal Mart when I was picking up Little D's jumperoo.
Posts: 9059/11918

I haven't truly celebrated in years, back when I used to go to school and all around town in pirate garb. Kinda miss it, except my partner in crime had a baby and we haven't hung out much since she moved.
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 352/417
Avast me hearties! Today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Dressing as a pirate is not required...
True Flight
Posts: 4992/5245
to day be talk like a pirate day. If you don't know how find you a translator and get t' shreddin' t' pirate language. Woohoo I didn't miss it this time. Thanks t' Eric who told me about today!
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Talk like a pirate day

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