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12-27-24 07:05 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - VOTE TOMORROW!!
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Posts: 2979/3416
Originally posted by Katana
And were able to vote in the Bush/Kerry election? Didn't you like...JUST turn 25? I was 16 when that shindig went down...couldn't vote until McCain/Obama.

Derp, I meant McCain/Obama. If I were a legal voter back when it were Bush/Kerry, I would have definitely written in my vote -- neither candidate appealed to me in any fashion.
Posts: 9352/11918
Originally posted by Elara
The whole thing with GMO food is kinda weird for me because I can see both sides. I don't really know how much GMOs are grown in California, so I don't really know how it would affect the industry. While I think that overall, they are a bad thing, the law itself sounds a bit... well... crazy.

That's the thing, it affects anyone selling a food product in California. Had it passed anyone that sold anything that made its way into California would have to make sure it was labeled "correctly." We're talking Idaho potatoes, Nebraskan corn, anything and everything that's not exempted. But exempted are the deceptively named organic foods.

I say deceptive because while there are several rules in place in order to be considered organic, most farmers exploit the loopholes. For example, they can't use pesticides like regular farmers, BUT that doesn't stop them from using much harsher chemicals. It's like they're going, "Well, the law says I can't use A, B, or C, but there's nothing in the book about X. Mwahahahaha!!"

Posts: 8183/9736
The whole thing with GMO food is kinda weird for me because I can see both sides. I don't really know how much GMOs are grown in California, so I don't really know how it would affect the industry. While I think that overall, they are a bad thing, the law itself sounds a bit... well... crazy.
Posts: 3485/3649
Gore actually won both the popular AND the electoral vote, according to my boss. I don't really recall caring/understanding at the time (Sue me, I was 12) but apparently there was a supreme court judge who didn't do his thing...I dunno...I was listening to the ramblings of a wickedly stressed out of his mind attorney today. :p

And were able to vote in the Bush/Kerry election? Didn't you like...JUST turn 25? I was 16 when that shindig went down...couldn't vote until McCain/Obama.

But, huzzah. My boss let me come in late for work just so I could vote. I could have just gone super early, technically, but, the safety in my neighborhood changes exponentially when one is out BEFORE the "going to school" traffic starts, and during(and even then, still not so safe...). So, my boss was a bamf on my behalf.

Aaaannnndddd, there goes my two cents. The image is hilarious, btw.
Posts: 9348/11918
A friend posted it on his Facebook. I just think it's funny that it's linked off the Huffington Post's website.

But yeah, it's Obama's head over a rotoscope of Beyonce's body in the "Single Ladies" video. It doesn't have to make sense.

I'm very happy with California's results right now.

I'll touch on a few of the things we voted on.

Gov. Brown's Prop 30 passed. That raises sales tax by a quarter of a percent for 4 years and raises income tax on people who make over $250,000 a year for 7 years, with a good chunk of the money going to education and the rest going to places it's needed. Prop 38 failed, and that was in direct contention, also claiming to raise money for education (the deal was whichever got the most votes stayed). I voted yes on 30, no on 38.

Prop 32 failed. It claimed it was going to level the playing field so unions and corporations couldn't contribute in local campaigns, but there were all these exemptions for the oil companies, Wall Street, Super PAC, and other corporations so they could still give. Pretty much it would have silenced the unions. Voted no.

Prop 34 failed. I'd actually voted yes on it. It would have done away with the death penalty in California and just given life without parole as the highest punishment. My reasoning is because there are more than 700 people on death row, yet we've only actually executed 13 people. In the mean time, these 700 people are separated out from the population and get all kinds of perks: expensive surgeries (like organ transplants), cable TV, better food, and FREE college education. These people need to be in the general population, not get appeal after appeal to save them, and be treated just like everyone else. But, you know, some people just couldn't get over the idea that we'd lose our scary-sounding capital punishment. Prop 34's failure just means things stay the same.

Continuing on, Prop 35 passed. I voted yes. Harsher punishments for human trafficking, making it so people who engage in moving people across the border illegally have to register as sex offenders.

In converse of Prop 34, Prop 36 passed. This would make it so if you have two strike against you, the courts will analyze the hell out of your possible third strike (which would give you life in prison) and you'd only get it if your offense was a serious or violent crime. I voted yes.

Prop 37... FAILED. I voted no. This was a food labeling prop that would have made it so genetic hybrid food must be labeled as such, yet there were all these weird exemptions (meat for human consumption was exempted, but meat in dog food was included, "organic" foods were exempted, etc). It would have hurt anyone producing or selling a food product in California (including small farmers), raised grocery bills for everyone, and it made it so if you didn't label your food a certain way ANYONE could sue you. As expected loads of attorneys backed this proposition along with all the hipsters and "organic" growers. When I was up in San Francisco, there were more signs for yes on 37 than there were for Obama and Romney, put together.

Measure B passed. That makes it so pornos made in Los Angeles County require actors to wear condoms. So many people were against this (particularly porn producers) because they claimed STDs and HIV contraction in porn is a myth and that they would be using tax dollars to enforce this. NOT TRUE. The money needed to carry these orders would be from the porn producers' pockets. They have to get a permit. On top of that there's been a syphilis epidemic in the porn industry lately and these people aren't just sleeping with each other, you know. They have significant others. They might pick someone up at a bar. What's going around in their industry spreads to the population.

Measure J also passed, making it so this tax that was instituted for the next 30 years would go for 30 more (60 altogether) so they can build the high speed rails in California faster. Voted yes.
Posts: 8181/9736
I ended up actually unfriending a few people for their rants afterwards... not that I ever talked to them in the first place.

That image... what...the...fuck?
Posts: 2577/2724
Originally posted by Rogue
And Trump came off like a baby throwing a tantrum.

He's basically the political equivalent of the Kardashians, what do you expect? He feeds off attention, and deprived of it will shrivel away and die.
Posts: 9347/11918
Oh and...

Posts: 9346/11918
Originally posted by Elara
Originally posted by Cteno
Originally posted by Rogue
And Trump came off like a baby throwing a tantrum.

Wow... Trump must have forgotten when Gore lost to Bush. Same scenario as he's whining about.

The best part is that Obama actually won the popular vote as well... never count the popular vote until you count the west coast, Trump.

I'm just trying to picture "the Donald" going a-marching in the streets with the common peasants of this country and I'm not seeing it.

But yes, the mocha dreamcake won popular on top of electoral.

This business that Brandon, Stitch, and I visited last month also posted a Facebook rant earlier tonight saying, "Obama is evil, and it breaks my heart that so many Americans were stupid enough to vote for him." They continued on a rant in the comments about socialism and how he didn't even have the popular vote. They started deleting comments and then just deleted their post.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but I also have every right to patronize who I want. I immediately "unliked" their page and don't plan to go there ever again.
Posts: 8180/9736
Originally posted by Cteno
Originally posted by Rogue
And Trump came off like a baby throwing a tantrum.

Wow... Trump must have forgotten when Gore lost to Bush. Same scenario as he's whining about.

The best part is that Obama actually won the popular vote as well... never count the popular vote until you count the west coast, Trump.
Posts: 2978/3416
Originally posted by Rogue
And Trump came off like a baby throwing a tantrum.

Wow... Trump must have forgotten when Gore lost to Bush. Same scenario as he's whining about.
Posts: 9345/11918
And Trump came off like a baby throwing a tantrum.

Posts: 8179/9736

Obama wins, large amounts of Democrats win Congressional seats, marijuana legalized in Washington and Colorado, and gay marriage legalized in Maine and Maryland. Yay!
Posts: 9344/11918
Switched over to Fox just to get a load of the sourpuss, bitter attitudes. During a shot of the crowd outside of the White House this kid just shouted, on live TV, "Ammmmeeeeeeeerica! FUCK YEAH!!"

Posts: 2977/3416
Originally posted by Rogue
Reading into it, it looks like Oregon instituted a vote-by-mail system.

If people are stealing your ballot, report fraud, man. You're being disenfranchised.

Not much we could do about it. We never found out who did it and I was the only one on the block to be hit by it.
Posts: 2576/2724
I overslept

In my defense, for several days my room was below sixty degrees because, to my great surprise, my grandmother forgot she had the AC on. So when we finally put a stop to that, I was in need of some sleep.

On the plus side, I did convince both of my grandparents, and they did vote.

Originally posted by Skold

*Astrophel begins chanting "No more years! No more years!"
Posts: 9341/11918
Reading into it, it looks like Oregon instituted a vote-by-mail system.

If people are stealing your ballot, report fraud, man. You're being disenfranchised.
Posts: 2976/3416
Originally posted by Elara
They don't have polls in Oregon?!

Yeah, it's weird. A few years ago, it was somewhat hybrid -- we could go to the school just down the street from my house to vote. Nowadays, it's only through the mail as far as I know. I checked my address last night on a few "where to vote" websites, they all came up as unavailable.
Posts: 9340/11918

And the Baptist church that's Brandon's and my polling place was giving out cookies. So yeah, I've got my nifty sticker, an M&M cookie, and a bottle of water.
Posts: 8178/9736
So my alarm didn't go off... so I had to vote after class. But yes, +1 for Obama from me.

And Cteno, that is a far better reason than "studying for midterms".

They don't have polls in Oregon?!
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - VOTE TOMORROW!!

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