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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Fighting allergies?
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Posts: 10282/11757
I tried out Zyrtec on Sunday and wow, knocked me out cold in the middle of the day for a three hour nap, haha wow. So I did what some suggested and have been taking them at night the last two times, while I still definitely feel better throughout the next day. Guess I'll stick with this for awhile now, I think my sleep is definitely getting better too.

The rotation is a good idea though. I'm going to try the regular Claritin next probably, and can maybe just switch between these two for awhile. Cuts out expensive Claritin D AND NyQuil!
Posts: 8510/9736
Originally posted by Xeo
Yeah, I think I'd consider Costco myself, got two around here. The membership probably is worth it in the long run.

I did try Loratadine once, the Claritin D generic. Didn't seem to work though.

If one of those Costco's has a gas station it actually can be. Stores like that and Sam's usually have open house weekends once and awhile so you can go in and check them out and see if you'd buy stuff there often enough to make it worth it. The other cool thing that Costco does for the bigger membership as well is give you these coupons or something for stuff that you buy that is worth at least the cost of the membership... at least that is what my friend told me.

Honestly, if there was one closer I would have a membership already. My Sam's membership is free since I work there.
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 381/417
My allergies aren't so bad, but I've made them worse by living with an allergen-producing pet...I'm "very allergic" to cats, but I only get itchy eyes and stuffy nose for my allergies. I own a cat and I cuddle with him all the time.

For my bad days, I take a single sudafed (usually generic, because its cheaper), and for nights (when I can sleep for 8hrs!) I'll take a single benadryl (or generic). If I can even semi-normally function, I take nothing. I've raised my tolerance level to the allergies greatly and I haven't reduced the effectiveness of the meds.

If you feel the need to medicate often (daily or more-so), try rotating types of medicine every 2-3 weeks to keep their effectiveness. If you take it all the time, your body will stop reacting to it as well and its helpfulness decreases.

NOTE: I am NOT a doctor! I am merely saying what has worked for me as an individual in the past! Follow your doctor's advice!
Posts: 10268/11757
Yeah, I think I'd consider Costco myself, got two around here. The membership probably is worth it in the long run.

I did try Loratadine once, the Claritin D generic. Didn't seem to work though.
Posts: 2713/2746
Originally posted by Elara
I have found that if it is just normal Claritin that I need, buying it in bulk at Sam's Club saves me money.

Might have to start trying this. Buying bulk is such an odd concept to me because I'll look at something and immediately think, "I'm never going to use all of that."
Posts: 8502/9736
Store brand allergy meds work about as well as name brand for me... it seems to mostly be Sudafed that I have to buy name brand or it just does nothing.

And yeah, CVS is fucking insane on their prices. I always did prefer Rite Aid over them, though I have found that if it is just normal Claritin that I need, buying it in bulk at Sam's Club saves me money.
Posts: 2701/2746
Originally posted by X
Yeah I got some cheap CVS bottle, so I'll try and look for that one next time.

On that note anyone notice how damn expensive CVS is? I mean even with my employee discounts, I'm pretty sure I'm still paying more than I would at Walmart or something. lol

I almost exclusively use CVS brand crap. They're a bit more expensive, but I don't think I've ever bought name-brand for allergy medicine and they work great for me
Posts: 10256/11757
Yeah I got some cheap CVS bottle, so I'll try and look for that one next time.

On that note anyone notice how damn expensive CVS is? I mean even with my employee discounts, I'm pretty sure I'm still paying more than I would at Walmart or something. lol
Posts: 8494/9736
Yes, but I've noticed that the design of the bottle matters. I bought the Simply Saline one and it sucks, but when I first went to the school nurse they gave me one of those Major Deep Sea ones and it worked great... it really does need to have some pressure to do any kind of decent job. And you have to angle it to get into the sinus cavities on the sides (below the eyes) to really clean them out.
Posts: 10250/11757
When people say saline solution, do you mean those really simple spray bottles? I've been using one of those for awhile, don't think it helps fight or eliminate everything, but I like getting some moisture up my nose.

For some reason after buying a purifier it feels like my throat is worse in the morning. I think maybe it's just Kansas and these apartments, so I'm considering buying a tabletop fountain to see if that'll help... since humidifiers are supposedly bad to use in the summer.
Posts: 8487/9736
Just a regular thing of saline solution helps me out a lot... I still fear the neti pot because of bacteria. But yeah, I use sudafed (max strength), claritin (regular or D... when it's bad always D), and the saline nasal flush before bed and in the morning.
Posts: 10247/11757
What works best for you guys? Think I'm pretty fed up with Clartiin D.

Has anyone here tried the neti pot thing?
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Fighting allergies?

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