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02-02-25 06:45 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Trying to ask this girl out - hard mode
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Light Knight
Posts: 8/11
Going for 'friends' is good, but be sure to quickly go into 'dating' mode. Just because being friend-zoned is possible the easiest thing to do, unless you are a complete bastard to woman, but you don't seem like it.

By the way, what is the update?!
Posts: 3220/3416
I'm like that with job searching, usually. I put all of my eggs in a basket and when I hear the words, "we've already filled the position", I feel really defeated. I need to kick my butt into gear this year though, haha.
Posts: 10401/11757
I guess it kind of hit me I've been a bit too much of an "all or nothing" kind of person with this stuff, and that's something I'll need to work on and relax a bit.
Posts: 3219/3416
Networking, baby.
Posts: 8618/9736
Good idea, go for more friends. It think that will help a lot overall.
Posts: 10396/11757
Makes sense. I'll just run up there and talk, maybe shoot her a friend request on FB and let it be.

Not expecting many females in my upcoming classes at all, haha (when I took electronics courses years ago there wasn't a single one in every class I took). But I'm pumped to be on campus at least and think I'll look into the clubs and such this time.

This is my issue, it's like BAM I want something serious, but really I know I could just use more friends in general right now. Won't be easy since I don't really have a normal group anymore so I'm like literally on my own with all of this, but bring it on!
Posts: 3568/3649
Had to be done. Rarely do I have anything worthwhile to say, and even more rarely is it that short.
Posts: 10395/11757
Posts: 3214/3416
Originally posted by Katana
No gifts.

Posts: 3566/3649
No gifts.
Posts: 10392/11757
As of the 30th she's in a relationship.

So many of their friends liked this update on their FB's.

lol, well ain't that a fuck. This dude has a Super Sentai background up, she must be ultra nerd as well. And hot. And ah damn.

I still plan to go talk to her Friday, maybe see if we can work out some friendship here and you never know. But, no gifts... unless you guys think it's still fair game and worth a shot?


Posts: 8613/9736
So what is your plan?
Posts: 10385/11757
Friday can't come soon enough.
Posts: 9995/11918
Originally posted by Xeo

I'm concerned about you, sir.
Posts: 10383/11757
Posts: 3211/3416
I can see how a conversation could be fuddled...

"Would you like to go to Subway? I've been thinking about giving you a footlong for a while now and... hey, why are you leaving?"

Posts: 8605/9736
Keep it simple... maybe a single flower, like a pink or lavender rose (not too strong, but signalling affection according to most "rose color meaning" sites... perhaps go with the one you think she'd like more based on what you know. Obviously, if she hates pink, go with lavender, or vice versa. Don't focus on her appearance... yes, she is cute, but there is more to her than her looks. Maybe say something like, "I think you are really interesting and would like to get to know you better. May I take you to lunch at Subway one of these days so we can chat?"
Posts: 10380/11757
Probably, haha. I'll save it for later. I'll try to confirm in person if she likes the show or not, then that'd be a lot better to go with it from there I think.

My family had the idea, still do a gift (Saturday), but just do simple small flowers and nothing too fancy. Throw in a card that might say something like "I think you're really cute and would love (maybe "like" instead for now? haha) to get to know you more" or something. Then I could maybe see if she likes Subway and offer to buy her lunch/dinner there or something since it's in the store. A baby step but it's in her territory at work and that'd help build some comfort zone I think.


My friend says the second interaction is critical. The pressure is on. lmao

Holy crap trying not to overhype this, but she just seems totally legit.
Posts: 8602/9736
The gift might be a bit much... then you are appearing like a Facebook stalker or something. Good plan for Friday though, I think that works. And like Vulkar said, strike up a conversation then be the one to end it... maybe go slow like, "See ya next time" or something innocent like that.
Posts: 10376/11757
I just ordered a cute little Chopper plushie. She liked a bunch of her friends pictures of him on FB... so, gonna wing it.

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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Trying to ask this girl out - hard mode

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