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03-12-25 12:12 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy birthday Cteno!
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Posts: 8944/9736

I am glad to hear that you have been having a good birthday. I don't think I've ever won that much playing slots. Good on ya.
Posts: 3306/3416
Originally posted by Rogue
And you'll never be as old as Stitch.

That is, until I figure out the secrets of cryogenics...

But yeah, I feel pretty old. Today was a good day, all things considered. Won $90 at the slot machines last night, got another $100 as birthday money, and finally bought the Razer mouse and keyboard that I've been wanting since forever.

The shittiness is starting to subside, to be honest -- I was able to re-enroll at the college and I'm taking Chemistry 221 this term and transferring to university next term. I'm managing a B in this class where the average is around 68%. I feel pretty damn good about that. Other than all that, I have a roof over my head and I have a great group of friends to turn to at any given moment.

Thanks for the birthday wishes and thank you guys for sticking around all these years. I know I'm usually a fairly quiet dude until something bad happens to me (then everybody gets an earful), but seriously, I appreciate all of you for being my friends. I don't think words can or will ever do it justice. <3
Posts: 10509/11918
And you'll never be as old as Stitch.

Happy birthday, Nelrith. Hope it's a good one after all the shittiness you've been going through.
Posts: 10641/11758
We're both getting old.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Happy birthday Cteno!

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