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Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Dragon Ball Super!
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Posts: 11680/11757
Originally posted by Cteno
I love what they did with Broly, and the movie in general! I'm a bit behind on Super. I watched all the way to the Tournament, figuring it was a good place to pick it back up when there were more episodes available (I like to binge watch).

That's the last arc!

I hope we see more of Caulifla going forward, loved her.
Posts: 3408/3416
I love what they did with Broly, and the movie in general! I'm a bit behind on Super. I watched all the way to the Tournament, figuring it was a good place to pick it back up when there were more episodes available (I like to binge watch).
Posts: 11673/11757
I'm hoping there's a high chance. It would be awesome to see Goku, Vegeta, etc, teaming up with him and Caulifla at some point.
Posts: 9668/9736
I am glad you got the chance to see it. I totally would enjoy seeing an OVA with Broly and friends. What do you think the chances are they may appear in Super down the line now that they are officially canon?
Posts: 11669/11757
That Super Broly movie was amazing! I loved it. Toriyama redeemed Broly like I had heard and I like how Broly was setup a bit like Goku from DB... Broly has his alien chick Bulma and the other dorky friend. Wouldn't mind a little OVA focused on them, or to see them again at some point.

Still crossing my fingers Super gets a TV continuation soon!
Posts: 9663/9736
Originally posted by Xeoman
I'm not surprised. Not sure if you knew this, but Toriyama himself worked on this like he did with Super! So it's great that Broly is now an actual character with a better backstory. Toriyama had nothing to do with the old movies and honestly, if you go back and watch the original Broly trilogy... they are really bad. Even Vegeta gets out of character in the first one and literally "gives up", going on about how worthless they are against Broly. That's so not-Vegeta!

His involvement shows. And yeah, I cannot imagine Vegeta giving up. Ever.
Posts: 11633/11757
I'm not surprised. Not sure if you knew this, but Toriyama himself worked on this like he did with Super! So it's great that Broly is now an actual character with a better backstory. Toriyama had nothing to do with the old movies and honestly, if you go back and watch the original Broly trilogy... they are really bad. Even Vegeta gets out of character in the first one and literally "gives up", going on about how worthless they are against Broly. That's so not-Vegeta!
Posts: 9646/9736
Honestly, I am used to the voices from DBZ Abridged for English, but it was still enjoyable.

We did end up seeing it, and yes, it was awesome. Without going into spoilers, they came up with a much better plot to explain Broly's rage instead of baby Goku crying. There were a few spots where you could see they took animation from the Xenoverse game, but it didn't detract from it at all.
Posts: 11629/11757
Have heard nothing but awesome things about the Super Broly movie. But I'm so accustomed to the Japanese voices now, I'll wait for the subs. It's doing gangbusters in Japan and now in the US, for an anime movie... so I think a continuation of Super is all but guaranteed at this point! Toei's going to want that money... DBZ's still got it!
Posts: 9642/9736
The boyfriend has kept up to date religiously. He is actually tempting me to call off tomorrow to watch the Broli movie.
Posts: 11398/11757
Anyone still watching? It's been absolutely amazing after the first two movie arcs.
Posts: 10783/11757

Posts: 10744/11757
Seriously... this nuclear news came out of nowhere. Bam, it starts up in two months!

The only weird thing is it kind of sounds like this might pickup where the series ended (probably excluding the weird time leap at the very end and Uub stuff, I hope, since it was terrible), and this might not connect with the new movies. Not sure. If so I definitely hope they bring in the God characters though, they were definitely awesome. Toriyama does villains best, so I can't wait to see what he comes up with for the next main one.
Posts: 3324/3416
Battle of the Gods is everything that should be in a Dragonball movie, and introduces by far the best villain to date.

I'm pretty damn hyped for the new show!
Posts: 10742/11757
Doooo it! Buu's not bad, though the dub is insanely bad in that arc though...

Did you check out Battle of Gods? Definitely the best movie. Can't wait for the new one to come out.
Posts: 8995/9736
Good, I can actually watch this then. Though, I do need to finish watching the Buu saga since I don't think I finished it (it's been a looooong time)
Posts: 10739/11757
Originally posted by Elara
So... does this mean that they are acting like GT never happened? Because I would like that.

Toriyama had nothing to do with GT, even the newest movie Battle of Gods and the MMO, both of which he helped work on, retcon GT.

So... yes, GT never happened.
Posts: 8993/9736
So... does this mean that they are acting like GT never happened? Because I would like that.
Posts: 10738/11757
New TV installment coming this July!

Someone pinch me?
Xeogaming Forums - Anime Lounge - Dragon Ball Super!

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