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02-05-25 04:35 AM
0 users currently in Xeo's Hot Tub.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Where is my throne
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Posts: 19/26
Originally posted by Xeoman
Yeah, social media killed classic forums like this and the general public has really ruined the internet in general.


At least here I feel like I can just say what I want for some reason, and how I want to say it, too (which sort of explains why, despite managing to be banned everywhere else on the face of earth, I never left here). Probably also why I'm not always keen on using IM, it's too fast for me much of the time and I worry about being too slow to respond, etc...
Posts: 11718/11758
Yeah, social media killed classic forums like this and the general public has really ruined the internet in general.
Posts: 14/26
Originally posted by Xeoman
Always nice to see you pop in again. Wish we could just get a dozen people to stay around like old times.

Same, looked like a really nice place back then, and from what you've told me in the past about how it used to be really active in like 2005-2007.

Wish we could just allocate a small bit of time to the board, or maybe we should, hmm. Taking a break from major social media and the likes for even a week and kicking back might be a good idea especially given everything going on.

At least you guys were born in a time where the internet was less serious, but you get to be equally as nostalgic about it.
Posts: 11699/11758
Always nice to see you pop in again. Wish we could just get a dozen people to stay around like old times.
Posts: 9/26
It certainly won’t have that “image uploaded on PhotoBucket” watermark anymore, I hope.
Posts: 2746/2746
*dusts off shitposting crown*
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Where is my throne

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