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02-05-25 05:50 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The Ultimate Riddle Challenge!
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Posts: 72/453
I think Pat Meth got it right but I am going to make my own guess

Where they born on February 29 which would be a leap year
Pat Meth
Posts: 83/153
We're in BC?
Posts: 394/1198
You guys must be oblivious to the fact that I've been busy as hell. And remember what I said about "no spamming"? Its still in effect.

Himura_Kenshin- 10 points
Makura- 9 points
Culgen- 7 points
X Marks the Spot- 4 points
Cyro Xero- 3 points
Avatar of Law- 3 points
Pat Meth- 3 points
True Flight- 2 points
Shuyin- 2 points
Xeios- 1 point
Cyrus- 1 point
Spartan- 1 point
Xeios- 1 point
Vulkar- 1 point

In 1991, a person is 14 years old. In 1996 that same person is 9 years old.
How is this possible?
avatar of law
Posts: 118/486
it's been over a week now, Sparda wants to get hit or something -.-'
Posts: 440/2954
Pat has the Answer. I just wanna know where the hell Sparda is, he hasn't been on in like. Ages...
Posts: 110/152
their are no documents of him being born in us thefore they only got documents of him being a mexican imagrent.
he lost his passport and got smuggled into the country and they dont know him as a us citizine but as a mexican one
Posts: 67/453
Because he has no family to bury him in the US
avatar of law
Posts: 108/486
when there was a draft, he left the country, therefore he was banned and cannot come back?
Pat Meth
Posts: 74/153
He's not dead?
Posts: 390/1198
Nope, not quite. Try again.
Posts: 61/1858
He was born in the US before it became the US.
Posts: 388/1198
Himura_Kenshin- 10 points
Makura- 9 points
Culgen- 7 points
X Marks the Spot- 4 points
Cyro Xero- 3 points
Avatar of Law- 3 points
True Flight- 2 points
Pat Meth- 2 points
Shuyin- 2 points
Xeios- 1 point
Cyrus- 1 point
Spartan- 1 point
Xeios- 1 point
Vulkar- 1 point

Well of course.

Johnson lived in Mexico but was born in the US. Why can't he be buried in the US?
Posts: 60/1858
He was an executioner and she was to be executed.
Posts: 387/1198
You're thinking outside the box. I like that, but no. Try again.
Pat Meth
Posts: 73/153
He's a circus performer who does some sort of dangerous act (knife throwing?) with her and one day something goes wrong and he screws up and kills her?
Posts: 386/1198
No. Please refer back to the hint I gave. It should be more than enough to answer the question.
Posts: 58/1858
Because he was put on trial for killing her previously and was found guilty. Later he finds out she didn't really die, so he goes and kills her. However, because of Double Jeopardy he can't be tried for the same crime....

Posts: 405/2954
The man gets in an accident with his wife in the car who dies.
Posts: 109/152
becuase their playing a video game?
Posts: 384/1198
Hahahaha, I love your answer Zabuza. But no, so far, none of the answers are correct.

Hint: He gets paid to do this.
This is a long thread. Click here to view it.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The Ultimate Riddle Challenge!

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