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03-11-25 03:31 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Challenge from the ChaoticDeath
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Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 211/4541
Again, sparda forgot Y-35's other hand. Y-35's hand went up and slapped Sparda's hand, and made the blast go wide of him.

It jumped back, and then stabbed one sword toward Sparda's chest, and used the other sword to block Sparda's sword from hitting it's, resulting in the fact that Sparda's sword would not be able to block.
Posts: 368/1198
Sparda could feel a incredibly powerful kick launch his sword backwards. He instantly tightened his grasp so that the sword was only knocked back, but not out of his grasp. Of course, this left him vulnerable to Y-35's slash. Fortunately for him, however, Y-35 was slashing at his waist rather than his chest. Since the dent on his armor was on his chest, the slash to his waist would have no effect on the mithril. As a result, the slash connected but no damage was taken for the Mithril Chain Mail stood strong against the blade of the sword.

Seeing as how the slash would not be effective at all, Sparda held up his left hand and launched Blast (without preperation) at Y-35's head at near point blank range. His Decimate may not have had much effect against his fierce opponent, but Blast definitely would. Plus, since this attack was launched while his opponent's slash was still occuring, dodging it would be almost impossible.

Blast- Blast is a rather simple attack that can dish out quite a lot of damage and can be unleashed in such a quick manner that it seems almost instant. Sparda, gathering massive amounts of energy from all around him, concentrates it into one massive white orb. This massive orb, upon its completion, is launched instantly at the opponent. Though the blast is truly massive, 100 ft in diameter, it travels at a rather moderate speed. However, this made up by its amazing damaging ability. Since the Blast can neither be reflected, absorbed, nor changed in anyway, it makes for a very useful attack, despite its obvious speed disability.
However, the longer Blast is charged up for, the faster it can travels. If the attack is unleashed without preparation, it travels at a slow-moderate speed. If it is prepared for for at least one turn, then it will travel at a speed 25% faster than it not being prepared at all. For each turn that it is prepared for, its speed will increase 25%. However, the transition from energy to orb to beam is almost instant, which makes interruption of this attack almost impossible.

Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 207/4541
ooc: Mostly, the cameras are an exception, but their wires are sent though a maze of tiny passages, and if the cameras are deactivated Y-35 could always use a different form of sensors.

ic: Y-35 quickly pulled its leg in, and as Sparda's sword went down, Y-35 attempted to kick it with an extreme speed and strength, to knock the sword out of Sparda's hand. If it failed, then Y-35 would swing its sword at Sparda's waist
Posts: 362/1198
Off: Your entire body is coated with this armor?

Though the kick Y-35 launched at him was powerful, it certainly wasn't very fast. Watching everything as if it were in slow motion, he quite easily sidestepped the kick and as a reflex, instantly swung his sword at his exposed leg. He may not be able to penetrate the armor at his current strength level, but at least he would be able to dent it.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 194/4541
ooc: I love it when people try that type of attack.

ic: Y-35 has an unusual type of armour. It is made of copper atoms, only highly compressed to an atomic lavel, so that there is absolutely no space between the atoms. This makes Y-35's armour unpenetrable, and stronger than almost anything else humans have seen.

The beam was not able to penetrate Y-35. It was perfect able to handle the decimating attack.

Y-35 kicked at Sparda's damaged mithril, with strength that could have ruined Adamantium.
Posts: 346/1198
Luckily for him, Sparda's mithril chain mail was more than capable of protecting its user in such a situation. Since magic was the only thing capable of destroying it, it prevented the second blade from penetrating Sparda's skin and flesh after he sucessfully blocked the first sword. However, the sword left an unusual dent in the chain mail, suggesting that it was now weaker than before. However, what was important was that Sparda survived the combo without suffering some major wounds.

Now, since both fighters were within swordplay range, that meant they were exceptionally close to each other. Therefore, Sparda suddenly shot his left hand forward with great swiftness and speed and unleashed Decimate at nearly point blank range at Y-35's head. Only the trained eye would be able to notice that now, his left arm seemed to be coated with a strange aura.

Decimate- This ability is a very unique ability and very deadly though it is lacking in some areas. Sparda shoots his hand forward with his index finger pointing at the opponent, or anything else. Using a combination of pure psyche energy as well as his own blood energy, Sparda unleashes a strictly non-elemental beam that is only a half a centimeter in width. Though it travels only in a perfect straight line, its power is devastating, literally able to penetrate anything and everything (except for very rare and extremely extraordinary occasions). The speed in which this thin beam travels is quite great, almost, but not exceeding that of the speed of sound. Deflecting this beam is virtually impossible due to the fact that it will basically penetrate the source of the deflection. Portals or vortexes are rendered useless due to the beam’s special ability to literally rip through them, though whiteholes are an exception (the strength of a whitehole can be calculated as 10 supernovas). This beam cannot be absorbed into something that is not living. If Decimate is absorbed into a being that is in fact living, meaning it can move and or breathe, it will instantly eat away at the opponent’s soul as well as the heart and brain.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 173/4541
ooc: Both were right. It landed several feet away from you, and in the process of landing thenwith the increased blade length, went for your head.

ic: Y-35 fortunatley had two swords, so with the spare one, it hit Sparda's sword, and attempting to swing his far to the side. If it succeeded, it would stab at Sparda's chest, and if he blocked it on time, Y-35 would use its sword to get into a sword lock, and use the the free sword to execute the same manuever.
Posts: 338/1198
OFF: First you say that you landed several feet from me. Then you say you landed on myhead. Not sure which one to go by so I'm just going to assume that you did in fact execute a strike at my head with your sword.

Seeing the Y-35 increase the length of his sword, Sparda grinned menacingly as he readied his own deadly sword in his right hand. His enemy's slash was strong and also quite fast, becoming a mere blur when it was launched at him. However, Sparda was quite ready for it as he suddenly held up his sword so that both blades made contact and sparks were sent flying. He stopped the slash before it could reach him and entered a very brief weapon deadlock with his opponent before he quickly stepped back, exitting the deadlock, and sent great diagonal slash at Y-35 from his lower left to his upper right.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 166/4541
ooc: No problem.

ic: Y-35 quickly identifieed the spell, and realized the best way to dodge this would be from above.

It jumped, and eneded up over Sparda, hovering with its small rocket place into its torso. It stayed up until the blast had passed, and landed within a few feet of Sparda. Recognizing the length of his sword, it increased the length of its sword, and sent a strike while landing at Sparda's head.
Posts: 329/1198
OFF: Sorry. I had completely forgotten about this.

Sparda simply jumped back as he saw Y-35 charging recklessly and blindly with his swords raised. Going in there with his own sword raised would just be foolish. After all, his opponent was in fact a robot. It would be wise to test the limits of his capabilities first. And thus, since he was still out of swordplay range of Y-35, he unleashed his signature blast at the advancing robot.

Sparda Blast- Sparda charges immense amounts of energy into his body in a very short amount of time. Sparda then slams his fists together forming an enormous particle beam that contains massive upon massive amounts of destructive energy. The beam is launched at the opponent and grows wider and wider every few inches, thus making its width the size of a very small moon by the time it reaches the opponent. The beam boasts incredible powers and damage, and due to its widening effect, dodging is extremely difficult. This beam is made up of Sparda’s own special blood energy. Thus, it cannot be copied in anyway, nor can it be absorbed or reflected back at Sparda.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 106/4541
"Of course." Y-35 ran at Sparda and started to swing the swords recklessly with unrivaled strength, confident that its melee sheild would protect it.
Posts: 281/1198
"No. I would actually prefer to see all that you are capable of."

Sparda held up his hand once more and slowly curled his fingers into a fist, dismissing the Halo and retrieving the energy that he used to make it. He looked at Y-35, his dark brown eyes unblinking. He was looking at him, now with an emotionless expression upon his face. With his sword grasped tightly in his right hand, he waited.

"Now then, shall we take this up another step?"
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 104/4541
The robot did another flip, and the disk passed over it. "So be it, your offensive also. But in exchange, I get my short range flame-throwers."
Posts: 278/1198
Sparda looked at Y-35 for another second and slowly began to laugh, a menacing laugh filled malice. He may have been a legendary warrior and a master swordsman, he was not one who willing accepted the offers of others. And besides, accepting to such terms meant that the only abilities he could unleash were defensive, which also meant that he was literally fighting as a plain mortal with a sword and a tint of magic within him where as his opponent was a robot. Though this, of course, would have been quite an easy accomplishment, he was in no mood to waste time.

"No. My terms were to unleash all effects of my weapon, not just the defensive. Therefore, I do not accept."

And with that, Sparda lowered his left hand, causing the Halo to redirect itself right back at Y-35 again, this time from the back.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 103/4541
"As long as all it effects are close range defensive, then you can use the special abilities. However, it cannot contain personal shields or related. I will allow you the first move with this. Remember, no magic to increase your speed."
Posts: 277/1198
Sparda held up his left hand, halting the Halo in its position and listened to Y-35's proposal indifferently. It was certainly an interesting proposal, one that he had not heard for a while. However, the way his opponent worded the offer made him suspicious. He glared at him with his dark brown eyes.

"I am a swordsman. Thus, I have to accept. However, concerning swordplay, will you accept the terms of being able to unleash the inner ability of the weapon itself. If not, then I refuse, and we will continue as we are."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 91/4541
Y-35 jumped out of the way of the Halo, and activated camera to pay attention if the disk came back.

"That is an interesting disk. Were it in the hands of another, such as Jexim, I would take the time to study it."

It considered activating flamethrowers,but changed its mind. The Chaotic Death would most likely have no problems with defending from it.

"I have a proposal for you. We may fight sword to sword. I will use no plasma, or ranged technology, and you will do the same with no magic or ranged abilities. Purely sword to sword, unless in defense where we can use what we want. Does this sound acceptable? I believe this fight could last a very long time otherwise."
Posts: 265/1198
occ: No prob.

Sparda had been faced with such 'sonic weaponry' before. Thus, he understood what was necessary to survive through one. As soon as he heard the very first soundwaves of the attack, he immediately used his sword to execute a technique called Song of Hell. The Song of Hell technique, when used properly, can negate harmful soundwaves, in turn cancelling both soundwaves out. Therefore, Sparda almost immediately regained focuse, saved by his technique despite the fact that he could have easily set up a mental barrier.

Around this time, almost all the trees were gone. Therefore, the fires slowly died out, leaving nothing but charred stumps. What was once a beautiful large forest was now nothing but wasteland. However, he took no heed of his as he quickly, with his left hand, formed a small orb which instantly metamorphed into the Halo technique which he unleashed at a devastating speed at Y-35.

Song of Hell- Using the Deathsword’s eye of Chaos, Sparda creates a screech like none other heard on the face of the universe. The screech is truly one to be feared for it can shatter almost any form of barrier and shield. It is not meant to damage the opponent excessively, rather, it is used to destroy any existing shields/barriers as well as temporarily paralyze and disable the opponent, allowing Sparda use this moment to lay down a finishing move. This technique can also be used in collaboration with a charging period before a powerful technique.

Halo- Sparda takes a large portion of his energy and materializes it into an enormous spiked pinwheel of massive strength that is 20 feet in diameter. This enormous spiked pinwheel is truly a formidable attack/weapon for it can instantly repair itself when it is broken and it’s very sleek design allows it to cut through absolutely everything and anything without being slowed or stopped by friction or wind. If thrown, this deadly projectile will fly straight at the enemy and will always return to Sparda whenever he beckons it, no matter what stands in its way. This is made possible due to Sparda’s psychic powers. Sparda can also skillfully handle Halo like a weapon, using its inner edge or center as a handle to slice and dice the enemy. Halo can only be dismissed by its master’s call.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 74/4541
ooc: Sorry, I was in a bit of a hurry when I typed. I edited that word in my post.

ic: Y-35 jumped over the slices, and extended a fourth arm. Now then all three were carrying swords. "It is interesting that you had something so minor as your second attack."

It activated sonic weaponary designed to give the opponent a headache to confuse thinking, and if exposed to it for long enough(fifty posts), most would pass out.

The sonics would continue working, and could not be dodged unless the opponent went faster then the speed of sound.
Posts: 952/1198
OFF: Xeios?? WHERE?!

Sparda looked at the plasma pistols and was hardly amused or impressed. He never did respect those who had to rely on human projectile-arms for it meant to him that they were incapable of everythign else, regardless of how powerful the projectile was. After all, technology is too easily controlled. And with that, he instantly held up his left hand, his palm pointed at his opponent as well as the advancing bolts. With just the merest thought, he stopped the plasma bolts in their tracks and forced them into the trees where they caused the fire to become even greater.

All this was done as he continued charging forward so that his slash would still be executed, even after his opponent unleashed his plasma bolts.
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Xeogaming Forums - Sim-Battle Arena - Challenge from the ChaoticDeath

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