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03-11-25 03:31 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Official Photo Album Thread
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Posts: 11764/11918
That's Lee/Stitch.

We didn't have our bridesmaids/groomspeople dress in any particular way. Brandon's original best man was his brother, but he couldn't make it. I expected him to do the tuxedo shirt.
Posts: 11643/11758
That's so epic!

Also... I recognize the person second from the left... the name escapes me though?
Posts: 11759/11918
Originally posted by Rogue
I'm not a fan of the running-off-to-Vegas or going-to-the-courthouse way around it. It's a great way for other people, but I actually want a full wedding with a reception if I'm going to do this shit.

Brandon's teen-aged sister was pressured to just get married in her pastor's office because she and her daughter were living with her would-be husband already and were told that if they were planning on doing that they had to sign some celibacy agreement. Apparently they couldn't last two weeks and were worried about being all the gossip in their little church community. When we finally had the wedding up in Washington (at Bran and Sara's mom's insistence and all out of her pocket, at that), it was technically a one-year anniversary vow renewal and everyone up there treated it like a joke. Those who showed up, ate their sandwiches, cut the cake early, and left. The wedding and reception was over in under two hours. It was worse than the shit-show in Gogol Bordello's "American Wedding" video. No one danced and exchange all the white lace with brown burlap.

I don't really want to break the bank here, but I also don't want... that.

We're two years out, and we haven't picked any venues, but we've hired a band and hair/makeup person so far.

And I'm happy our wedding didn't turn out that way.

Posts: 1565/1569
Originally posted by Xeoman
Dang Spartan! Been a minute.

You're ready for Cyberpunk 2077. haha

You have no idea man, I am so fucking hyped.
Posts: 11547/11758
Dang Spartan! Been a minute.

You're ready for Cyberpunk 2077. haha
Posts: 1564/1569
I did a thing for giggles.

Posts: 42/56
Originally posted by Luigi442wii
You look pretty good leggy, kinda cute
tbh. :3

I used to hate my appearance growing up, and it wasn't until relatively recently that I grew into my skin.

Now, if I put in any effort, work with my hair, and trim my beard, I look presentable enough that I consider myself to be decent looking.

Basically I've gone from being a 3-4 to being a 6-7 in my own eyes. Which is all I really wanted growing up, so I can't complain.
Posts: 70/155
You look pretty good leggy, kinda cute tbh. :3
Posts: 15/56
Eh, I trust you all enough that I think you can be allowed to see my face (not a secret anyways)

Only one that's relatively recent that isn't a group shot, or me without my shirt on (long story short, I seem to take a lot of those shots at jiu-jitsu, maybe it's the whole feeling good nonsense)
Posts: 545/546
I'm bald.

Posts: 11401/11758
Storm!?!? Kid's thesedays...

Saw it on FB, damn good pic Rogue.
Posts: 11479/11918

It was Super Hero Day at my center on Friday. Such a fun day. Lots of clients came wearing their hero shirts. A few actually dressed up in capes and everything.

Three people thought I was Storm.

Posts: 1558/1569
Soooooo. I did another thing with my hair.

Posts: 11455/11918
Me, a couple weekends ago.

True Flight
Posts: 5242/5245
So, no one really has seen any pictures unless they know me on facebook.

This is my mini me:

Posts: 1551/1569
I did a thing.

Posts: 3376/3416
I deleted my Photobucket (and with it, my old layouts). I will bear the burden of the rest of my cringe as a reminder of how long stuff stays online, haha.
Posts: 11253/11758
Yeah it happens at our age haha. The way of life.

PM'd about FX too.
Posts: 1540/1569
Originally posted by Xeoman
It's really good. Looks like it's straight out of a Judas Priest cover, maybe that's just me though haha.

You should bring back everyone to the board!

I just bugged FX about the board a few moments ago actually. Most of us from the old Petaluma gang drifted and went our separate ways as folks are want to do. I'll ping some of the other folks though. Made the mistake of reading through my old posts, dear god there is some cringey shit.

E: FX needs his password reset
Posts: 11252/11758
It's really good. Looks like it's straight out of a Judas Priest cover, maybe that's just me though haha.

You should bring back everyone to the board!
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Official Photo Album Thread

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