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03-11-25 03:31 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Ten Commandments Displays On Government Property
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Posts: 2060/9736
Um, Ginji, sorry to burst your bubble, but the Catholic religion is a Christian religion. That was like saying don't mix Paganism with Wicca.
avatar of law
Posts: 110/486
Originally posted by Vulkar

Last but not least, why the heck are people offended about this? Next thing you know, people will be offended because we havn't had an atheist politician.

i'm sure for the same reasons they were offended by janet jackson...
Posts: 144/546
Originally posted by Ginji
Jin, don't mix Christianity with Catholicism.

Oh really? I was actually refering MAINLY to Southern Baptist neoconservative nazi type of people.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 360/4541
Avatar, I'm pretty the versions in court are shorter then that.

Also, freedom of religion, as others have said, is only freedom. That does not give us the right to strip away anything that has any reference to another religion.

Last but not least, why the heck are people offended about this? Next thing you know, people will be offended because we havn't had an atheist politician.
Posts: 220/1858
Jin, don't mix Christianity with Catholicism.

And Avatar of Law hit the nail on the head. The first four Commandments have nothing to do with being a law abiding citzen of the United States.

If the governement dispalyed the commandments it would be a violation of "Separation of Church and State."
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 968/1852
Really does say that, dosn't it? x-x.
I can't believe I completly forgot about the few lines stating that. I apologize for anny offense I might have given you Avatar.

Jin, your ignorance of the Christiantiy releligion only makes yourself look like an idiot. While it may be true that I forge tdeals here and there myself, but I don't believe that Christains are so called "Supiriorist."

PM me you evedence that Christance are "christians are all about smug superiority" because this alone is insulting enough to the 30% or so of us. (out of the total population of the world.) I rather noth plauge this thread long enough with bicker between us. Lets continue on the PM, and I'll change your tone about Christianity.
avatar of law
Posts: 104/486
Originally posted by Moo Cow!

The only reason why theres a contraversy going on here is because the ones who raised the problem don't know how to live their own fucking life. They have a problem when somthing decent comes along and must spoil it.

These are the people who would sue you for no fucking reason.

The Ten Commandments is a nice idea. They are not emphasising Christianity.

first off, so the ten commandments are not emphasising christianity? wow, because:

1st Commandment; Verse 3: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." sure seems to imply a lot... -.-' *sarcastically*

2nd Commandment; Verses 4-6: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments." oh no, that sure has nothing to do with christianity... what were we thinking... -.-' *sarcastically*

3rd Commandment; Verse 7: "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." yep, these do help our everyday life, it has nothing to do with religion whatsoever -.-' *sarcastically*

4th Commandment; Verses 8-11: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." wow, what were we liberals thinking, THESE have nothing to do with christians, i must be really stupid to say otherwise. i'm sure this will help my everyday life as it has nothing to do with christianity *sarcastically*

i dont think i need to go on, my point has been made. some of us should think before he decides to make such a false claim... this truly offends me.
Posts: 137/546
I understood that "or" but your comments are a tad bit dismissive of atheists.

Which only feeds into my theory that christians are all about smug superiority. And common sense really cuts against the idealism of putting all your eggs in one basket.. that you can't see.. and has never had a shred of evidence.
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 967/1852
Jin, before you speak, read posts carfully. I said OR
Thoes who quit school mis out on the very well needed community interaction with other students. By that, you shape your personality for the better (hopfully) and you develop a little thing people call Commen Sense.
Posts: 135/546
What in ANY way does someone who has no religion have to do with not finishing school?

Sounds like you're the one being a tad ignorant.
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 965/1852
I'm just saying that Anything can be used as a Contraversial subject that will be taken to court over. Half the people who complain about them are just ignorant fools who think their never wrong. One's who, more or less, have no type of religion, or ones who never finished school.

Today they're bitching about the Government's Freedom of Speech, tomarrow their complaing because we have the word "Race"
(Referring to the Everyone is Equal deal.)
Posts: 2026/9736
Children, don't make me turn this board around! *said in mom-voice*

I kinda get what you mean Kaijin, but the way you said it made it seem otherwise. And why would all controversies have to suddenly be avoided just because the Ten Commandments was taken down from the couthouses? Each should be delt with separetly.

I personally like George Carlin's version of the Ten Commandments, since he breaks them down to two: whole monologue herel.
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 963/1852
Originally posted by Jin
Very nice attitude for an admin. =)
The first to flame is the first to admit defeat. Thank you and good-day sir.

Ah, but I am just stating a Fact. There is no flam about it, just one that is aggrivated through the ignorance of another. Gooday to you too.
Posts: 132/546
Very nice attitude for an admin. =)

The first to flame is the first to admit defeat. Thank you and good-day sir.
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 960/1852
Originally posted by Elara
Kaijin, I don't know why you think it is, but evolution is not a religion, it is a scientific theory. To say that means that you think it is otherwise, and that is rediculous.

Elara, I never said it WAS a religion. I put that in there beca use its a contraversial subject lately (Evolotion vs Creationism) If you read back through my post, I just threw out a bunch of meaningless topics that people could very easy go to court over.

And Jin, If your talking bout me, you can kiss my fucking ass. I really couldn't care less if Evolution made us, or if we we're sculpted. All I know for sure is that we're here now, and thats all that really matters.
Posts: 131/546
Elara, It's pointless to talk sense of the theory of evolution to christians.

It really is.

I'm really starting to believe in evolution the more and more I study the big bang.
Posts: 2024/9736
They still say the Pledge Torque. I will start a separate thread on that just to keep this one on topic.

Kaijin, I don't know why you think it is, but evolution is not a religion, it is a scientific theory. To say that means that you think it is otherwise, and that is rediculous.
Posts: 130/546
I refuse to pledge allegance to the flag not only because it's pledgeing an allegance to god (in a way) but to this country.

I think it's absolutely hillarious to listen to all these so called christians try to tell me why they should be able to display their religious relics all over a place of government where they claim to uphold a seperation of church in state.

I don't expect to walk into a government building and see that stuff just like I don't expect to see satanic painting everywhere. Religion doesn't belong in those places. At all.

Just like it absolutely doesn't belong in schools. Keep at home and in church folks.
Posts: 51/158
the ten commandments stand for god and the right way to do things but i think some people dont like god and that is one reason we dont say the pledge any more because some a**hole didnt want his daughter saying under god. Well god is the supreme ruler and if u dont want ur child to say under god then right a not to the teacher for her not to say the pledge but the rest of us might want to show some respect to our country and to god.
Kaijin Surohm
Posts: 956/1852
I'm going to put this simply.
The only reason why theres a contraversy going on here is because the ones who raised the problem don't know how to live their own fucking life. They have a problem when somthing decent comes along and must spoil it.

These are the people who would sue you for no fucking reason.

The Ten Commandments is a nice idea. They are not emphasising Christianity, or any other religion, the Ten Commandments are there to help people become a better person. Just like the 8 keys to employability is to help Job Hunters. Its only a coincidence that the Ten Commandmence came from a Religion.

If teh Ten Commandments are taken down, then they'll need to stop teaching Evolution, then they'll need to completly irradicate the words "African America" or "Mexican" from our languages, They'll need to stop any special treatments women may, or maynot get, they'll need to stop giving out Retirement plans to the elderly, they'll need tos top taxing us on every fuckign thing in the world, children under the age of 16 will be givin the right to go to school or not, gas prices will god own...

Do you guys see where I'm getting at?
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - Ten Commandments Displays On Government Property

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