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03-12-25 12:13 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Behind the Mask
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Posts: 504/838
"The only constant in the world is that things change. Things change, people
change, there is ALWAYS change." Kasai paused as if gathering his thoughts
and leaned a little more heavily on the hilt of his sword.

"I've had a lot of changes happen to me over the last 130 years or so. Change
happens. You either learn to live and grow with it or you stagnant and die.
Personally, I think growing is a better option."

He flashed her a kind smile and then walked off into the shadows, once
he was in the dark he settled down against a cave wall and sits quietly watching
the camp.

ooc: Sorry for the long wait I've been really uber busy lately. Here it is.
Posts: 633/1461
Artemis turns facing Kasai and gives him a small smile. "I was just thinking of the begining is all. I started off nothing more than the only daughter of farmers pretty much and now I'm the queen of a very successful kingdom. So much has change. At times I wonder if I'm still the same person I once was. " She sighs and then give him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry Kasai, I didn't mean to just babble on like that. I'm a bard by nature and sometimes that makes me talk than most would want me to, especially about myself."
Posts: 502/838
Kasai sat against a tree, keeping a wary eye on the camp. Standing he moves
across the camp towards Aretmis, removing the large Bastard sword that he
kept strapped across his back.

When he reached her he set the tip of the sheathe on the ground and leaned his
forearms on the hilt as he gazed out into the dark beneath the trees. "Anything
on your mind?" he asked quietly.
Posts: 629/1461
OOC: You people are nuts, but I'm such a people pleaser. The rp continues. Let it be known that I am currently looking for up to two more players for the game. Need character information (class, history, apperance, weapons) pm it to me. The cahracter needs to be made a level five character. Race needs to be human, elven (or half), gnome, halfling, dwarf, half-orc and in this case drow (don't forget the level ajustment if ou take drow). Also, no evil alignments. Spread the word around.

*Artemis yawns again and shakes her head, continue to look out into the darkness. She she looks over at the group* "To think so much has happened and so much ahs changed since I first left home."
Posts: 224/472
Under his cart Avron glances once in the direction of someone in the group, but stops and shakes his head as if to reprimand himself. Laying down all the way Avron closes his eyes and starts to drift off to a fitful sleep.

OOC: I'm staying. And I want to continue this. If there are a few others that are interested in this, then let them try their hands at it.
Posts: 2306/9736
OOC: Well, Abazaba seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, so I think we should just kill him off. Perhaps allow one new person to join might help, but I don't know. I'm all for playing it still since I want to know what happens. Pockets seems to post when he is on, and now that it is his turn for watch he should be active again.

*Elara sank down the the ground where Artemis had been, slipping deep into her Reverie as she felt Shadow join her, the cat's warm body sprawled out next to hers*

*Cryus twitched in his sleep, the necromancer was clearly having some odd dreams*
Posts: 628/1461
*Artemis yawns and streches* "Thank you Elara, rest well." *she grabs her crossbow and long sword which were right next to her and she shields the sword and puts the cross bow at her side and walks over to an area where she can begin to keep watch.*

OOC: ok, do people want to quite this, the only active people are Elara and GuardianOni. If it's just going to be you two, I think, sadly, it's time to put this rp to rest, what do the players say?
Posts: 216/472
Avron moves up to Kasai. Kneeling down next to him Avron shakes the elf awake. "Your turn. All's quiet."

Avron lookes over at Artemis and back at Kasai. Then with a nod he moves to lay half under his cart.
Posts: 2274/9736
*Glad that watch passed silently, Elara made her way over to Artemis to wake her for the next watch. She knealed down and gently shook her awake*

"You're turn for watch. All's quiet so far."
Posts: 618/1461
Elara and Avron. You watch passes and nothing eventful passes ((I the dice are being nice or annoying, not sure which)). It's time to wake the next pair to keep watch.
Posts: 2265/9736
*She glanced around the campsite, noticing how much light was being emmited from their light sources and how far out it was traveling*

"I'm planning on patrolling the edge of the camp at least once and then taking a perch on that group of boulders opposite of Shadow for awhile. I'm a bit leary of staying stationary in a place like this."
Posts: 211/472
Avron looks up. "Oh... I was wondering if you were settle down some place, or if you were going to patrol." He said simply. "Since we are on watch together I thought that I should know." Avron shrugs.

Putting his back against the wall he looked across the cavern to the other entrance. To one side he saw the dark outline of shadow as a reflection to light illuminated the ledge the large cat was on. Looking back at Elara he said, "I think that we have the area well covered."

Avron looked back at the entrance he was near, and sat down on a rock jutting out from the wall. Adjusting the covered sword so he could sit more comfortably he held the knocked bow ready in his lap.

Looking up at Elara he asks, "What are you going to do now?"
Posts: 2259/9736
*Elara jumped a bit as Avron addressed her, since she had just been listening in on his converstation. She looked over at him and noticed him looking away. Walking over she moved so that he was looking at her again. She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him*

"Am I what?"
Posts: 209/472
Avron shrugged. "You know more about this than I. If you think of something, could you tell me?" Avron paused for a moment then said. "But for now I think you should get some rest."

Avron stepped away from Farn to find a spot to settle down for watch. As he leaned against a wall of the cavern he adjusted his covered sword so that it rested comfortably over his right shoulder. Avron then knocked an arrow on the bow in his hand

Avron looked around the cavern and saw Elara. "Are you..." He started, but stopped talking, and looked away.
Posts: 2238/9736
*Elara looked at the surrounding area for a good vantage point but quickly noticed that it would be better in this case to not stay in one place just to be safe. Shadow lept onto a small shelf in the near rock wall and looked around. Elara looked up at the cat and gave her a look that must have a meaning to the jaguar*

"Whatever works for you, Shadow."

*She glanced over at Avron and Kasai, and as she moved around the parameter of the campsite towards them she focused her hearing on their conversation. It was not like her to eavesdrop, but something in their expressions told her that there was something wrong*

*Cryus found a nice spot for the "night" and took out his spellbook, before he began to read his spells for the coming day he looked up to see what everyone else was doing, especially Dave, Pel, and Artemis*

Posts: 208/472
Avron looks up at Kasai from checking Farn's shoe. Setting down the hoof Avron stood and looked across the cave to Artemis. Looking back at Kasai he said in a low voice. "Yes, but I just thought it might have been the walk. Could it be something more?"
Posts: 497/838
Kasai wanders over to Avron where he is tending to his war horse. "Did you notice,
Artemis?" he asks quietly. "I only picked it up a few times but it's defenitely there."
Posts: 612/1461
Artemis nods "Alright, so Elara, Shadow and Avron will take first watch. I'll take second watch with Kasai and Dave and Pell can take the last watch. I want to make sure our main spell casters have the rest they need. Probably best we just stick to that pattern if we can."

Pel nods "Sounds good to me, everyone else, lets turn in and get some rest. Don't you two forget to wake up the next watch in four hours or so."
Posts: 207/472
Avron looked at Artemis with a furrowed brow for a moment, then says. "I need to tend to Farn before I rest. Makes sense for me to." Avron got down from the cart and unhitched Farn, who walked a few paces away and stood waiting for Avron.

Avron started to tend to Farn.
Posts: 2230/9736
"Shadow and I will gladly take first watch," Elara answered. "Though anyone else is welcomed to join us."

*Cryus gently lowered his pack to the ground and took a seat next to it*

"I would volunteer for first, but I really need my rest. I will take last watch after I can study my spells again and sleep."
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Xeogaming Forums - Role Play - Behind the Mask

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