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02-05-25 12:51 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Lacuna Coil
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Posts: 1210/9736

Vocals (female): Cristina Scabbia
Vocals (male): Andrea Ferro
Bass: Marco Coti Zelati
Guitars: Maus (might be Bass as well, not sure)
Guitars: Cristiano Migliore
Drums: Cristiano "Criz" Mozzati
Posts: 1617/11758
Spyware sent me a song a few days ago, and I have to say I wasn't disappointed.

Not sure if I'd even listen to them on my own free time, but I liked what I heard.
Posts: 8/10
Wow. Lacuna Coil is awesome. I didn't know that many people who knew who they were. My favorite songs are Swamped and Heaven's a Lie. It seems that Heaven's a Lie is very popular among everyone here who likes Lacuna Coil. So does anyone know the name of the band members? I would like to know, because I bought their album "Comalies", but I can't find what any of their names are. I would especially like to know the name of the female vocalist.
Posts: 2057/9736
Lacuna Coil is a kick ass band! My friend introduced me to them about a year ago, saying that they were basically a much better version of Evanescence, more goth... and Italian. I love the band, and Heaven's A Lie is one of my favorite songs by them... although I really have taken a shine to Senzafine more. I mean, to hear them sing in English is awesome, but that song is in Italian and it just blows you away.
Posts: 688/720
Heavens a lie is a awesome song, i first heard it on the MTV2 headbanger ball CD .
Posts: 466/219
I like Lacuna coil alot to, but there is one band that has a female singer that I think is better than them, that would be Nightwish...they just kick ass. but Lacuna coil is a really good group to. my favorite song is Heavens a lie
Posts: 684/720
They Do have a nice kinda flow feel to them makura. Thats why i think there better then all of the other bands with female vocals, cause most of the other bands, their songs are split where the lyrics are giving out another feeling then the music.

Posts: 299/1555
Angel's Punishment is a kick ass song. I really like bands that have both male and female vocalist, their music has sort of a trance like flow.
Posts: 531/838
I personally love their song Heavens and Lie and Angels Punishment. My two favorite songs by them.
Posts: 682/720
Yes Lacuna Coil A nice new rock band of the last few years. They have a male and female vocailst, but mostly female.

The vocals blend in with the guitar/bass lines and make the whole feel of the song greater. Lacuna coil owns all the other bands like them. Kittie, Evaneascne(SP)

There just awesome.

(if anyone would like to hear one of their songs i can send em to you )
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Lacuna Coil

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